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PL/SQL Syntax

function SubscriptionParameters

    (p_string in varchar2, 
p_key in varchar2) return varchar2;


Returns the value for the specified parameter from a text string containing the parameters defined for an event subscription. The parameter name and value pairs in the text string should be separated by spaces and should appear in the following format:

<name1>=<value1> <name2>=<value2> ... <nameN>=<valueN>

SubscriptionParameters() searches the text string for the specified parameter name and returns the value assigned to that name. For instance, you can call this function in a subscription rule function to retrieve the value of a subscription parameter, and then code different behavior for the rule function based on that value.

Arguments (input)

p_string A text string containing the parameters defined for an event subscription.
p_key The name of the parameter whose value should be returned.

In the following example, SubscriptionParameters() is used to assign the value of the ITEMKEY subscription parameter to the l_function program variable. The example code is from the AddCorrelation function, which adds a correlation ID to an event message during subscription processing. See: AddCorrelation.

-- This is where we will do some logic to determine
-- if there is a parameter
l_function := wf_event_functions_pkg.SubscriptionParameters

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