About Configuring Data Load Parameter for Workforce Movement Rate Fact

Configure functionality in the Workforce Movement Rate Fact controls the amount of data loaded, period type, and minimum group size for rate calculation.

This task applies to all adaptors and is optional as the default settings for these parameters give reasonable results most of the time.

The Workforce Movement Rate Fact calculates the gains and losses against the Generic Hierarchy, from the perspective of each node in the hierarchy. The calculations are done globally (from each node’s perspective) and also within each dimension separately. This allows movement rates to be compared for different dimensions against the overall movement rates, which has some interesting applications:
  • Which dimension groups have the highest turnover rates?

  • What is the trend of gains/losses by demographic, for example, age band?

  • What is the future demographic makeup of an organization likely to be?

Parameter: Workforce Movement Period

This parameter pertains to the period in which to calculate gains and losses. This can be Year, Quarter, or Month, and in conjunction with the number of periods (Workforce Movement Number of Periods) it defines the amount of workforce movement history to include. The default is 3 years.

Parameter: Workforce Movement Number of Periods

The number of periods to process in the workforce movement rate fact. Together with the period type (Workforce Movement Period) it defines the amount of workforce movement history to include. The default is 3 years.

Parameter: Workforce Movement Minimum Group

The minimum group size to calculate movement rates for. If this is set too low then individual movements may have a disproportionate effect on the movement rate. For example, a termination rate of 25% may be a problem if it was discovered in the 18-25 age band which has on average 1000 headcount over the last year. That would be calculated as 250 / 1000 = 25%. However, this may be masked by a single termination in the 55+ age band where there were only 2 employees. In this age band, the termination rate is calculated as 1 / 2 = 50%. By default the minimum group is set to 20, which excludes any smaller groups from the rate calculation, and in the above example there would be no rate displayed for the 55+ age band, which allows the problem in the 18-25 age band to be more significant.