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Using Mailing Lists

The List Workbench window provides a repository for mailing lists. You can keep account, contact, lead, or one time lists. In addition, you can choose to list the availability of the list online or make it a private list.

You can use the List Workbench window to review and use mailing lists for your sales or promotional campaigns. Mailing lists available to you are displayed in this window. An active list is denoted by the Enabled check box.

When you enter a list name, Oracle sales and Marketing records you as the owner of the list. You can then reassign the list to another member of the sales force by choosing the member's name in the Assigned To field. Finally, you can designate where you obtained the list in the Source field.

To retire a list that is no longer accurate or useful, uncheck the Enabled check box.

   To use a Mailing List:

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