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procedure Items

    (itemtype in varchar2 default null,
itemkey in varchar2 default null,
enddate in date default sysdate,
docommit in boolean default TRUE);


Deletes all items for the specified item type, and/or item key, and end date, including process status and notification information. Deletes from the tables WF_NOTIFICATIONS, WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES, WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES and WF_ITEMS.

Arguments (input)

itemtype Item type to delete. Leave this argument null to delete all item types.
itemkey A string generated from the application object's primary key. The string uniquely identifies the item within an item type. If null, the procedure purges all items in the specified itemtype.
enddate Specified date to delete up to.
docommit Specify TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether to commit data while purging. If you want Items() to commit data as it purges to reduce rollback segments and improve performance, specify TRUE. If you do not want to perform automatic commits, specify FALSE. Defaults to TRUE.

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