Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A89852-02
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Application developers can use the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package with Oracle Trace and the SQL trace facility to record names of executing modules or transactions in the database for later use when tracking the performance of various modules and debugging.

Registering the application allows system administrators and performance tuning specialists to track performance by module. System administrators can also use this information to track resource use by module. When an application registers with the database, its name and actions are recorded in the V$SESSION and V$SQLAREA views.

Your applications should set the name of the module and name of the action automatically each time a user enters that module. The module name could be the name of a form in an Oracle Forms application, or the name of the code segment in an Oracle Precompilers application. The action name should usually be the name or description of the current transaction within a module.

If you want to gather your own statistics based on module, then you can implement a wrapper around this package by writing a version of this package in another schema that first gathers statistics and then calls the SYS version of the package. The public synonym for DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO can then be changed to point to the DBA's version of the package.

This chapter discusses the following topics:


No further privileges are required. The DBMSUTIL.SQL script is already run by catproc.

Summary of DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO Subprograms

Table 3-1 DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO Package Subprograms
Subprogram  Description 

"SET_MODULE Procedure" 

Sets the name of the module that is currently running to a new module. 

"SET_ACTION Procedure" 

Sets the name of the current action within the current module. 

"READ_MODULE Procedure" 

Reads the values of the module and action fields of the current session. 

"SET_CLIENT_INFO Procedure" 

Sets the client info field of the session. 


Reads the value of the client_info field of the current session. 


Sets a row in the V$SESSION_LONGOP table. 

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