Create and Prepare a Comma-Separated Value File

Learn how to create and prepare a comma-separated value (CSV) file to import either a single user or group, or multiple users or groups.


Importing application roles imports application roles memberships only. The application roles must already exist in Oracle Identity Cloud Service. If the application roles don’t exist you will receive an error for the membership import for that application role.
  1. Use these sample files as a starting point.
  2. Extract the compressed file and then open the AppRoleMembership.csv file.
  3. Review and then delete any demo data in the AppRoleMembership.csv file.

    To familiarize yourself with the import process, consider importing just the demo data. You can then delete the unwanted demo data from Oracle Identity Cloud Service before you begin importing live data.

  4. Create an import file using the AppRoleMembership.csv file. The AppRoleMembership.csv file is a simple text file in a tabular format (rows and columns). The first row in the file defines the columns (fields) in your table. At a minimum, the file must have these exact column headings.
    • Entitlement Value

    • Grantee Name

    • Grantee Type

  5. As a best practice, ensure that the fields in these columns are unique.
  6. For each account, create a new row (line) and enter data into each column (field). Each row equals one record. The maximum number of membership roles that can be imported in a single job must not exceed 10,000.
  7. To create a CSV file, use a standard spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, or use a text editor, such as Notepad or TextPad.
  8. Save your file in a CSV format. If you do not save the file in a CSV format with UTF-8 encoding, the import fails.


If you exported application role memberships prior to version 17.2.2 of Oracle Identity Cloud Service, and you want to import them back into Oracle Identity Cloud Service, you need to change the column headings in your CSV file to Entitlement Value, Grantee Name, and Grantee Type before doing so.