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Setup Overview

This section contains an overview of each task you need to complete to set up Oracle Engineering.

Before you set up Oracle Engineering, you should:

Oracle Applications Implementation Wizard

If you are implementing more than one Oracle Applications product, you may want to use the Oracle Applications Implementation Wizard to coordinate your setup activities. The Implementation Wizard guides you through the setup steps for the applications you have installed, suggesting a logical sequence that satisfies cross-product implementation dependencies, and reduces redundant setup steps. The Wizard also identifies steps that can be completed independently, by several teams working in parallel, to help you manage your implementation process most efficiently.

You can use the Implementation Wizard as a resource center to see a graphical overview of setup steps, read online help for a setup activity, and open the appropriate setup window. You can also document your implementation, for further reference and review, by using the Wizard to record comments for each step. See: Implementation Wizard and Oracle System Administration.

Set Up Oracle Applications Technology

The setup steps in this chapter tell you how to implement the parts of Oracle Applications specific to Oracle [Product Name].

The Implementation Wizard guides you through the entire Oracle Applications setup, including system administration. However, if you do not use the Wizard, you need to complete several other setup steps, including:

Also, if your product uses Oracle Workflow to, for example, manage the approval of business documents or to derive Accounting Flexfield values via the Account Generator, you need to set up Oracle Workflow. See: Oracle Workflow.

See Also

Implementation Wizard

Oracle System Administration

Oracle Workflow

Setup Prerequisites

Before you set up Oracle Engineering, you must complete the setup for the following:

Setup Steps

Step 1 Set Profile Options (Required)

Profile options specify how Oracle Engineering controls access to and processes data. In general, profile options can be set at one or more of the following levels: site, application, responsibility, and user.

Oracle Engineering users use the Update Personal Profile Options form to set profile options only at the user level. System administrators use the Update System Profile Options form to set profile options at the site, application, responsibility, and user levels.

You can set the following profile options in Oracle Engineering.

Profile Option User System Administrator Requirements
User User Resp App Site Required? Default Value
ENG: Change Order Autonumbering Optional No
ENG: ECO Department Optional  
ENG: Engineering Change Order Access Optional Yes
ENG: Mandatory ECO Departments - - - - Optional No
ENG: Model Item Change Order Access Optional Yes
ENG: Planning Item Change Order Access Optional Yes
ENG: Standard Item Change Order Access Optional Yes
ENG: Require Revised Item New Revision - - - Optional No

You can update the profile option.
- You can view the profile option value but you cannot change it.
? You can neither view nor change the profile option.

Update Personal Profile Options (Oracle Applications User's Guide) Update System Profile Options (Oracle Applications System Administration Reference Manual)

Step 2 Enter Employee (Required)

Define employees for your organization. ECO requestors and approvers must be defined as employees.

If you do not install Oracle Human Resource Management Systems with Oracle Engineering, you use the Enter Employee form to define and maintain employees in Oracle Engineering.

If you install Oracle Human Resource Management Systems, you use the forms in Oracle Human Resource Management Systems instead to enter and maintain employees.

Step 3 Define Change Order Types (Optional)

You can assign a change order type to your ECOs, either using the 'ECO' change order type that Oracle Engineering provides or choosing a change order type from any number of types you define using your own terminology, such as Design Revision, Manufacturing Change Order, or Substitution Waiver. You can create change order types for ECOs with manufacturing items, or manufacturing and engineering items.

Step 4 Define ECO Departments (Optional)

You can group users that use the engineering change order (ECO) system through ECO departments, creating multiple ECO departments within your Inventory organization. You can restrict access to ECOs by ECO department and require an ECO department on all ECOs--changing the responsible ECO department as the ECO moves through multiple departments.

Step 5 Define Autonumbering (Optional)

You can define customized autonumbering (for a user, organization, or site) for new ECOs or mass change orders. You can use the autonumber default value when you define an engineering or mass change order, or you can override the autonumber default and assign your own number.

Step 6 Define Approval Lists (Optional)

You can define lists of approvers required to approve an ECO before it can be released. Oracle Engineering notifies the people on the list, using an alert, that the ECO requires their approval.

Step 7 Define Reasons (Optional)

You can define reasons for engineering change orders using your own terminology, such as Model Year, Design, Safety, and Ergonomic. ECO reasons are for your reference use only.

Step 8 Define Priorities (Optional)

You can define scheduling priorities for engineering changes to describe the urgency of your ECO. Priorities are for your reference use only.

Step 9 Start AutoImplement Manager (Optional)

If you automatically implement ECOs, you must specify the frequency that you want the AutoImplement manager to run. Once an ECO has been released to the autoimplement manager, you can automatically implement all scheduled ECO revised items whose effective date is less than or equal to the current date.

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