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The Access Window

The Access window lets you view and create territory access records for an account or lead, to freeze existing territory assignments, or to reassign an access. You can view access privileges by account, lead, employee, territory, or partner.

If an account or lead is erroneously assigned to a territory, a sales representative can request that it be reassigned by sending notification to the territory administrator. You, as territory administrator, use the Reassignment region of the Access window to view all reassignment requests.

If you make changes within the Access window, remember to freeze an assignment so the Territory Access program doesn't change it. To freeze assignments, check the Freeze check box that appears in most of the region poplists described.

   To see territories to be reassigned:

   To reassign a territory:

Attention: It's important to correct the cause of the incorrectly assigned territory in the account, lead or territory information because the next time the Assign Territory Access Program runs, it will reassign the account or lead back to its original (incorrect) territory.

   To view or manually update territory assignments for an account:

   To view or update territory assignments for a lead:

   To view or manually update territory assignments for an employee:

   To view or manually update territory assignments for a partner:

   To view accounts belonging to a particular territory:

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