Text for image logindba.gif

Logindba.gif shows the iSQL*Plus user interface Log In screen inside a Netscape Navigator window, and a dialog box overlaying the screen. The Log In screen contains a Heading area displaying the Oracle logo, iSQL*Plus title and a Help button.

Under the Heading area there are three text input fields, a dropdown list and two buttons. The three input fields are labeled:

The Username: field contains the text "hr".

The Password: field contains two asterisks.

The Connection Identifier field is blank.

The dropdown list is labeled: "Privilege:". The dropdown list shows the setting of "AS SYSDBA".

The two buttons are labeled:

The dialog box is labeled Prompt and contains prompt text, two text fields, and two buttons. The prompt text is "Enter username for iSQL*Plus DBA at host.domain.

The two input fields are labeled:

The User Name: field contains the text "dba-admin".

The Confirm Password: field contains asterisks.

The two buttons are labeled: