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Use wfevtenq.sql to enqueue an event message on a local queue using an override agent. This script constructs an event message using the event name, event key, event data, From Agent, and To Agent you specify. Then the event message is enqueued on the queue associated with the override agent you specify, which can be different than the From Agent listed inside the event message. If no override agent is specified, the event message is enqueued on the message's From Agent by default.

Note: This script can only enqueue an event message onto a queue for an agent on the local system.

Use the script as follows:

sqlplus <user/pwd> @wfevtenq <overrideagent> <overridesystem> <fromagent> <fromsystem> <toagent> <tosystem> <eventname> <eventkey> <message>

Replace the variables with your parameters as follows:

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