Oracle9i Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A88890-02
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Internet Access to Advanced Queuing, 8 of 9

Using SMTP to Access the AQ Servlet

The general procedure for an AQ client to make a request to the AQ servlet using SMTP is as follows:

  1. The client creates a message with the AQ XML client request. The client signs the message with its private key using the Oracle S/MIME toolkit.

  2. The client names the message with a substring, IDAP_MESSAGE, and sends it as a binary attachment to the database email address.

  3. The email server receives the message.

  4. The email server triggers the rule registered for the database email address, which does the following:

    1. Connects to the LDAP server and retrieves the certificate of the sending AQ agent

    2. Verifies the signature of the message

    3. Connects to the Web server as user ORACLE_SMTP_AGENT if authentication succeeds, and sends an HTTP POST message containing the client request

The procedure for the AQ servlet to process a request is described in "AQ Servlet Processes a Request Using HTTP". When the servlet sends a response, the email server sends an email message containing the XML response to the address specified in the reply-to field of the original email message.

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