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PL/SQL Syntax

function GetBody

(nid in number,
disptype in varchar2 default '')
return varchar2;

Java Syntax

public static String getBody

    (WFContext wCtx,
BigDecimal nid,
String dispType)


Returns the HTML or plain text message body for the notification, depending on the message body type specified. Any message attribute in the body is token substituted with the value of the corresponding notification attribute. This function may return up to 32K characters. You cannot use this function in a view definition or in an Oracle Applications form. For views and forms, use GetShortBody( ) which truncates values at 1950 characters.

Note that the returned plain text message body is not formatted; it should be wordwrapped as appropriate for the output device. Body text may contain tabs (which indicate indentation) and newlines (which indicate paragraph termination).

Arguments (input)

wCtx Workflow context information. Required for the Java method only. See: Oracle Workflow Context.
nid The notification id.
disptype The display type of the message body you wish to fetch. Valid display types are:

The default is null.

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