Oracle Solaris ZFS Administration Guide

Recursively Renaming ZFS Snapshots (zfs rename -r)

Solaris 10 10/08 Release: You can recursively rename all descendent ZFS snapshots by using the zfs rename -r command. For example:

First, a snapshot of a set of ZFS file systems is created.

# zfs snapshot -r users/home@today
# zfs list
users                    216K  16.5G    20K  /users
users/home                76K  16.5G    22K  /users/home
users/home@today            0      -    22K  -
users/home/markm          18K  16.5G    18K  /users/home/markm
users/home/markm@today      0      -    18K  -
users/home/marks          18K  16.5G    18K  /users/home/marks
users/home/marks@today      0      -    18K  -
users/home/neil           18K  16.5G    18K  /users/home/neil
users/home/neil@today       0      -    18K  -

Then, the snapshots are renamed the following day.

# zfs rename -r users/home@today @yesterday
# zfs list
NAME                         USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
users                        216K  16.5G    20K  /users
users/home                    76K  16.5G    22K  /users/home
users/home@yesterday            0      -    22K  -
users/home/markm              18K  16.5G    18K  /users/home/markm
users/home/markm@yesterday      0      -    18K  -
users/home/marks              18K  16.5G    18K  /users/home/marks
users/home/marks@yesterday      0      -    18K  -
users/home/neil               18K  16.5G    18K  /users/home/neil
users/home/neil@yesterday       0      -    18K  -

A snapshot is the only type of dataset that can be renamed recursively.

For more information about snapshots, see Overview of ZFS Snapshots and this blog entry that describes how to create rolling snapshots: