This is a text description of pllexsrv.gif.

This figure shows an example of how to achieve parallel execution of two service request messages known as M2 and M3 from the original service consumer, application supplied, request message, M1.

In this case, M1, the original service consumer, application supplied, request message is split into two service request messages, M2 and M3, using the compound execution adaptor message splitter module for multiple transformations option. Next, the two resulting service response messages, M2 and M3, are merged back into a single response message, M4, using the compound execution adaptor message merger module.

The compound execution adaptor acts as a coordinator to control the execution flow among compound modules by utilizing a series of dependency matrix parameters to evaluate the execution flow. The matrix shows the dependencies on the input of each of the modules and makes use of this information to coordinate the execution flow by creating the necessary threads to allow for the parallel execution of the service requests.