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About the Ultra Search Query API

Oracle Ultra Search provides a flexible, easy-to-integrate query framework by means of a query API. You use the API methods to retrieve and display query results. The API is written in Java. Therefore, it is compatible with a large spectrum of web application servers that support any Java-based technology such as Java Server Pages (JSP version 1.0 and above).

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You embed Ultra Search query functionality in your web application with the supplied Ultra Search Java Query API. The API supports two types of methods:

  1. Methods that retrieve query result data only.
  2. Methods that retrieve HTML code containing query result data.

The methods that retrieve HTML code support features such as allowing you to embed query input boxes and result lists in your web application. The data-only methods do not return any HTML and can be used when you require full control over the HTML code to be rendered.

Here are some features of the Ultra Search Java Query API:

  • Lets you to retrieve query results.
  • Lets you to set query properties such as the total number of hits to return etc.
  • Lets you to set the query session language
  • Lets you to access Ultra Search tables to retrieve Ultra Search dictionary data, such as all defined data groups and attributes
  • Lets you customize and generate your query interface and search result screen with procedures that return blocks of HTML code that you can embed into your web application. (mentioned above)
  • Lets you allow the search end-user to submit URLs to the seed URL list.

The Ultra Search Java Query API is encapsulated in the oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool class. Click here for full details on the Ultra Search Query API.