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The WF_ROLES view should reference information about all the roles in your organization who may receive workflow notifications. Create this view, making sure it contains the following columns pertaining to the roles in your repository. Those columns that are preceded by an asterisk (*) are similar to the matching column described for the WF_USERS view:

Attention: We require that you also define each user identified by WF_USERS as a role.

Note: If a user is a member of a role and the user information is different from the role information, the role information will override the user information when the Notification System delivers a notification to the role. For example, suppose a user has a notification preference of 'SUMMARY', and the user is also a member of a multi-user role, whose notification preference is 'MAILHTML'. When a notification is assigned to the multi-user role, the user will receive a single notification message addressed to the role, as opposed to a summary message that includes that notification in it.

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