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Workflow URL Attachment Message

The Notification system uses the Workflow URL Attachment message as a template to create the Notification References attachment for HTML-formatted notification messages that include URL attributes with Attach Content checked. The template includes a list with links to each URL.

The Workflow URL Attachment message has the following message attribute. The value is drawn from the message definition associated with a notification activity.

URLLIST The list of URLs to be included in the attachment.
You can customize the text that appears in the body of the Workflow URL Attachment template, where an attribute preceded by an ampersand (&) is token substituted with a runtime value when the notification is sent. The boilerplate text for the HTML-formatted message body is as follows:

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Oracle Workflow Notification References </TITLE> </HEAD> 
<P><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Notification References</FONT> </B>

<HR WIDTH="100%">
<HR WIDTH="100%">

See: Modifying Your Message Templates

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