Verify Endpoints

Verify that you can view users and groups and their POSIX attributes.

  1. Obtain a POSIX access token by running the following curl command:
    curl -k -X POST -u "client-id:client-secret" -d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=urn:opc:idm:__myscopes__" "https://identity-cloud-service-instance-url/oauth2/v1/token"


    • client-id is the client ID for the POSIX confidential application
    • client-secret is the client secret for the POSIX confidential application
    • identity-cloud-service-instance-url is your Oracle Identity Cloud Service Instance URL
  2. Run the following curl command to view users with POSIX attributes:
    curl -k -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <token-string>" "https://identity-cloud-service-instance-url/admin/v1/Users"


    • token-string is the OAuth POSIX access token that you obtained
    • identity-cloud-service-instance-url is your Oracle Identity Cloud Service Instance URL

    An example response is as follows:

    GET HOST/admin/v1/Users

      "schemas": [
      "totalResults": 3,
      "Resources": [
          "id": "af79f523f0f8416fb4407ed80a3bdbcb",
          "userName": "userPosix",
          "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:oracle:idcs:extension:posix:User": {
            "homeDirectory": "/home/userPosix",
            "loginShell": "/bin/bash",
            "gidNumber": 12001,
            "gecos": "userPosix 24855",
            "uidNumber": 11010
          "id": "e5438fce80374d539b8638c289036ecd",
          "userName": "msmith",
          "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:oracle:idcs:extension:posix:User": {
            "homeDirectory": "/home/msmith",
            "loginShell": "/bin/bash",
            "gidNumber": 11020,
            "gecos": "msmith 25895",
            "uidNumber": 12002
          "id": "f142a5ce639643c2befe8deb0ca5bcec",
          "userName": ""
      "startIndex": 1,
      "itemsPerPage": 50
  3. Run the following curl command to view groups with POSIX attributes:
    curl -k -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <token-string>" "https://identity-cloud-service-instance-url/admin/v1/Groups"


    • token-string is the OAuth POSIX access token that you obtained
    • identity-cloud-service-instance-url is your Oracle Identity Cloud Service URL

    An example response is as follows:

    GET HOST/admin/v1/Groups

      "schemas": [
      "totalResults": 3,
      "Resources": [
          "displayName": "posix group",
          "id": "afb20ea78e84421aaba7009adf212ecf",
          "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:oracle:idcs:extension:posix:Group": {
            "gidNumber": 11010
          "members": [
              "value": "af79f523f0f8416fb4407ed80a3bdbcb",
              "type": "User",
              "display": "user Posix",
              "name": "userPosix",
              "$ref": "https://identity-cloud-service-instance-url/admin/v1/Users/af79f523f0f8416fb4407ed80a3bdbcb"
          "displayName": "Marketing",
          "id": "8c1f45fee6354e20aa9e57079082d6a2",
          "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:oracle:idcs:extension:posix:Group": {
            "gidNumber": 11020
          "members": [
              "value": "e5438fce80374d539b8638c289036ecd",
              "type": "User",
              "display": "Mark Smith",
              "name": "msmith",
              "$ref": "https://identity-cloud-service-instance-url/admin/v1/Users/e5438fce80374d539b8638c289036ecd"
          "displayName": "All Tenant Users",
          "id": "AllUsersId"
      "startIndex": 1,
      "itemsPerPage": 50