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Oracle Solaris 11 User's Guide for the GNOME Desktop     Oracle Solaris 11 Information Library
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1.  Getting Started With the Desktop

2.  Using the Desktop Windows

3.  Using the Desktop Workspaces

4.  Using the Desktop Panels

5.  Using the Desktop Applications

6.  Using the Main Menubar

7.  Using the File Manager

8.  Using the Desktop Tools and Utilities

9.  Configuring the Desktop

A.  Using the Mouse

B.  Using the Keyboard

Global Shortcut Keys

Window Shortcut Keys

Application Keys

Access Keys

Window Shortcut Keys

Window shortcut keys enable you to use the keyboard to perform tasks on the currently focused window. The following table lists some of the window shortcut keys.

Table B-2 Window Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Key
Switches between windows. A list of windows that you can select is displayed. Release the keys to select a window. You can press the Shift key to cycle through the windows in reverse order.
Closes the currently focused window.
Minimizes the current window, if it is maximized.
Moves the currently focused window. After pressing this shortcut, you can move the window using either the mouse or arrow keys. To finish the operation, click the mouse or press any key on the keyboard.
Resizes the currently focused window. You can use this shortcut to resize the window using either the mouse or arrow keys. To finish the operation, click the mouse or press any key on the keyboard.
Minimizes the current window.
Maximizes the current window.
Opens the menu for the currently selected window. The window menu enables you to perform actions on the window, such as minimizing, moving between workspaces, and closing.
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Arrow keys
Moves the current window to another workspace in the specified direction. See Workspaces Overview for more information about working with multiple workspaces.