About Configuring Data Load Parameters for Taleo Address Structures

Use this information to configure parameters for Taleo location structure level.

Taleo Recruiting OOTB uses a 5-level location hierarchy. The Taleo Location Structure Level specifies the hierarchy level. It is a configurable location hierarchy. Oracle BI address supports the following fixed level hierarchy:
  • Total > Region > Country > Country Region > State > County > City > Postal code

Oracle BI provides a group of CM ODI parameters to enable you to map the Taleo hierarchy to BI fixed level hierarchy. Use the following parameters along with the description and the default value to configure the Taleo location structure level:
Parameter Description Default Value
TLO_ADDR_REGION This parameter is used to set the Taleo location structure level corresponding to Region which is above Country. None
TLO_ADDR_COUNTRY This parameter is used to set the Taleo location structure level for Country. 1
TLO_ADDR_COUNTRYREGION This parameter is used to set the Taleo location structure level for CountryRegion. None
TLO_ADDR_STATE This parameter is used to set the Taleo location structure level for State or Province. 2
TLO_ADDR_COUNTY This parameter is used to set the Taleo location structure level for County. 3
TLO_ADDR_CITY This parameter is used to set the Taleo location structure level for City. 4
TLO_ADDR_STREETLINE1 This parameter is used to set the Taleo location structure level for StreetAddress. 5


Ensure that you do not set zero as the value for the following address variables:





To set values for the parameters in Functional Setup Manager:
  1. Navigate to Manage Parameters page.

  2. Search for the required parameter, for example, TLO_ADDR_COUNTRY.

  3. Click Edit for the required parameter.

  4. Set the applicable value for the parameter in the Manage Parameter Default Values section.

  5. Click Save.