
Data provider types: All


HypShowPanel () shows or hides the Smart View Panel. Once hidden, the Smart View Panel will be displayed only when the user selects Panel on the Smart View ribbon or runs HypShowPanel.


HypShowPanel Lib (bShow)

ByVal bShow As Boolean


bShow: Set to True to show the Smart View Panel. Set to False to hide the Smart View Panel

Return Value

Returns 0 if successful; otherwise, returns the appropriate error code.


To show the Smart View Panel:

Public Declare Function HypShowPanel Lib "HsAddin" (ByVal bShow As Boolean) As Long
Sub Example_HypShowPanel()
sts = HypShowPanel(True)
End Sub

To hide the Smart View Panel:

Public Declare Function HypShowPanel Lib "HsAddin" (ByVal bShow As Boolean) As Long
Sub Example_HypShowPanel()
sts = HypShowPanel(False)
End Sub