Oracle interMedia Java Classes User's Guide and Reference
Release 9.0.1

Part Number A88785-01
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  I  L  M  O  P  R  S  T  W 


connecting to a database, 1-9


BfileInputStream(BFILE), 7-3
BfileInputStream(BFILE, int), 7-4
BlobInputStream(BLOB), 7-19
BlobInputStream(BLOB, int), 7-20
BlobOutputStream(BLOB), 7-35
BlobOutputStream(BLOB, int), 7-36


canSeekBackwards( ), 7-5, 7-21
checkProperties( ), 3-3, 5-3, 8-3
clearLocal( ), 3-4, 4-3, 5-4, 8-4
close( ), 7-6, 7-22, 7-37
closeSource( ), 3-5, 4-4, 8-5
compatibility, 1-11
copy( ), 5-5


data format, 1-5
connecting to an application, 1-9
deleteContent( ), 3-6, 4-5, 5-6, 8-6


enableParameterTranslation( ), 9-47
enhancing object types
ensuring future compatibility, 1-11
ensuring future compatibility
with enhanced object types, 1-11
evaluateScore( ), 6-2
audio, 2-3
AudioExample.sql, 2-2
file names, A-1, A-2
file names, A-1, A-2, 2-31
ImageExample.sql, 2-29
OrdAudio, 2-1
OrdDoc, 2-15, 2-16
DocumentExample.sql, 2-16
file names, A-1, A-2
OrdImage, 2-28
OrdVideo, 2-53
required CLASSPATH values, A-1
required LD_LIBRARY_PATH values, A-1
required PATH values, A-1
running, A-1
SQL files, A-2
file names, A-1, A-2, 2-54
VideoExample.sql, 2-53
Exception, B-1
IllegalArgumentException, B-1
IllegalStateException, B-2
IOException, B-2
OrdHttpResponseException, B-3
OrdHttpUploadException, B-3
OutOfMemoryError, B-2
ServletException, B-3
SQLException, B-3
export( ), 3-7, 4-6, 5-7, 8-7


flush( ), 7-38


generateSignature( ), 6-4
getAllAttributes( ), 3-9, 8-9
getAttribute( ), 3-10, 8-10
getAudioDuration( ), 3-11
getBFILE( ), 3-12, 4-8, 5-9, 7-7, 8-11
getBitRate( ), 8-12
getBLOB( ), 7-23
getComments( ), 3-13, 4-9, 8-13
getCompressionFormat( ), 5-10
getCompressionType( ), 3-14, 8-14
getContent( ), 3-15, 4-10, 5-11, 8-15
getContentFormat( ), 5-12
getContentInLob( ), 3-16, 4-11, 8-16
getContentLength( ), 3-18, 4-13, 5-13, 8-18, 9-64
getContentLength(byte[ ][ ]), 3-19, 8-19
getDataInByteArray( ), 3-20, 4-14, 5-14, 8-20
getDataInFile( ), 3-21, 4-15, 5-15, 8-21
getDataInStream( ), 3-22, 4-16, 5-16, 8-22
getDescription( ), 3-23, 8-23
getEncoding( ), 3-24
getFileParameter( ), 9-49
getFileParameterNames( ), 9-50
getFileParameterValues( ), 9-51
getFilePointer( ), 7-8, 7-24, 7-39
getFormat( ), 3-25, 4-17, 5-17, 8-24
getFrameRate( ), 8-25
getFrameResolution( ), 8-26
getHeight( ), 5-18, 8-27
getInputStream( ), 9-65
getMimeType( ), 3-26, 4-18, 5-19, 8-28, 9-66
getNumberOfChannels( ), 3-27
getNumberOfColors( ), 8-29
getNumberOfFrames( ), 8-30
getOriginalFileName( ), 9-67
getParameter( ), 9-52
getParameterNames( ), 9-53
getParameterValues( ), 9-54
getSampleSize( ), 3-28
getSamplingRate( ), 3-29
getSimpleFileName( ), 9-68
getSource( ), 3-30, 4-19, 5-20, 8-31
getSourceLocation( ), 3-31, 4-20, 5-21, 8-32
getSourceName( ), 3-32, 4-21, 5-22, 8-33
getSourceType( ), 3-33, 4-22, 5-23, 8-34
getUpdateTime( ), 3-34, 4-23, 5-24, 8-35
getVideoDuration( ), 8-36
getWidth( ), 5-25, 8-37


