

ListJournals() lists all the available Oracle Hyperion Financial Management journals.


Function ListJournals(

dims() As String,

dimVals() As String,

jrnlIDs() As String,

jrnlLabels() As String

) As Long


dims: An input argument. Provide the list of dimensions as an array of strings.

dimVals: An input argument. Provide the list of dimension values as an array of strings.

jrnlIDs: An output argument. Returns the Journal IDs as an array of strings.

jrnlLabels: An output argument. Returns the Journal Labels as an array of strings.

Return Value

Returns 0 if successful; otherwise, returns the appropriate error code.


The following example sets the option to display no messages.

Public Declare Function HypConnect Lib "HsAddin" (ByVal vtSheetName As Variant, ByVal vtUserName As Variant, ByVal vtPassword As Variant, ByVal vtFriendlyName As Variant) As Long

Sub TestListJournals
‘Connect to an HFM data source
HypConnect “Sheet1”, “admin”, “password”, “connName”

Set jObj = New JournalVBA
        dims(0) = HFM_JOURNAL_DIM_SCENARIO
        dims(2) = HFM_JOURNAL_DIM_PERIOD
        dims(3) = HFM_JOURNAL_DIM_VALUE
        dimVals(0) = "Actual"
        dimVals(1) = "2007"
        dimVals(2) = "January"
        dimVals(3) = "<Entity Curr Adjs>"
        Dim jrnlIds() As String
        Dim jrnlLabels() As String
        Dim retVal as Long
        retVal = jObj.ListJournals(dims, dimVals, jrnlIds, jrnlLabels)
        If retVal = 0 Then
        Debug.Print "Following are the Journal IDs and their Labels..."
        Debug.Print "Journal Id        Name"
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To UBound(jrnlIds)
            Debug.Print Spc(5); jrnlIds(i); Spc(10); jrnlLabels(i)
        Debug.Print "ListJournals Failed!!!"
        End If

End Sub