Document Information


Part I Introduction

1.  Overview

2.  Using the Tutorial Examples

Part II The Web Tier

3.  Getting Started with Web Applications

4.  JavaServer Faces Technology

5.  Introduction to Facelets

6.  Expression Language

7.  Using JavaServer Faces Technology in Web Pages

8.  Using Converters, Listeners, and Validators

9.  Developing with JavaServer Faces Technology

10.  JavaServer Faces Technology: Advanced Concepts

11.  Using Ajax with JavaServer Faces Technology

12.  Composite Components: Advanced Topics and Example

13.  Creating Custom UI Components and Other Custom Objects

14.  Configuring JavaServer Faces Applications

15.  Java Servlet Technology

16.  Uploading Files with Java Servlet Technology

17.  Internationalizing and Localizing Web Applications

Part III Web Services

18.  Introduction to Web Services

19.  Building Web Services with JAX-WS

20.  Building RESTful Web Services with JAX-RS

21.  JAX-RS: Advanced Topics and Example

Part IV Enterprise Beans

22.  Enterprise Beans

23.  Getting Started with Enterprise Beans

24.  Running the Enterprise Bean Examples

25.  A Message-Driven Bean Example

26.  Using the Embedded Enterprise Bean Container

27.  Using Asynchronous Method Invocation in Session Beans

Part V Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform

28.  Introduction to Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform

29.  Running the Basic Contexts and Dependency Injection Examples

30.  Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform: Advanced Topics

31.  Running the Advanced Contexts and Dependency Injection Examples

The producermethods Example: Using a Producer Method To Choose a Bean Implementation

Components of the producermethods Example

Running the producermethods Example

To Build, Package, and Deploy the producermethods Example Using NetBeans IDE

To Build, Package, and Deploy the producermethods Example Using Ant

To Run the producermethods Example

The producerfields Example: Using Producer Fields to Generate Resources

The Producer Field for the producerfields Example

The producerfields Entity and Session Bean

The producerfields Facelets Pages and Managed Bean

Running the producerfields Example

To Build, Package, and Deploy the producerfields Example Using NetBeans IDE

To Build, Package, and Deploy the producerfields Example Using Ant

To Run the producerfields Example

The billpayment Example: Using Events and Interceptors

The PaymentEvent Event Class

The PaymentHandler Event Listener

The billpayment Facelets Pages and Managed Bean

The LoggedInterceptor Interceptor Class

Running the billpayment Example

To Build, Package, and Deploy the billpayment Example Using NetBeans IDE

To Build, Package, and Deploy the billpayment Example Using Ant

To Run the billpayment Example

The decorators Example: Decorating a Bean

Components of the decorators Example

Running the decorators Example

To Build, Package, and Deploy the decorators Example Using NetBeans IDE

To Build, Package, and Deploy the decorators Example Using Ant

To Run the decorators Example

Part VI Persistence

32.  Introduction to the Java Persistence API

33.  Running the Persistence Examples

34.  The Java Persistence Query Language

35.  Using the Criteria API to Create Queries

36.  Creating and Using String-Based Criteria Queries

37.  Controlling Concurrent Access to Entity Data with Locking

38.  Using a Second-Level Cache with Java Persistence API Applications

Part VII Security

39.  Introduction to Security in the Java EE Platform

40.  Getting Started Securing Web Applications

41.  Getting Started Securing Enterprise Applications

42.  Java EE Security: Advanced Topics

Part VIII Java EE Supporting Technologies

43.  Introduction to Java EE Supporting Technologies

44.  Transactions

45.  Resources and Resource Adapters

46.  The Resource Adapter Example

47.  Java Message Service Concepts

48.  Java Message Service Examples

49.  Bean Validation: Advanced Topics

50.  Using Java EE Interceptors

Part IX Case Studies

51.  Duke's Bookstore Case Study Example

52.  Duke's Tutoring Case Study Example

53.  Duke's Forest Case Study Example



The encoder Example: Using Alternatives

The encoder example shows how to use alternatives to choose between two beans at deployment time, as described in Using Alternatives in CDI Applications. The example includes an interface and two implementations of it, a managed bean, a Facelets page, and configuration files.

The Coder Interface and Implementations

The Coder interface contains just one method, codeString, that takes two arguments: a string, and an integer value that specifies how the letters in the string should be transposed.

public interface Coder {

    public String codeString(String s, int tval);

The interface has two implementation classes, CoderImpl and TestCoderImpl. The implementation of codeString in CoderImpl shifts the string argument forward in the alphabet by the number of letters specified in the second argument; any characters that are not letters are left unchanged. (This simple shift code is known as a Caesar cipher, for Julius Caesar, who reportedly used it to communicate with his generals.) The implementation in TestCoderImpl merely displays the values of the arguments. The TestCoderImpl implementation is annotated @Alternative:

import javax.enterprise.inject.Alternative;

public class TestCoderImpl implements Coder {

    public String codeString(String s, int tval) {
        return ("input string is " + s + ", shift value is " + tval);

The beans.xml file for the encoder example contains an alternatives element for the TestCoderImpl class, but by default the element is commented out:

<beans ... >

This means that by default, the TestCoderImpl class, annotated @Alternative, will not be used. Instead, the CoderImpl class will be used.

