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Row Headings (Contra Netting Report)

In this row
Oracle Receivables prints
The details of on-account and unapplied receipts that are allocated to a bill-to site.
Total Receivables
The total Receivables amount of all entered amounts and amounts due that remain both in the entered and the functional currency. The report prints separate rows for all on-account and unapplied receipts allocated to the bill-to site.
Total Payables
The total payables amount of all entered amounts and amounts due remaining both in the entered and the functional currency.
Total Net
The total amount of all entered amounts and amounts due remaining in the entered currency. The total net amount is calculated as receivables minus payables.
Total VAT on Site
The total amount of all entered amounts and amounts due remaining in the functional currency at site level, if Netting by Tax ID is set to No.
Total Net VAT on Site
The total net amount of all entered amounts and amounts due remaining in the functional currency at site level, if Netting by Tax ID is set to No.
Total Net Supplier/Customer
The total net receivables balance of all entered amounts and amounts due that remain in the functional currency at supplier/customer level, if Netting by Tax ID is set to No.
Total Net Site
The total of all entered amounts and amounts due remaining in the functional currency at site level, by Tax ID, if Netting by Tax ID is set to Yes.
Total Net Supplier/Customer Site
The total amount of all entered amounts and amounts due that remain in the functional currency at supplier/customer level by site and Tax ID, if Netting by Tax ID is set to Yes.
Total Net Tax
The total amount of all entered amounts and amounts due remaining in the functional currency for each Tax ID, if Netting by Tax ID is set to Yes.

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