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Programming Interfaces Guide     Oracle Solaris 11 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  Memory and CPU Management

2.  Remote Shared Memory API for Oracle Solaris Clusters

3.  Session Description Protocol API

4.  Process Scheduler

5.  Locality Group APIs

6.  Input/Output Interfaces

7.  Interprocess Communication

8.  Socket Interfaces

9.  Programming With XTI and TLI

10.  Packet Filtering Hooks

11.  Transport Selection and Name-to-Address Mapping

12.  Real-time Programming and Administration

13.  The Oracle Solaris ABI and ABI Tools

A.  UNIX Domain Sockets

Creating Sockets

Local Name Binding

Establishing a Connection


Appendix A

UNIX Domain Sockets

UNIX domain sockets are named with UNIX paths. For example, a socket might be named /tmp/foo. UNIX domain sockets communicate only between processes on a single host. Sockets in the UNIX domain are not considered part of the network protocols because they can be used to communicate only between processes on a single host.

Socket types define the communication properties visible to a user. The Internet domain sockets provide access to the TCP/IP transport protocols. The Internet domain is identified by the value AF_INET. Sockets exchange data only with sockets in the same domain.