Persistent Objects

When using the DPL, you store data in the underlying JE databases by making objects persistent. You do this using Java annotations that both identify the type of persistent object you are declaring, as well as the primary and secondary indices.

The following are the annotations you will use with your DPL persistent classes:

Annotation Description
@Entity Declares an entity class; that is, a class with a primary index and optionally one or more indices.
@Persistent Declares a persistent class; that is, a class used by an entity class. They do not have indices but instead are are stored or retrieved when an entity class makes direct use of them.
@PrimaryKey Declares a specific data member in an entity class to be the primary key for that object. This annotation must be used one and only one time for every entity class.
@SecondaryKey Declares a specific data member in an entity class to be a secondary key for that object. This annotation is optional, and can be used multiple times for an entity class.

For example, the following is declared to be an entity class:

package persist.gettingStarted;

import com.sleepycat.persist.model.Entity;
import com.sleepycat.persist.model.PrimaryKey;

public class ExampleEntity {

    // The primary key must be unique in the database.
    private String aPrimaryKey;

    private String aSecondaryKey;


    // The remainder of the class' implementation is purposefully
    // omitted in the interest of brevity.


We discuss primary and secondary keys in more detail in Working with Indices.