Typical Workflow for Bulk Loading Data

To start bulk loading data, refer to the typical workflow described in this section.

After each import step, analyze the data recorded during the bulk load operation.

If the job can be processed immediately, a dialog box appears with the Job ID link for your import job, click the link. Review the details that appear on the Jobs page.

If the job can’t be processed immediately, a message appears with a Schedule ID in it. Copy that Schedule ID, and use it to search for the job on the Jobs page. The job will appear when processing completes.

This page shows how many accounts you imported, how many accounts imported successfully, and how many accounts can't be imported because of a system error. Common issues that prevent the system from importing the account include:
  • Invalid email address format

  • Invalid field formats

  • Missing required fields

  • Invalid CSV file

If there are many invalid accounts, correct the errors in the import file and then import the file again. See View Jobs and Job Details.

Task Description Additional Information
Step 1: Import users. Use this task to create users only. Import User Accounts
Step 2: Import groups. Use this task to create groups and user memberships. Import Groups
Step 3: Import application role memberships. Use this task to create application role memberships for users and groups. Import Users and Groups for Oracle Application Roles
Step 4: (Optional) Gather diagnostic data from the bulk load operation. If you encounter errors during a bulk load operation and you cannot fix them by modifying the entries in the import file, you can set a diagnostics level to capture operational logs during the bulk load operation. You can then view those logs to help you to determine the cause of the problem. See Run Oracle Identity Cloud Service Reports.
Step 5: (Optional) Resolving errors after a bulk load operation.

If you encounter errors during a bulk load operation, resolve the errors and then try the bulk load operation again.

One of the reasons that Oracle Identity Cloud Service cannot import a user account is, for example, because the account is missing a required value, such as the user's first name, last name, or user name.

If Oracle Identity Cloud Service can't import a user account, then it evaluates the next account in the CSV file.

View the details of the import job. If the job contains errors, you can export those errors to see the cause.

If you cannot resolve the errors, use the diagnostic data report to capture operational logs to see if you can determine the cause of the problem.

View Jobs and Job Details

See Run Oracle Identity Cloud Service Reports.

Export Job Errors