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Error Check Process Activities

Start (Node 1)

This is a Standard function activity that simply marks the start of the process.

Wait (Node 2)

This is a Standard function activity that pauses the process for the time you specify.

To use a Wait activity in a process, you must set up at least one background engine to evaluate whether the wait period has elapsed so that it can complete the Wait activity.

Check Alert (Node 3)

This is a function activity that scans for rows in the Workflow item activity statuses table looking for activities with a status of ERROR.

Wait (Node 4)

This is a Standard function activity that pauses the process for the time you specify.

To use a Wait activity in a process, you must set up at least one background engine to evaluate whether the wait period has elapsed so that it can complete the Wait activity.

User Defined Alert Action (Node 5)

This activity is a subprocess that performs a series of activities whenever an alert exception is detected. To view the subprocess, double-click on User Defined Alert Action under the Processes branch in the navigator tree. Currently, the subprocess sends a notification of the errors detected to the alert recipient.

Once Only (Node 6)

This is a standard function activity that compares one value to another.

End (Nodes 7 and 9)

This is a Standard function activity that simply marks the end of the process.

Wait (Node 8)

This is a Standard function activity that pauses the process for the time you specify.

To use a Wait activity in a process, you must set up at least one background engine to evaluate whether the wait period has elapsed so that it can complete the Wait activity.

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