imCompatibilityInit, 1-11
importData( ), 3-35, 4-24, 5-26, 8-38
importFrom( ), 3-36, 4-25, 5-27, 8-39
interchange format, 1-5
isLocal( ), 3-38, 4-27, 5-29, 8-41
isSimilar( ), 6-5
isUploadRequest( ), 9-55


loadAudio(OrdAudio), 9-69
loadAudio(OrdAudio,byte[ ][ ], boolean), 9-71
loadBlob( ), 9-73
loadDataFromByteArray( ), 3-39, 4-28, 5-30, 8-42
loadDataFromFile( ), 3-41, 4-30, 5-31, 8-44
loadDataFromInputStream( ), 3-42, 4-31, 5-32, 8-45
loadDoc(OrdDoc), 9-75
loadDoc(OrdDoc,byte[ ][ ],boolean), 9-77
loadImage(OrdImage), 9-79
loadImage(OrdImage,String), 9-81
loadVideo(OrdVideo), 9-83
loadVideo(OrdVideo,byte[ ][ ],boolean), 9-85
lossless compression, 1-5
lossy compression, 1-5


mark( ), 7-9, 7-25
markSupported( ), 7-10, 7-26
BfileInputStream(BFILE), 7-3
BfileInputStream(BFILE, int), 7-4
BlobInputStream(BLOB), 7-19
BlobInputStream(BLOB, int), 7-20
BlobOutputStream(BLOB), 7-35
BlobOutputStream(BLOB, int), 7-36
canSeekBackwards( ), 7-5, 7-21
checkProperties( ), 3-3, 5-3, 8-3
clearLocal( ), 3-4, 4-3, 5-4, 8-4
close( ), 7-6, 7-22, 7-37
closeSource( ), 3-5, 4-4, 8-5
copy( ), 5-5
deleteContent( ), 3-6, 4-5, 5-6, 8-6
enableParameterTranslation( ), 9-47
evaluateScore( ), 6-2
export( ), 3-7, 4-6, 5-7, 8-7
flush( ), 7-38
generateSignature( ), 6-4
getAllAttributes( ), 3-9, 8-9
getAttribute( ), 3-10, 8-10
getAudioDuration( ), 3-11
getBFILE( ), 3-12, 4-8, 5-9, 7-7, 8-11
getBitRate( ), 8-12
getBLOB( ), 7-23
getComments( ), 3-13, 4-9, 8-13
getCompressionFormat( ), 5-10
getCompressionType( ), 3-14, 8-14
getContent( ), 3-15, 4-10, 5-11, 8-15
getContentFormat( ), 5-12
getContentInLob( ), 3-16, 4-11, 8-16
getContentLength( ), 3-18, 4-13, 5-13, 8-18, 9-64
getContentLength(byte[ ][ ]), 3-19, 8-19
getDataInByteArray( ), 3-20, 4-14, 5-14, 8-20
getDataInFile( ), 3-21, 4-15, 5-15, 8-21
getDataInStream( ), 3-22, 4-16, 5-16, 8-22
getDescription( ), 3-23, 8-23
getEncoding( ), 3-24
getFileParameter( ), 9-49
getFileParameterNames( ), 9-50
getFileParameterValues( ), 9-51
getFilePointer( ), 7-8, 7-24, 7-39
getFormat( ), 3-25, 4-17, 5-17, 8-24
getFrameRate( ), 8-25
getFrameResolution( ), 8-26
getHeight( ), 5-18, 8-27
getInputStream( ), 9-65
getMimeType( ), 3-26, 4-18, 5-19, 8-28, 9-66
getNumberOfChannels( ), 3-27
getNumberOfColors( ), 8-29
getNumberOfFrames( ), 8-30
getOriginalFileName( ), 9-67
getParameter( ), 9-52
getParameterNames( ), 9-53
getParameterValues( ), 9-54
getSampleSize( ), 3-28
getSamplingRate( ), 3-29
getSimpleFileName( ), 9-68
getSource( ), 3-30, 4-19, 5-20, 8-31
getSourceLocation( ), 3-31, 4-20, 5-21, 8-32
getSourceName( ), 3-32, 4-21, 5-22, 8-33
getSourceType( ), 3-33, 4-22, 5-23, 8-34
getUpdateTime( ), 3-34, 4-23, 5-24, 8-35
getVideoDuration( ), 8-36
getWidth( ), 5-25, 8-37
importData( ), 3-35, 4-24, 5-26, 8-38
importFrom( ), 3-36, 4-25, 5-27, 8-39
