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Israeli New Features in Release 11

Deduction of Tax at Source Report To Suppliers

The Deduction of Tax at Source is a report of certificates that you send to suppliers at the end of each year. The Deduction of Tax at Source report describes the amount of tax, based on the agreed rate with the government, that you have withheld for the reporting year.

The Deduction of Tax at Source report lists the tax amounts that you have withheld for the requested period. You can run the report in summary or in detail:

isr90000.gif Summary - withheld amounts by supplier

isr90000.gif Detail - withheld amounts by invoice

Deduction of Tax at Source Report To the Tax Authority

Deduction of Tax at Source Report To the Tax Authority is a listing of all withheld tax amounts by supplier for a range of periods that you select. The report is run in the functional currency only. You can use the Deduction of Tax at Source Report To the Tax Authority to:

isr90000.gif Provide the tax authority with a summary listing of withheld amounts either monthly or annually.

isr90000.gif Identify the transactions that comprise the summary values submitted to the tax authority.