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International Language Environment Guide     Oracle Solaris 11 Information Library
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1.  Introduction

Oracle Solaris and the Global Market

Internationalization and Localization Overview

What Is a Locale?

C Locale

Locale Categories

Core Locales

Behavior Affected by Locales

Time Formats

Date Formats

Number Formats

International Monetary Formats

Language Word and Letter Differences

Word Delimiters

Sort Order

Character Sets

Western European Alphabets

Japanese Text

Korean Text

Thai Text

Chinese Text

Hebrew Text

Hindi Text

Keyboard Differences

Differences in Paper Sizes

2.  Unicode and UTF-8 Locale Support

3.  Working with Languages and Locales

4.  Desktop Keyboard Preferences and Input Methods

5.  Configuring Fonts

6.  Advanced Topics

A.  Available Locales


Internationalization and Localization Overview

Internationalization and localization are different procedures. Internationalization is the process of making software portable between languages or regions, while localization is the process of adapting software for specific languages or regions. Internationalized software can be developed using interfaces that modify program behavior at runtime in accordance with specific cultural requirements. Localization involves establishing online information to support a language or region also called a locale.

Internationalized software works with different native languages and customs and can be ported from one locale to another without rewriting the software. The Oracle Solaris system is internationalized, providing the infrastructure and interfaces you need to create internationalized software.