isLocal( ), 3-38, 4-27, 5-29, 8-41
isSimilar( ), 6-5
isUploadRequest( ), 9-55
loadAudio(OrdAudio), 9-69
loadAudio(OrdAudio,byte[ ][ ], boolean), 9-71
loadBlob( ), 9-73
loadDataFromByteArray( ), 3-39, 4-28, 5-30, 8-42
loadDataFromFile( ), 3-41, 4-30, 5-31, 8-44
loadDataFromInputStream( ), 3-42, 4-31, 5-32, 8-45
loadDoc(OrdDoc), 9-75
loadDoc(OrdDoc,byte[ ][ ],boolean), 9-77
loadImage(OrdImage), 9-79
loadImage(OrdImage,String), 9-81
loadVideo(OrdVideo), 9-83
loadVideo(OrdVideo,byte[ ][ ],boolean), 9-85
mark( ), 7-9, 7-25
markSupported( ), 7-10, 7-26
openSource( ), 3-43, 4-32, 8-46
OrdHttpJspResponseHandler( ), 9-31
OrdHttpJspResponseHandler(PageContext), 9-32
OrdHttpResponseHandler( ), 9-4
OrdHttpResponseHandler(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse), 9-5
OrdHttpUploadFormData( ), 9-56
OrdHttpUploadFormData(ServletRequest), 9-57
parseFormData( ), 9-58
process( ), 5-33
processAudioCommand( ), 3-45
processCopy( ), 5-34
processSourceCommand( ), 3-47, 4-34, 8-48
processVideoCommand( ), 8-50
read( ), 7-11, 7-27
read(byte[ ]), 7-12, 7-28
read(byte[ ], int, int), 7-13, 7-29
readFromSource( ), 3-49, 4-36, 8-52
release( ), 9-59, 9-87
remaining( ), 7-14, 7-30
reset( ), 7-15, 7-31
seek( ), 7-16, 7-32
sendAudio( ), 9-6, 9-33
sendDoc( ), 9-8, 9-34
sendImage( ), 9-10, 9-35
sendResponse(String, int, InputStream, Timestamp), 9-16, 9-40
sendResponse(String,int,BFILE,Timestamp), 9-12, 9-36
sendResponse(String,int,BLOB,Timestamp), 9-14, 9-38
sendResponseBody(int,BFILE), 9-18
sendResponseBody(int,BLOB), 9-20
sendResponseBody(int,InputStream), 9-22
sendVideo( ), 9-24, 9-42
setAudioDuration( ), 3-51
setBitRate( ), 8-54
setBufferSize( ), 9-26
setComments( ), 3-52, 4-38, 8-55
setCompressionFormat( ), 5-35
setCompressionType( ), 3-53, 8-56
setContentFormat( ), 5-36
setContentLength( ), 4-39, 5-37
setDescription( ), 3-54, 8-57
setEncoding( ), 3-55
setFormat( ), 3-56, 4-40, 5-38, 8-60
setFrameRate( ), 8-58
setFrameResolution( ), 8-59
setHeight( ), 5-39, 8-61
setKnownAttributes( ), 3-57, 8-62
setLocal( ), 3-59, 4-41, 5-40, 8-64
setMaxMemory( ), 9-60
setMimeType( ), 3-60, 4-42, 5-41, 8-65
setNumberOfChannels( ), 3-61
setNumberOfColors( ), 8-66
setNumberOfFrames( ), 8-67
setPageContext( ), 9-43
setProperties( ), 4-43, 5-42
setProperties(byte[ ][ ]), 3-62, 8-68
setProperties(byte[ ][ ], boolean), 3-63, 8-69
setProperties(String), 5-43
setSampleSize( ), 3-64
setSamplingRate( ), 3-65
setServletRequest( ), 9-27, 9-62
setServletResponse( ), 9-28
setSource( ), 3-66, 4-44, 5-44, 8-70
setUpdateTime( ), 3-67, 4-45, 5-45, 8-71
setVideoDuration( ), 8-72
setWidth( ), 5-46, 8-73
skip( ), 7-17, 7-33
trimSource( ), 3-68, 4-46, 8-74
write(byte[ ]), 7-42
write(byte[ ], int, int), 7-43
write(int), 7-44
writeToSource( ), 3-69, 4-47, 8-75


