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View Hierarchies

Use this window only for values you use in segments of the Accounting Flexfield in Oracle General Ledger.

You cannot make changes to your hierarchy structures in this zone.

Navigate Buttons


Choose Up to view the values at the level just above your current value. If this value is a parent value, you can choose Down to view the child values that belong to the current value. If this value has more than one parent, you see a list of the parent values to which you can navigate. If you choose Up after navigating down a networked hierarchy, you move up to the parent you navigated down from most recently.

If you move up or down in the hierarchy structure, this window automatically changes the parent value displayed in the Parent Value field to show you the parent value in the level immediately above the level of the values you are viewing.

For example, suppose you have a hierarchy structure (in this case a networked structure) like this:

    _________|___________              00003
    100      200      300              __|_________
 ____|____         ____|______        /    403  503
 101   102         301 302 303 <----- 
                     303A 303B 303C

where 303 is a child of both 300 and 00003. Suppose you want to look at the structure starting with the value 1000 in the Segment Values zone. When you open the View Hierarchies window, you see:

Parent  1000
Down    300

You choose Down with your cursor on 300, as shown above (Down is your only choice for this value). Once you choose Down, you then see (immediately):

Parent  300
Down    303 

You choose Down with your cursor on 303, as shown above (you can choose from Up or Down for this value). Once you choose Down, you then see:

Parent   303
Down    303B

You choose Down with your cursor on 303B, as shown above (you can choose from Up, Down, or Network for this value). Once you choose Down, you then see:

Parent  303B
Up      303BB

You choose Up, as shown above (you can only choose Up for this value). Once you choose Up, you then see:

Parent   303
Network 303B

At this point, your cursor is next to the value 303B and the parent displayed in the Parent Value zone is 303. When you choose up, you can either go back up to your original parent value (303, which has the parent value 300), or you can go over to the other hierarchy path that leads to the parent value 00003. Once you choose 303B, you see a window offering you the two choices 300 and 00003 (these choices indicate the values that would appear in the Parent Value field. You will see 303 in the Children block if you make either choice), and 300 is highlighted. You choose 00003 this time, and then you see:

Parent  00003

At this point you cannot go up any further in the hierarchy structure.

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