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Oracle Supply Chain Planning is a powerful tool that integrates manufacturing and distribution into a single planning process. With Oracle Supply Chain Planning, you can generate plans that include the entire supply chain. In a single step you can schedule and plan material and distribution requirements for multiple organizations, or centrally plan the entire enterprise. You can also include customer and supplier inventories in the supply chain planning process.

Oracle Supply Chain Planning lets you plan finished products, as well as intermediate assemblies and purchased items, for all facilities in your supply chain. Material plans for feeder plants and distribution centers automatically consider requirements originating from any number of other facilities. You can load planned order demand from multiple using-organizations into the master schedule of supplying organizations.

In addition to planning the material requirements of your supply chain, you can plan the requirements for your distribution network. This includes all warehouses, distribution centers, and any location that ships products. You can use these distribution requirements plans (DRPs) as input for your material plans.

You can combine centralized distribution and material planning, for items with significant interorganization supply or demand, with decentralized planning, where you prefer autonomous, local planning. Output from the central plan can go into plant-level material plans and vice versa.

Oracle Supply Chain Planning gives you a transparent view of the virtual enterprise, where all inventory locations participate in the planning process.

Attention: All help on Supply Chain Planning assumes a knowledge of Master Scheduling/MRP and will refer users to MRP topics when they compliment Supply Chain functionality.

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