object types enhancement
ensuring future compatibility, 1-11
openSource( ), 3-43, 4-32, 8-46
OrdHttpJspResponseHandler( ), 9-31
OrdHttpJspResponseHandler(PageContext), 9-32
OrdHttpResponseHandler( ), 9-4
OrdHttpResponseHandler(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse), 9-5
OrdHttpUploadFormData( ), 9-56
OrdHttpUploadFormData(ServletRequest), 9-57


parseFormData( ), 9-58
process( ), 5-33
processAudioCommand( ), 3-45
processCopy( ), 5-34
processSourceCommand( ), 3-47, 4-34, 8-48
processVideoCommand( ), 8-50
protocol, 1-5


read( ), 7-11, 7-27
read(byte[ ]), 7-12, 7-28
read(byte[ ], int, int), 7-13, 7-29
readFromSource( ), 3-49, 4-36, 8-52
release( ), 9-59, 9-87
remaining( ), 7-14, 7-30
reset( ), 7-15, 7-31


seek( ), 7-16, 7-32
sendAudio( ), 9-6, 9-33
sendDoc( ), 9-8, 9-34
sendImage( ), 9-10, 9-35
sendResponse(String, int, InputStream, Timestamp), 9-16, 9-40
sendResponse(String,int,BFILE,Timestamp), 9-12, 9-36
sendResponse(String,int,BLOB,Timestamp), 9-14, 9-38
sendResponseBody(int,BFILE), 9-18
sendResponseBody(int,BLOB), 9-20
sendResponseBody(int,InputStream), 9-22
sendVideo( ), 9-24, 9-42
setAudioDuration( ), 3-51
setBitRate( ), 8-54
setBufferSize( ), 9-26
setComments( ), 3-52, 4-38, 8-55
setCompressionFormat( ), 5-35
setCompressionType( ), 3-53, 8-56
setContentFormat( ), 5-36
setContentLength( ), 4-39, 5-37
setDescription( ), 3-54, 8-57
setEncoding( ), 3-55
setFormat( ), 3-56, 4-40, 5-38, 8-60
setFrameRate( ), 8-58
setFrameResolution( ), 8-59
setHeight( ), 5-39, 8-61
setKnownAttributes( ), 3-57, 8-62
setLocal( ), 3-59, 4-41, 5-40, 8-64
setMaxMemory( ), 9-60
setMimeType( ), 3-60, 4-42, 5-41, 8-65
setNumberOfChannels( ), 3-61
setNumberOfColors( ), 8-66
setNumberOfFrames( ), 8-67
setPageContext( ), 9-43
setProperties( ), 4-43, 5-42
setProperties(byte[ ][ ]), 3-62, 8-68
setProperties(byte[ ][ ], boolean), 3-63, 8-69
setProperties(String), 5-43
setSampleSize( ), 3-64
setSamplingRate( ), 3-65
setServletRequest( ), 9-27, 9-62
setServletResponse( ), 9-28
setSource( ), 3-66, 4-44, 5-44, 8-70
setUpdateTime( ), 3-67, 4-45, 5-45, 8-71
setVideoDuration( ), 8-72
setWidth( ), 5-46, 8-73
skip( ), 7-17, 7-33


trimSource( ), 3-68, 4-46, 8-74


write(byte[ ]), 7-42
write(byte[ ], int, int), 7-43
write(int), 7-44
writeToSource( ), 3-69, 4-47, 8-75

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