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Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11 Automated Installer     Oracle Solaris 11 Information Library
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1.  Comparing JumpStart and Automated Installer

Similarities and Differences Between JumpStart and AI

JumpStart to AI Migration Information

2.  Converting Rules and Profile Files

3.  Converting Configuration Files

4.  Installing Oracle Solaris 10 Using JumpStart on an Oracle Solaris 11 Server

JumpStart to AI Migration Information

Convert JumpStart rules, profiles, and configuration files to AI criteria, AI manifests, and SMF system configuration profiles.

Get the js2ai utility:

# pkg install install/js2ai

Follow these instructions to convert JumpStart data to AI data:

Use one server as both a JumpStart install server and an AI install server.

Chapter 4, Installing Oracle Solaris 10 Using JumpStart on an Oracle Solaris 11 Server

Dynamically derive an AI client provisioning manifest.

See Creating an AI Manifest at Client Installation Time in Installing Oracle Solaris 11 Systems. JumpStart begin scripts provide the ability to dynamically manipulate installation parameters that are passed to the installer. AI provides the ability to query client attributes at client installation time and dynamically derive a provisioning manifest customized for that client. Environment variables specify hardware attributes of the client, and most of these are the same as environment variables used with JumpStart begin scripts.

Access a software package repository for AI installations.

Use an Oracle Solaris 11 package repository on the Internet:

Make a local copy of a package repository: Copying and Creating Oracle Solaris 11 Package Repositories.

Provide system configuration instructions.

See Chapter 11, Configuring the Client System, in Installing Oracle Solaris 11 Systems for information about creating SMF profiles.

See Chapter 12, Installing and Configuring Zones, in Installing Oracle Solaris 11 Systems for information about creating an AI manifest and SMF profiles to install non-global zones as part of an AI client installation.

Create an SMF service that runs once at first boot and executes a user-defined script.

See Chapter 13, Running a Custom Script During First Boot, in Installing Oracle Solaris 11 Systems.

Alternatively, create exactly the installation you want in one installation file.

See Creating a Custom Oracle Solaris 11 Installation Image for information about creating a custom installation image.