The encoder Facelets Page and Managed Bean

The simple Facelets page for the encoder example, index.xhtml, asks the user to type the string and integer values and passes them to the managed bean, CoderBean, as coderBean.inputString and coderBean.transVal:

<html lang="en"
        <h:outputStylesheet library="css" name="default.css"/>
        <title>String Encoder</title>
        <h2>String Encoder</h2>
        <p>Type a string and an integer, then click Encode.</p>
        <p>Depending on which alternative is enabled, the coder bean
            will either display the argument values or return a string that
            shifts the letters in the original string by the value you specify.
            The value must be between 0 and 26.</p>
        <h:form id="encodeit">
            <p><h:outputLabel value="Type a string: " for="inputString"/>
                <h:inputText id="inputString"
                <h:outputLabel value="Type the number of letters to shift by: "
                <h:inputText id="transVal" value="#{coderBean.transVal}"/></p>
            <p><h:commandButton value="Encode"
            <p><h:outputLabel value="Result: " for="outputString"/>
                <h:outputText id="outputString" value="#{coderBean.codedString}"
                              style="color:blue"/> </p>
            <p><h:commandButton value="Reset" action="#{coderBean.reset}"/></p>

When the user clicks the Encode button, the page invokes the managed bean’s encodeString method and displays the result, coderBean.codedString, in blue. The page also has a Reset button that clears the fields.

The managed bean, CoderBean, is a @RequestScoped bean that declares its input and output properties. The transVal property has three Bean Validation constraints that enforce limits on the integer value, so that if the user types an invalid value, a default error message appears on the Facelets page. The bean also injects an instance of the Coder interface:

public class CoderBean {

    private String inputString;
    private String codedString;
    private int transVal;

    Coder coder;

In addition to simple getter and setter methods for the three properties, the bean defines the encodeString action method called by the Facelets page. This method sets the codedString property to the value returned by a call to the codeString method of the Coder implementation:

    public void encodeString() {
        setCodedString(coder.codeString(inputString, transVal));

Finally, the bean defines the reset method to empty the fields of the Facelets page:

    public void reset() {

Running the encoder Example

You can use either NetBeans IDE or Ant to build, package, deploy, and run the encoder application.

To Build, Package, and Deploy the encoder Example Using NetBeans IDE

  1. From the File menu, choose Open Project.
  2. In the Open Project dialog, navigate to:
  3. Select the encoder folder.
  4. Select the Open as Main Project check box.
  5. Click Open Project.
  6. In the Projects tab, right-click the encoder project and select Deploy.

To Run the encoder Example Using NetBeans IDE

  1. In a web browser, type the following URL:

    The String Encoder page opens.

  2. Type a string and the number of letters to shift by, then click Encode.

    The encoded string appears in blue on the Result line. For example, if you type Java and 4, the result is Neze.

  3. Now, edit the beans.xml file to enable the alternative implementation of Coder.
    1. In the Projects tab, under the encoder project, expand the Web Pages node, then the WEB-INF node.
    2. Double-click the beans.xml file to open it.
    3. Remove the comment characters that surround the alternatives element, so that it looks like this:
    4. Save the file.
  4. Right-click the encoder project and select Deploy.
  5. In the web browser, retype the URL to show the String Encoder page for the redeployed project:
  6. Type a string and the number of letters to shift by, then click Encode.

    This time, the Result line displays your arguments. For example, if you type Java and 4, the result is:

    Result: input string is Java, shift value is 4

To Build, Package, and Deploy the encoder Example Using Ant

  1. In a terminal window, go to:
  2. Type the following command:

    This command calls the default target, which builds and packages the application into a WAR file, encoder.war, located in the dist directory.

  3. Type the following command:
    ant deploy

To Run the encoder Example Using Ant

  1. In a web browser, type the following URL:

    The String Encoder page opens.

  2. Type a string and the number of letters to shift by, then click Encode.

    The encoded string appears in blue on the Result line. For example, if you type Java and 4, the result is Neze.

  3. Now, edit the beans.xml file to enable the alternative implementation of Coder.
    1. In a text editor, open the following file:
    2. Remove the comment characters that surround the alternatives element, so that it looks like this:
    3. Save and close the file.
  4. Type the following commands:
    ant undeploy
    ant deploy
  5. In the web browser, retype the URL to show the String Encoder page for the redeployed project:
  6. Type a string and the number of letters to shift by, then click Encode.

    This time, the Result line displays your arguments. For example, if you type Java and 4, the result is:

    Result: input string is Java, shift value is 4