Access Resources With Matching Tags

The Tagged authorized resource option enables the client to access any resource with matching tags.

Request an access token using the trusted or confidential client and request the scope urn:opc:resource:consumer::all. The access token in the response contains the audience urn:opc:resource:scope:tag=<base64 encoded JSON> and the scope urn:opc:resource:consumer::all, which gives access to Resource Apps that have tags that match the allowed tags specified in the Client App.

In the tags mode, clients can get token for any specific resource provided either the client has matching tags with the resource and urn:opc:resource:consumer::all or the specific resource is added in the allowed scopes.

Select Tagged to enable your confidential application to access tags from other applications.

When you select Tagged, you can choose scopes from an OPC application that aren't specific, such as urn:opc:resource:consumer.

To select scopes:
  1. Select Tagged.
  2. Select Add Scope under Resources.
  3. Select urn:opc:resource:consumer on the Select Scope page and click >.
  4. Select the OPC scopes that you want to add and provide a named qualifier, such as read and write to each of the scopes. You can edit these qualifiers dynamically.
  5. Click Add.
    The scopes appear under Resources.
In addition to using the urn:opc:resource:consumer::all scope, you can also specify the following fine-grained scopes:
  • urn:opc:resource:consumer:paas::read

  • urn:opc:resource:consumer:paas:stack::all

  • urn:opc:resource:consumer:paas:analytics::read


The requested scope should always exist and match, either directly or hierarchically, the client's defined allowed scopes to allow the client access to the resource.

For example, a client uses the urn:opc:resource:consumer:paas:analytics::read scope in its request for access to a resource. If the scope directly matches an allowed scope defined, then in the returned access token the audience is urn:opc:resource:scope:tag=<base64 encoded JSON> and the scope is urn:opc:resource:consumer:paas:analytics::read.

For client allowed tags color:green and color:blue, the sample JSON is as follows:

{"tags":[{ "key":"color","value":"green"},{"key":"color","value":"blue"} ]}

If the allowed scope defined by the client is urn:opc:resource:consumer:paas::read, then the client is allowed to access the resource hierarchically if the client requests one of the following scopes:

  • urn:opc:resource:consumer:paas::read

  • urn:opc:resource:consumer:paas:analytics::read

However, if the requested scope is urn:opc:resource:consumer:paas:analytics::write, then the client isn't allowed access to the resource, since that isn't one of the allowed scopes defined by the client.