Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0.4






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00360-00369: DBA Describe Execution Messages

DBA-00360: object to be described does not exist

Cause: The object in a DESCRIBE FUNCTION / PROCEDURE / PACKAGE statement did not exist.

Action: Check that the object name and owner are correct and that the object exists.

DBA-00361: error during describe

Cause: An unexpected error occurred during describe.

Action: Check the following error and correct the problem.

DBA-00362: object name is a package; use DESCRIBE name.<procedure>

Cause: The named object was a package. DESCRIBE does not currently describe an entire package specification.

Action: Specify an entire package.

DBA-00363: procedure or function name not found in the package

Cause: The named package did not contain the procedure of the function specified.

Action: Specify a procedure or function within the package.

DBA-00364: object name is a remote object, cannot further describe

Cause: The specified object name contained a database link or was a synonym that resolved to a name with a database link. Such objects cannot currently be described.

Action: Specify a local object.

DBA-00365: object name is invalid, it may not be described

Cause: The object must have been successfully compiled.

Action: Fix any errors in the object and recompile.

DBA-00366: name name is malformed, it must be of form [[a.]b.]c@dblink

Cause: The name may have at most three parts and a dblink.

Action: Use a well formed object name.

00370-00380: DBA Generic Execution Messages
DBA-00370: mandatory field/list needs to be filled in

Cause: An attempt was made to execute the dialog before filling in all required items.

Action: Fill in all required items and retry.

DBA-00371: cannot open/locate input help file, name

Cause: The Help Key was pressed or an item was chosen from the Help Menu, and the help file was not in the expected location.

Action: Put the help file in the location specified.

DBA-00372: cannot open/locate input index file, name

Cause: The Help Key was pressed or an item was chosen from the Help Menu, and the help file was not in the expected location.

Action: Put the index help file in the location specified.

DBA-00373: cannot allocate memory of size num from toolkit

Cause: The Help Key was pressed or an item was chosen from the Help Menu, and SQL*DBA ran out of memory.

Action: Exit SQL*DBA, restart, and try again.

DBA-00374: could not set file position in name directly

Cause: The Help Key was pressed or an item was chosen from the Help Menu.

Action: Alternate chosen - no action required.

DBA-00375: unexpected end of file, name

Cause: The Help Key was pressed or an item was chosen from the Help Menu, but the help file specified was not installed.

Action: Exit SQL*DBA and install the correct help file.

DBA-00376: mandatory field has to be filled in before navigation is possible

Cause: An attempt was made to navigate to the next/previous item without filling a required field.

Action: Fill in current field before proceeding to another field.

DBA-00377: mandatory list item has to be selected before navigation is possible

Cause: An attempt was made to navigate to the next/previous item without filling a required field.

Action: Select a list item before proceeding to another field.

DBA-00378: an item has to be selected before help can be sought for it

Cause: An attempt was made to obtain help before selecting an item.

Action: Select an item first and re-execute.

DBA-00379: variable(s) not defined

Cause: The SHOW VAR[IABLES] [var-name] command could not find any variables. Either no variables are defined or you specified a non-existent variable.

Action: Check the spelling of the variables that were entered or, if no variables were entered, define the necessary variables.

DBA-00380: procedural option required for this statement

Cause: The attempted statement requires the procedural option.

Action: Refrain from using this statement or contact an Oracle sales representative to purchase the procedural option.

DBA-00381: error in the SERVER OUTPUT option

Cause: Most likely the package DBMS_OUTPUT was not installed.

Action: Install the package DBMS_OUTPUT and check the accompanying messages for more information.

DBA-00382: value name is not a recognizable filename for name

Cause: The value for the SQL*DBA initialization variable, which points to the initialization file, is not a recognizable filename.

Action: Specify a valid filename or do not define the variable so that no initialization file is run.

DBA-00383: filename name pointed to by name could not be opened

Cause: The filename pointed to by the SQL*DBA initialization variable could not be opened.

Action: Specify an available file or do not define the variable so that no initialization file is run.

DBA-00384: could not open SQL*DBA resource file, name

Cause: The file mentioned could not be opened.

Action: Make the file mentioned available for use by SQL*DBA.

DBA-00385: could not locate SQL*DBA resource file, name

Cause: The file mentioned could not be located.

Action: Check that the file exists before rerunning SQL*DBA.

DBA-00386: could not open toolkit resource file, name

Cause: The file mentioned could not be opened.

Action: Make the file mentioned available for use by SQL*DBA.

DBA-00387: could not locate toolkit resource file, name

Cause: The file mentioned could not be located.

Action: Check that the file exists before rerunning SQL*DBA.

DBA-00388: cannot start SQL*DBA in screen mode; check if values are legal

Cause: A variable was not properly set.

Action: Check the values listed by SQL*DBA to see if they are correct.

DBA-00389: toolkit resource file name is defined to name

Cause: File mentioned could not be located.

Action: Check that the file specified exists and can be accessed.

DBA-00390: terminal type name is defined by name

Cause: Terminal type specified by may not be valid.

Action: Check that the terminal specification is correct.

DBA-00391: value name is defined to name; legal values: name or name

Cause: SQL*DBA mode has been incorrectly defined.

Action: Define the value of the variable to one of the legal values.

DBA-00392: this field requires a numeric value

Cause: An attempt was made to navigate to the next/previous item with a non-numeric value in a field requiring a numeric value.

Action: Enter a numeric value in the field and repeat the operation.



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