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Oracle Alert Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows

This table shows you Alert character mode forms mapped to the GUI windows or processes that have the same functionality.

Most windows are accessible when you use the Alert Manager responsibility. Unless otherwise specified, all navigation paths below assume you are using that responsibility.

Unless otherwise noted, refer to the Oracle Alert User's Guide for more information on GUI windows or processes.
Character Mode Form and Menu Path  GUI Window or Process, and Navigation Path 
Define Action Sets 
\ Navigate Actions Sets 
Action Sets window 
See: Creating an Action Set for an Alert 
Navigator: Alert > Define Choose the Action Sets button 
Define Actions 
\ Navigate Actions Define 
Actions window 
See: Creating Alert Actions 
Navigator: Alert > Define Choose the Action button 
Define Alerts 
\ Navigate Alerts Define 
Alert window 
See: Overview of Alerts 
Navigator: Alert > Define 
Define Application Installations 
\ Navigate Definitions Installations 
Define Application Installations window 
See: Registering Application Installations 
Navigator: System > Installations 
Define Distribution Lists 
\ Navigate Actions Lists 
Distribution List window 
See: Defining a Distribution List 
Navigator: Distribution List 
Define Escalation Groups 
\ Navigate Actions Escalation 
Escalation Groups window 
See: Action Escalation 
Navigator: Alert > Define.  From the Special menu choose Escalation Groups 
Define Periodic Sets 
\ Navigate Alerts PeriodicSets 
Periodic Set window 
See: Defining a Periodic Set 
Navigator: Alert > Periodic Set 
Define Response Sets 
\ Navigate Responses 
Response Sets window 
See: Defining a Response Processing Alert 
Navigator: Alert > Define Choose the Response Sets button 
Define Threshold Groups 
\ Navigate Actions Threshold 
Threshold Groups window 
See: Overview of Summary Threshold 
Navigator: Alert > Define From the Special menu choose Threshold Groups 
Load Alert Definition 
\ Navigate Alerts Load 
Obsolete in GUI 
However, you can import a Select Statement from a flat file using the Import button in the Alert window. 
Register Applications 
\ Navigate Definitions Applications 
Applications window 
See: Applications Window 
Navigator: System > Applications 
Request Periodic Alert Check 
\ Navigate Alerts Check 
Request Periodic Alert Check window 
See: Checking a Periodic Alert 
Navigator: Request > Check 
Review Alert Actions 
\ Navigate History Actions 
Review Alert History window 
See: Reviewing Alert Actions 
Navigator: History 
Enter: The application that owns the alert and the alert name. 
Choose the Find Actions button 
Review Alert Checks 
\ Navigate History Checks 
Review Alert History window 
See: Reviewing Alert Checks 
Navigator: History 
Enter: The application that owns the alert and the alert name. 
Choose the Find Checks button 
Review Alert Exceptions 
\ Navigate History Exceptions 
Review Alert History window 
See: Reviewing Alert Exceptions 
Navigator: History 
Enter: The application that owns the alert and the alert name. 
Choose the Find Exceptions button 
Schedule Alert Programs 
\ Navigate Schedule 
Schedule Alert Programs window 
See: The Periodic Alert Scheduler 
Navigator: Request > Schedule 
Transfer Alert Definition 
\ Navigate Alerts Transfer 
Transfer Alert Definitions window 
See: Transferring Alert Definitions 
Navigator: Alert > Define From the Special menu choose Transfer Alert 
Update Personal Profile Options 
\ Navigate Other Profile 
Personal Profile Values window 
See: Personal Profile Values (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Other > Profile 
View Concurrent Requests 
\ Navigate Other Requests 
Requests window 
See: Viewing Requests (Oracle Applications User's Guide) 
Navigator: Other > Concurrent 

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