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Defining Your Validation Table

Create a new flexfield validation table, or use an existing application table, that includes the following columns:

Your table can also include the following optional columns:

If you use these optional columns, they must be defined with the listed characteristics. When you register your validation table, Oracle Application Object Library checks your table to see if these columns exist. If they do, Oracle Application Object Library uses them as part of the flexfield validation information. If you add the ENABLED_FLAG column to an existing table, you must populate the column (with Y or N) for all rows.

Normally, you should use the values form Oracle Application Object Library provides, Define Segment Values, to contain parent values and rollup group information (together with child values contained in your validation table as described in the previous section).

If you have certain special columns, such as SUMMARY_FLAG, START_DATE_ACTIVE, END_DATE_ACTIVE, STRUCTURED_HIERARCHY_LEVEL, COMPILED_VALUE_ATTRIBUTES or ENABLED_FLAG, in your registered table, your value set uses those columns automatically once you set up your table as a validation table.

If you do not want your value set to use those columns automatically, you should use an alias with your table name in the Table Name field.

Attention: If you need to use SQL functions or very complex WHERE clasuses with your table, you should instead first define a view over the table and then use the view.

See Also

Overview of Values and Value Sets

Value Set Naming Conventions

Parent and Child Values and Rollup Groups

Example of $FLEX$ Syntax

Precedence of Default Values, Shorthand Entry Values, and COPY Values in Key Flexfields

Value Set Windows

Validation Table Information Window

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