Function Builder: Display Z_RFC_GET_GROUPS

This figure displays seven sections of available icons, buttons and tabs with a table in the bottom pane.  Along the top are menu items with nothing chosen; Below the menu items is a group of icons with one pull-down window. Below this is the function and the name of the function.  This is displaying:

·       Function Builder: Display Z_RFC_GET_GROUPS

Below this is a group of icons and buttons.  One button is highlighted:

·       Function module documentation

Below this is three text buttons.  One button his highlighted:


Below this are seven tabs. 

·       The import tab has been chosen.

Below the tabs is a table.  The table displays eight columns with two rows of text.  For the purposes of this image file, only the first row of information will be listed:

·       Parameter name – AREANAME

·       Type Spec. – TYPE

·       Reference type – RS38L – APPL

·       Default value – Empty box

·       Options – Empty check box

·       Pa…--Checked box

·       Short Text—Area name

·       Long Text—Empty display box