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Step 11 Customizing the Logo on Oracle Workflow's Web Pages

To use Oracle Workflow's web pages and the Workflow Monitor at your site, you must have Oracle9i Application Server installed. Refer to your web server documentation for additional information.

Once your web server is installed and set up, you can customize the company logo that appears on Oracle Workflow's web pages.

Use a web browser that supports JavaScript to connect to the Notification Web page or a web browser that supports Java Development Kit (JDK), Version 1.1.8 or higher and Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) to connect to the Workflow Monitor.

arrow icon   To Customize Oracle Workflow's Web Pages

You can customize the company logo that appears in the upper right corner of Oracle Workflow's web pages.

Note: If you are using Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications, the mapping of /OA_MEDIA/ is completed as part of the Oracle Applications installation and setup steps.

Note: If you are using the standalone version of Oracle Workflow, the mapping of /OA_MEDIA/ is completed after you install the Oracle Workflow server and you set up the Workflow Monitor.

Context: You need to perform this step only once.

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