Module java.rmi

Class RMIClassLoader


public class RMIClassLoader extends Object
RMIClassLoader comprises static methods to support dynamic class loading with RMI. Included are methods for loading classes from a network location (one or more URLs) and obtaining the location from which an existing class should be loaded by remote parties. These methods are used by the RMI runtime when marshalling and unmarshalling classes contained in the arguments and return values of remote method calls, and they also may be invoked directly by applications in order to mimic RMI's dynamic class loading behavior.

The implementation of the following static methods

is provided by an instance of RMIClassLoaderSpi, the service provider interface for those methods. When one of the methods is invoked, its behavior is to delegate to a corresponding method on the service provider instance. The details of how each method delegates to the provider instance is described in the documentation for each particular method.

The service provider instance is chosen as follows:

  • If the system property java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoaderSpi is defined, then if its value equals the string "default", the provider instance will be the value returned by an invocation of the getDefaultProviderInstance() method, and for any other value, if a class named with the value of the property can be loaded by the system class loader (see ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()) and that class is assignable to RMIClassLoaderSpi and has a public no-argument constructor, then that constructor will be invoked to create the provider instance. If the property is defined but any other of those conditions are not true, then an unspecified Error will be thrown to code that attempts to use RMIClassLoader, indicating the failure to obtain a provider instance.
  • If a resource named META-INF/services/java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoaderSpi is visible to the system class loader, then the contents of that resource are interpreted as a provider-configuration file, and the first class name specified in that file is used as the provider class name. If a class with that name can be loaded by the system class loader and that class is assignable to RMIClassLoaderSpi and has a public no-argument constructor, then that constructor will be invoked to create the provider instance. If the resource is found but a provider cannot be instantiated as described, then an unspecified Error will be thrown to code that attempts to use RMIClassLoader, indicating the failure to obtain a provider instance.
  • Otherwise, the provider instance will be the value returned by an invocation of the getDefaultProviderInstance() method.

See Also: