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Oracle9iAS Portal Release Notes
Release 2 (9.0.2)

Part Number A96191-01
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Oracle9iAS Portal

Release Notes

Release 2 (9.0.2)

April 2002

Part No. A96191-01

This document summarizes the differences between Oracle9iAS Portal and its documented functionality. For recent updates to these release notes and other Oracle9iAS Portal documentation, please refer to the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) -

See Also:

Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes

1 Certification and System Requirements

For information, refer to Systems Requirements in the Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Guide.

2 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and their workarounds for Oracle9iAS Portal.

2.1 Need to Manually Grant Privileges for Creating/Editing Web Providers Groups

After you finish the installation of the Oracle9iAS Portal, you need to grant access to different users for creating/editing Web providers and provider groups. To grant access you need to manually make changes to following file:


Here is a sample provideruiacle.xml file:

<providerui xmlns="">
    <objectType name="ALL_OBJECTS">
        <object name="ANY_PROVIDER" owner="providerui">
           <user name="any_provider_manager_user" privilege="500"/>
           <user name="any_provider_edit_user" privilege="400"/>
           <user name="any_provider_execute_user" privilege="300"/>
           <user name="any_provider_create_user" privilege="100"/>
        <object name="ANY_PORTLET" owner="providerui">
           <user name="any_portlet_manage_user" privilege="500"/>
           <user name="any_portlet_edit_user" privilege="400"/>
           <user name="any_portlet_execute_user" privilege="300"/>
   <objectType name="PROVIDER">
        <object name="TEST_PROVIDER" owner="providerui">
           <user name="provider_manage_user" privilege="500"/>
           <user name="provider_edit_user" privilege="400"/>
           <user name="provider_execute_user" privilege="300"/>
   <objectType name="PORTLET">
        <object name="PORTLET_UNDER_TEST_PROVIDER" owner="TESTPROVIDER">
           <user name="portlet_manage_user" privilege="500"/>
           <user name="portlet_edit_user" privilege="400"/>
           <user name="portlet_execute_user" privilege="300"/>

You can define the privileges at global level or at object level.

These are the global level privileges (as shown in the sample file above):

These are the object level privileges (as shown in the sample file above):

2.2 Oracle Text Index Issues when URLs Exceed 256 Characters

If Oracle Text searching is enabled, URL Text Indexes are created during Oracle9iAS Portal installation so that document content can be searched. There is currently a limitation where URLs longer than 256 characters are not indexed and therefore these documents can not be searched.

Note: The term URLs used here refers to URL items and items which have URL attributes.

Sometimes, when URLs exceeding 256 characters are seeded during installation the URL Text Index is not created, i.e. this process fails. This is a rare occurrence, but if it does fail the Oracle Text search facility is unusable.

Similarly, if URLs longer than 256 characters are created after Portal installation, subsequent URL Text Index syncronizations fail for these specific documents. In this instance only the content of these particular URLs are not searchable.

This issue is fixed in the Oracle database patchset, when the URL length limit will be increased to 4000 characters. It is recommend that the patchset is applied before using Oracle Text functionality.

2.3 Security Issues Linking from Pages based on Non-Public Templates

Pages based on non-public templates can be given their own privileges. Problems can occur if a page grants privileges to users who do not have privileges granted to them on the template.

Privilege errors occur when these users click the following types of page links (which exist on the page due to their presence on a template):

Note also that any images and imagemaps associated with such items are not displayed, i.e. the broken image icon is displayed instead.

The workaround for this issue is to make the template public, or insist that pages inherit their privileges from the template, instead of having their own.

2.4 Direct Access URL Format Has Changed

The format of the direct access URLs for pages has changed in this release of Oracle9iAS Portal.

In previous releases, the direct access URL format for pages was:


The new format is:


Now <pagegroupname> is required. Sites that plan to upgrade to this release may need to modify page links that use direct access URLs.

2.5 Problems with JTidy Version Installed with Oracle9iAS Portal

If you are creating XML portlets, the XML filter feature may not work well with Java JDK version 1.3 (or above) due to a bug in the JTidy version installed by default with Oracle9iAS Portal. If you want to use the XML filter feature when creating XML portlets, please do the following:

  1. Download the latest version of jtidy.jar from this address:

  2. Replace jtidy.jar installed with Oracle9iAS Portal with this new, downloaded version.

3 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes configuration issues and their workarounds for Oracle9iAS Portal.

3.1 Reducing Access/Login Time to Oracle9iAS Portal

3.1.1 Background

Oracle9iAS Portal uses session cookies to maintain session details for each Portal user. This session cookie is encrypted and contains important information like the database username, light weight username and NLS characteristics of the session. For mod_plsql to execute a Portal request, it needs to establish the database username from the session cookie. To avoid an expensive decrypt operation with each user request, mod_plsql decrypts the session cookie once and maintains the relevant details in a "session cache" on the local file system.

In a default iAS installation, the session cache directory is:


The session cache is configured via the file:

Note: The Enterprise Manager Configuration Tool can also be used to edit the default configuration.

Given that each session cache item is small, accessed per-request and volatile, it is possible to increase performance by moving the session cache to a more performant file system. For example, the memory-based file system that is commonly available on UNIX platforms.

3.1.2 Moving Session Cache Directory to More Performant File System

  1. Determine how much space is needed by the session cache:

3.2 Web Cache Requires Multiple Middle-Tiers to Have Same DAD

If Oracle9iAS Portal is accessed via multiple middle-tiers with one Web Cache installation, the DAD name used to access Oracle9iAS Portal should be the same in all of the middle-tiers. This is required for Web Cache invalidation to work correctly.

3.3 Web Cache Requires Session Caching in mod_plsql Cache to be Enabled

Web Cache can cache Oracle Portal pages and portlets only if Session Caching is switched "On" in the mod_plsql cache.

If Session Caching is switched "Off", Web Cache does not cache Oracle Portal pages and portlets. See also section 3.1.1.

3.4 Modifying mod_plsql Settings

If you make manual edits to the mod_plsql configuration files, the changes are not reflected in the DCM repository. This is also the case if you have created, modified, or deleted DADs or modified mod_plsql cache setting through the Enterprise Manager user interface.

To avoid this problem, you must run the following command after making any edits either manually or through the Oracle Enterprise Manager user interface:

dcmctl updateconfig ohs

3.5 Configuring Browser Settings

3.5.1 Cache Settings

To ensure that your browser is always displaying valid Portal content, please make sure that your browser cache settings are as follows:

Internet Explorer:

Tools->Internet Options -> General Tab -> Settings

Check for newer versions of stored pages:

[X] Every visit to the page

[ ] Every time you start Internet Explorer

[ ] Automatically

[ ] Never



Document in cache is compared to document on network:

[ ] Once per session

[X] Every Time

[ ] Never

3.5.2 Image Settings

Please make sure that pictures/images are automatically loaded as follows:

Internet Explorer:

Tools->Internet Options -> Advanced Tab

[X] Show Pictures



[X] Automatically Load Images

Sometimes this setting is disabled to increase performance on low bandwidth connections. However, one common problem that occurs when pictures/images are not automatically loaded is that once logged out, you cannot login again without closing and re-invoking the browser. Hence, we recommend that this setting is always enabled.

3.6 Updating Portal Monitoring Details with Portal/SSO Password Changes

If the password changes for an Oracle9iAS Portal or Single Sign-On (SSO) schema that is being monitored, details of the new password must be updated manually for Portal Monitoring Services to continue. Follow the steps below:

  1. In Enterprise Manager, open the Target Administration page:

    @ http://<machine_name>.<domain>:1810/emd/browser/admin
  2. From the Agent Monitored Targets list, choose the Name of the Portal schema, or SSO schema which has a new password.

  3. Click Next to edit details for your selection.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • For Portal schemas, update the portal_DAD_password property.

    • For SSO schemas, update the ssoServerPassword property.

  5. Click Finish.

Note: Use this page to update the password property only. Do not update any other property here.

3.7 No Spaces in Oracle Enterprise Manager Property Values

In Oracle Enterprise Manager, you cannot add property values with spaces. The only exception to this rule is the NLS Language property.

3.8 SOAP Related Error Messages After Installation

In some cases, you may see a SOAP related error message, ORA-29552 Verification Warning, in the USER_ERRORS view following the Oracle9iAS Portal install. This error message does not correspond to any loss of service.

4 Exporting/Importing Issues

4.1 Exporting/Importing Page URLs Correctly

By default, generated page URLs contain installation specific ID numbers that change when the object is exported. This causes broken links when pages are imported into a different site.

Here is an example of a URL generated for a page. If the page is imported on another site, this PAGEID will change.,49&_dad=portalr2&_

The same page has this direct access URL:

This direct access URL still works on an imported page, providing the name of the page (e.g. HRBENEFITS) and the names of its parent pages (e.g. HRHOME, HRPAGEGROUP) do not change.

To find the direct access URL for a page, look at the page property sheet. A link to the property sheet can be displayed by adding a Property Sheet Smart Link item to the page.

You can also use a Page Link item type to create a link to a page. The Page Link item type dynamically generates the correct link at runtime.

Therefore, to ensure that links do not 'break' when pages are imported into a different site, always use Page Link item types or direct access URLs when creating links to pages.

For more information, refer to 'Direct Access URLs' and 'Page Links' in the Oracle9iAS Portal online help.

4.2 SSO Exporting/Importing Support Issues

SSO Export/Import does not provide support for external and partner applications, and password stores. Any object from these placed on a page will not work correctly when the page is migrated from one portal to another.

4.3 Exporting/Importing Portal Objects to Different OID Servers

Portal Export/Import expects the source (development) and the target (test, production) portal instances to point to the same OID server. If the source and target instances use different OID servers, you must export portal objects (page groups, database providers, etc.) without security.

Once you have successfully imported the portal objects, security privileges must be explicitly assigned on the target.

4.4 Exporting/Importing Pages Containing Custom Item Types

Portal Export/Import of pages overwrites all attribute values of items based on custom item types with custom attributes in the target portal. For this reason, you should create items (based on custom item types) on the source portal only, and migrate them to the target through the export-import process for that page.

5 Mobile Support Issues

5.1 Non-NLS Messages

There are two messages which are not translated into any language other than English. These appear in the following cases:

5.2 Navigation Restriction for Nested Page Portlets

A mobile device can be used to access a portal page containing a page portlet within another page portlet. However, when navigation occurs into the inner page portlet, it may not be possible to navigate back, without going back to the Home page.

The 'Back link' context is lost when page portlets are nested on mobile pages and when viewing a standard page on a mobile device.

5.3 Problems with Portal Redirects on Openwave Simulators

There is a problem with Openwave Simulators (version 4.1 and 5) which prevent some HTTP redirects from being performed by the simulator.

5.4 Design Restrictions of Page Portlets

5.5 IP Cookie Validation Failure

Some proxy server configurations may cause cookie validation to fail. This problem which will probably only be observed when Portal is being accessed from outside an intranet (i.e. from a mobile device), causes "Invalid Session" errors to appear in the client. To fix this, use the switch.csh (or switch.cmd) script to disable the IP checking stage of cookie validation (see Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Guide for more details).

5.6 Portlet Link Mode and Mobile Page Preview

Although portlets can render any Oracle9iAS Wireless XML when requested to render in Link mode, "well behaved" portlets only ever respond with a single SimpleHref element. Such responses are the only ones that are formally supported by Oracle9iAS Portal.

5.7 Error Logging

Some errors originating from Oracle9iAS Portal cannot be rendered directly into a mobile browser. In such cases the errors are written to the servlet log and a general error message (with unique ID) are written to the client device.

5.8 _debug Output

Performance related output for mobile requests when using the URL parameter _debug=[01] is written to the servlet log, not to the mobile browser.

5.9 Some Dialogs Refer to Tabs Instead of Levels

Some dialogs displayed in the mobile page design time environment refer to 'tabs'. However, these references should be to 'levels'.

5.10 Moving Levels in Mobile Page Edit Not Possible

Currently, it is not possible to move levels within other levels (this is a limitation of the standard page UI with regards to moving tabs).

5.11 Limitations of Mobile Page Viewer

Only URL items are displayed in the mobile view of a page. Other types of items (Text, File, etc.) are not displayed. This restriction will be removed in a future release.

5.12 Permission Related Error Message Hidden from Mobile Clients

When a user using a mobile client attempts to access a non-public page for which they have not been granted view privileges, the standard error message is raised: You do not have permission to perform this 

Rather than being sent to the user, though, this message is trapped by the Parallel Page Engine. The Parallel Page Engine records the error message in the servlet's log file and sends the following message to the mobile client:

A temporary error has prevented Oracle Portal from servicing your 
request.  (id=nnnnn)

where nnnnn is a unique id that can be used to look up the logged error in the servlet's log file. This error message is used whenever the Parallel Page Engine traps error messages that cannot be properly handled by mobile clients, but, in this case, the error is benign - it is just a privilege issue.

To find mobile related errors that have been logged in the Parallel Page Engine's log file, search for (log errorID = nnnnn), where nnnnn is the number reported in the mobile client.

To avoid running into this problem too often, ensure that any default home page is accessible by the users intended to make use of it as a home page.

6 UI Issues and Workarounds

6.1 Providing Translatable Images via the Portal UI

In 3.0.9, the file imginst.sql "flipped" the logo images for the Design Time Home Page and for the Navigator Pages. This script was mentioned in the Globalization Support Guide and was for Hebrew and Arabic Languages only.

This script is no longer supported. If the Portal administrator wants to provide the images for Hebrew and Arabic, they need to edit the Navigator Page and the Design Time Home Page (when logged in with these specific languages) and upload the "flipped" image for these languages.

There are no API's to support the provision of translatable images but the same functionality can be achieved via the Portal UI as described above.

6.2 Edit Banner not Displayed in Portlet Repository

The portlet repository banner is not public, and is only shown to privileged users, e.g. portal administrators. So, users with only 'Manage Content' privilege on portlet repository pages will not see the banner, which has the Edit link in it.

For this release, any user with Manage Content privileges that wants to edit content can do so by adding the string "&_edit=1" at the end of the browser URL.

6.3 Hiding Item Types, Page Types, Categories and Perspectives

This section describes what happens if you hide item types, page types, categories and perspectives in a page group.

6.3.1 Hiding Item Types

If you hide an item type it is unavailable for selection when a user creates an item in a region. The item type is not hidden when rendering the page.

6.3.2 Hiding Page Types

If you hide a page type it is unavailable for selection when a user creates a page. The page type is not hidden when rendering the Navigator.

6.3.3 Hiding Categories

If you hide a category it is unavailable for selection when a user is assigning categories for an item, i.e. it does not appear in the list.

Items belonging to the hidden category are only hidden in View mode, when the region is grouped by category.

Items are always visible in page Edit mode.

6.3.4 Hiding Perspectives

If you hide a perspective it is unavailable for selection when a user is assigning perspectives for an item, i.e. it does not appear in the list.

Items to which a hidden perspective is assigned, are not hidden. However, when the perspective attribute is rendered in a region, the hidden perspective is not rendered.

6.4 Cannot Select External Applications from LOV

When Oracle9iAS Portal and the Single Sign-On Server (SSO) are not on the same database instance, the External Application ID LOV does not work correctly (on Create/Edit Web Provider screens).

When you click the LOV icon next to the External Application ID field the LOV displays all available external applications but you can not select items from the list.

As a workaround, note down the External Application ID displayed in the LOV and then type the ID value into the External Application ID field manually.

The External Application ID LOV displays external application details in the format 'External Application ID: External Application Name'. For example:

102: My.Oracle.Com

101: OracleMobile

When entering the details manually you only need to enter the ID value into the External Application ID field, e.g. 101. The External Application Name is not required and if entered is not saved, or subsequently displayed.

Note: This is not an issue when Oracle9iAS Portal and the SSO Server are on the same instance.

6.5 Unable to Search in Selected Page Groups

For this release you can perform a custom search in all of the page groups, or a single page group only (for both submissions and auto queries).

When performing a custom search you are given the option to "Search In Selected Page Group". The online help for this option is as follows:

Choose Search In Selected Page Group to have the portlet search a subset of page groups. Select the page groups to search in and move them to the Selected Page Groups list.

When a subset of page groups are selected, auto query portlets will only search one of the page groups, not all of them. The runtime selection will not enable the user to search in all of the selected page groups.

6.6 Default Access Settings for Pages, Templates and Tabs

By default, a page template allows pages that are based on it to set their own Access Control List (ACL), i.e. the "Enable Pages To Have Different Access" property is initially checked when you create a new template.

When you create a page based on a template that allows different access details to be set, the default Control Access setting for the page is "Specify Access Setting".

If the page template contains tabs, these tabs are also available to pages based on the template. The default Control Access setting for the tabs on such pages is also "Specify Access Setting".

This information is summarized in the Table 1.

Table 1 Default Access Settings for Pages, Templates and Tabs
Type of Page Based on Template Specify Access Settings




Tab on Page


Inherit from the Page



Enable Pages To Have Different Access

Tab on Template


Inherit from the Template




Tab on Page



These settings are just the defaults. You can change these settings via the "Control Access" screen of the template, page or tab.

Note: When setting properties for a tab on a page that is derived from tab on a template, the property displayed reads "Inherit Access Setting from the Page". In this case the text is misleading as the tab actually inherits from the tab on the template, rather than from the page.

6.7 Defining Default Template for Page Groups

When you create a page group you are prompted for a template. The template (if selected) is used to create the root page for the page group. However, this template is not automatically used as the default template for the page group.

An additional step is required to define a default template for the page group, i.e. via Edit Page Group Properties screen.

Note: The default template is not enforced, i.e. page creators can choose the default template, another public template, or no template at all.

6.8 Cannot Delete Subpages in Edit Page View

It is not possible to delete a subpage from the parent page's Edit Page view.

The workaround for this is to use the Navigator. This restriction will be removed in a future release.

6.9 Cannot Cascade Privileges to Subpages

It is no longer possible to cascade privileges to subpages. However, you may now use Bulk Actions in the Navigator to set privileges on pages.

6.10 Image References Break when Images Updated

If an image URL or uploaded image name is used to reference an image item in another item, the reference breaks if the referenced image is updated.

For example:

  1. Create an image item.

  2. Obtain the uploaded name of the image item (right click on the image, select Properties and note the uploaded name, i.e. the last element in the URL, e.g. 9999.gif)

  3. Create a text item.

  4. For the text item image attribute, enter the uploaded name of the image in the second field.

  5. Update the image item. Upload a new image and note that the new image receives a new uploaded name (e.g.10001.gif).

The text item image reference still points to the old image's uploaded name and now appears as a broken link (caching may still cause the old image to be displayed).

This restriction will be removed in the next release.

6.11 Search Result Attributes Used Only to Render Items

When setting 'Search Result Display Options' you can define a set of Search Results Attributes. These attributes are only applied when rendering Items within search results. They are not applied to Categories, Perspectives or Pages, i.e. you cannot customize how Categories, Perspectives or Pages appear within search results.

This restriction will be removed in the next release.

6.12 Problems If Too Many Search Submission Attributes Selected

Search functionality can become inconsistent if you choose to use a large number of attributes when submitting a search. This is due to URL size constraints.

Here are examples of issues that can occur when too many search attributes are selected:

6.13 Item Level Security Not Working for Items Placed on Tabs

When you create a page you can set 'Enable Item Level Security' for the page. If this feature is enabled, you can create items with a specific set of privileges assigned.

If such items are placed directly onto a region of a page, item level security works correctly.

If however such items are placed on a tab within a page, all item level security settings are ignored.

This restriction will be removed in the next release.

6.14 Relative Links Converted to Absolute Links

If you create a Text item containing a relative link, it is converted to an absolute link. This will cause problems if your content is to be exported to another site.

For example:

  1. Create a text item.

  2. Enter:

    <IMG SRC="/images/home.gif" ALT="Home" BORDER=0> 
  3. Click OK.

  4. Edit the Text item.

    Note that the 'base' has been added to the URL, e.g. <IMG alt=Home src="" border=0>.

This restriction will be removed in a future release of Oracle9iAS Portal.

6.15 Banner Title of Embedded Pages Uses Title of Containing Page

You can embed a page (published as a portlet) in another page. If you do this, the banner of the embedded page displays the title of the containing page, rather than its own title.

As a workaround, you can suppress display of the region containing the embedded page banner in the Portlet Customization/Edit Defaults screen.

6.16 Problems Clicking Subpages When Editing Page Portlets

You can embed a page (published as a portlet) in another page and these embedded page portlets can contain subpages. If, when editing an embedded page portlet you click on a subpage link, the entire containing page goes into Edit mode and the content of the page portlet is no longer visible. The subpage link is not displayed either.

The reason the content is no longer visible is because of bug 2246404 (read section 7.14 Relative Links Converted to Absolute Links). If the subpage uses the same template as its parent it will display.

6.17 Problems Switching Between Edit/View Modes in a Page Portlet

If you switch modes in a page portlet, i.e. from Edit to View, or View to Edit, the top level page is always displayed, even if a subpage is currently displayed.

This restriction will be removed in a future release.

6.18 Browser Language Should Match Oracle9iAS Portal Language for Bi-directional Support

If your browser language does not match your Oracle9iAS Portal language and you are using a language that reads right to left, then the user interface for providers does not display from right to left. To avoid this problem, ensure that your browser language matches your NLS_LANG setting for Oracle9iAS Portal.

6.19 Oracle9iAS Portal Language Different from Single Sign-on Language

The Oracle9iAS Portal language will not override the Single Sign-on language. Hence, when you pass from the Oracle9iAS Portal user interface to the OID interface, the language may change.

7 Security Issues and Workarounds

7.1 Need for PUBLIC User Entry

When Oracle9iAS Portal is installed, a user is created under the default user creation base for the default subscriber:


This entry represents any unauthenticated user, and is required for proper operation of the Portal and Single Sign-On (SSO) applications. This user account should not be removed. If this user account is missing, it causes significant performance degradation because of repeated attempts to locate the entry.

If configuring Oracle9iAS to use an existing Directory Information Tree (DIT), make sure that the default user search base includes a user named PUBLIC, for this purpose. This entry has the following definition:

dn: cn=PUBLIC,cn=users,o=oracle,dc=com
orclactivestartdate: 17/01/02
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: orclUser
objectclass: orclUserV2

Note the absence of the userPassword attribute. No userPassword attribute should be provided to disallow logging on as this user through Single Sign-On.

7.2 Need to Run OID Replication Server to Purge OID Change Log

In this release Oracle9iAS Portal relies on the Provisioning Integration Service provided by the Directory Integration Platform to be notified of user and/or group changes in the Oracle Internet Directory (OID). The changes are stored in the OID change log and are filtered by the Provisioning Integration Service before being delivered as change events to Oracle9iAS Portal.

Even if you are not deploying the OID server in replication mode, please make sure that the directory administrator starts up the replication server to periodically purge unnecessary change log entries.

To start the replication server use this command:

oidctl connect=<net_service_name> server=oidrepld instance=1 flags="-p 
<ldapserver_port_number>" start 

For more information on starting and stopping the replication server refer to Chapter 3 - Preliminary Tasks and Information in the OID Administrator Guide.

If you do not periodically purge unnecessary change log entries, the OID change log can potentially grow to occupy the entire file system and this may cause unavailability of the OID service. The requirement to start the replication server to purge the change log is a temporary restriction and will be removed in a future release.

Note: The replication server only purges the change log entries if there is at least one subscription profile registered. A subscription profile for the Portal is registered if you have enabled DIP synchronization. For details on how to do this, refer to Setting up the Subscription Profile in Chapter 3 of the Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Guide. If DIP synchronization is not enabled, and no other Oracle9iAS component you are using registers a synchronization profile and needs the change log, then you can just turn off change logging.

7.2.1 Disabling Change Log Generation

If OID is not replicated and Directory Integration Platform is not used for application synchronization or provisioning, the administrator can start the OID LDAP server in 'no changelog generation' mode by specifying the "-l FALSE" flag while starting the LDAP server.

7.3 Single Sign-On Server and Portal From Different Versions Cannot Interoperate

Due to the interdependency of the Single Sign-On (SSO) Server and Oracle9iAS Portal with Oracle Internet Directory (OID) in Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2), you must not associate Oracle9iAS Portal Release 9.0.2 with an SSO Server (Login Server) from Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( or earlier. Similarly, you must not associate earlier releases of Oracle9iAS Portal with the current release of Oracle9iAS SSO Server.

To allow Oracle9iAS Portal and SSO instances to be associated together, they must both be upgraded to Oracle9iAS Release 2. The upgrade scripts will be made available in the first maintenance release of Oracle9iAS Release 2.

7.4 Support for Content Area-scoped Groups Has Been Removed

With the migration of group management to the Oracle Internet Directory (OID), the ability to scope groups by content area has been removed. When a 3.x version of Portal is upgraded all groups are migrated to OID, regardless of the site scoping.

7.5 Cleartext Passwords

If you opt to use the DBPreferenceStore implementation of the PreferenceStore interface in PDK-Java, the database connection information to the schema that you establish for this data will be stored in a data-sources.xml file. You should be warned that the password to the schema is visible as cleartext in this file.

There is a plan to obfuscate this information in a future release of the product, but for this release, please secure read access to this file so as not to compromise any sensitive information that you may choose to store in the PreferenceStore.

Similarly, when using externally defined Java Server Pages with the Java Portal Services (JPS) feature, the connection information to the application schema is stored in the data-sources.xml file. Access to the schema password for the application schema may allow for the creation of a Portal session for an asserted userid. It is critical to secure access to the data-sources.xml file if using the external JPSs that require this connection information.

7.6 Cannot Select a Value from an LOV

If the Delegated Administration Service (DAS) is using a different HTTP listener than the Portal, you may see Javascript security violation if using Internet Explorer. This is caused when the LOV being served by one host is trying to write a value back to the page being served from another host.

To allow the LOV to operate properly you need to set a common domain for the Javascript to allow for this transfer. The script is secjsdom.sql and it takes a domain name as the argument. See the section, Configuring Oracle9iAS Portal Security in the Oracle9iAS Security Guide for specific instructions on how to do this.

7.7 Need to Disable IP Checking if Accessing Mobile Pages

If you get an error when logging into Oracle9iAS Portal to access mobile-enabled pages on a wireless device, you may need to turn off IP-checking during the authentication sequence.

Please refer to Appendix B Disabling the IP Check of Cookie Validation in the Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Guide for detailed instructions.

8 JSP Issues and Workarounds

8.1 General

Portlets on a page portlet are not displayed when the page portlet is on a JSP.

8.2 Internal JSPs

8.3 External JSPs

8.4 Copying Standard Pages as JSPs

9 Logging In and Managing Ultra Search Instances as SSO Users

9.1 Logging in to Ultra Search via Oracle9iAS Portal

When Single Sign-On (SSO) users login to the SSO-protected Ultra Search Administration Tool, via the Oracle9iAS Portal Administration page, one of the following occurs:

9.2 Granting privileges to SSO users

You may need to grant super-user privileges, or privileges for managing an Ultra Search instance to an SSO user. This process is slightly different, depending on whether Oracle9iAS Portal is running in hosted mode or non-hosted mode as described below:

Note: An SSO user is uniquely identified by Ultra Search via an sso-nickname/subscriber-nickname combination.

Note: At any point after installation, an Oracle9iAS Portal script may be run to alter the running mode from non-hosted to hosted. Whenever this is performed, an Ultra Search script should be run to inform Ultra Search of the change from non-hosted to hosted modes.

For more information refer to the hosting developer's guide on OTN, see

9.3 Ultra Search Portlet Sample

Once Oracle9iAS Portal and Ultra Search are both installed you can take a look at the sample Ultra Search portlet provided. This Ultra Search portlet enables you to include Ultra Search's functionality in portal pages.

Use the following URL to locate the Ultra Search Portlet Sample README:


10 Portal Developer Kit (PDK)

10.1 Content Area APIs No Longer Available

Content Area APIs available in 3.0.8.x and 3.0.9.x will not work with Oracle9iAS Portal 9.0.2. They are not available with this release.

Note: All content area APIs in the wwsbr_api and wwsbr_search_api packages have been removed.

Information relating to these APIs will be issued in a future release of the product.

10.2 Defaults of Portlet_Record Attributes Changed

The default value for these portlet_record attributes have changed from TRUE to FALSE:

This means that if the provider does not explicitly set these values next time the provider is refreshed, Oracle Portal sets these values to FALSE. Therefore, portlet information is returned from the portlet metadata repository rather than calling the provider, i.e. information returned during calls to call_get_portlet and is_portlet_runnable.

10.3 Issues Calling get_portlet_list in Multibyte Languages

There is a known issue when calling get_portlet_list in multibyte languages. If the 'description' field of the portlet_record exceeds 200 bytes, Oracle9iAS Portal fails to read the buffers.

10.4 PDK-Java Samples Do Not Support Multibyte Languages

In this release, the PDK-Java (JPDK) samples do not support multibyte languages. The portlets in these providers can still be viewed in the default language.

11 PL/SQL HTTP Adapter Issues

11.1 Supported Portlets

In this release, the PL/SQL HTTP Adapter can only be used for these types of built-in portlet:

11.2 Previous Distributed Portal Functionality Replaced

The PL/SQL HTTP Adapter replaces the distributed Portal functionality available in previous releases of Oracle9iAS Portal. When you upgrade to this release, the Oracle9iAS Portal repository is upgraded to use this new functionality. Refer to the relevant Upgrade documentation for more information.

11.3 Issues Displaying Pages as Portlets

In this release there are several known issues regarding the display of pages as portlets, through the PL/SQL HTTP Adapter. The most significant issues are as follows:

12 Provider Group Issues

12.1 HTTPS Communication

In this release it is not possible to communicate with provider groups using HTTPS.

13 National Language Support Issues

13.1 Problems with Versioned Items and Multiple Languages

If you have multiple languages installed a problem occurs if you change Browser Languages whilst editing versioned items. If you do this, you will be presented with more than one 'latest version', i.e. one for each language you have used. In other words, if you have two languages installed you will see two items instead of just one.

You will be unable to translate an item into a different language if versioning is set to 'Audit'. This is because the 'Overwrite Current Version' option is not available in the Audit versioning mode and the only options available result in a new version being created.

13.2 Page/Item Titles Not Translated

If you have multiple languages installed and you create a new page, a problems exists with the page title if you switch between browser languages. The page title is displayed only in the language that was set when the item was first created.

For example, if you add a page in French (with a French title) and then switch the browser language to English, the French title is always displayed.

Note: The same issue applies to item titles.

14 Documentation Errata

This section describes known errors or omissions in the documentation.

14.1 Help for Schema Name Property is Incomplete

Help for the Create Schema dialog, specifies the following for the Schema Name property:

In addition, it should be noted that the Schema Name may not contain special characters, such as *, %, etc.

14.2 Help for Sequence Value Property is Incorrect

The Help for the Create Sequence dialogs, specifies the following for the Cache Value property:

Cache Value must be less than Maximum Value and Minimum Value.

This text should read:

Cache Value must be between the Maximum Value and the Minimum Value.

14.3 Help for Timeout Message Property is Incomplete

Help for the Create Provider and Edit Provider dialogs, specifies the following for the Timeout Message property:

Enter the text of the message to display when Oracle9iAS Portal cannot establish contact with this portlet provider within the number of seconds specified in the Timeout field. The message will be displayed within the body of the portlet.

In addition, it should be noted that the Timeout Message may not contain either mobile (mobileMXL) or desktop (HTML) markup.

14.4 Help for DAV URL Format Is Incorrect

The Help topic 'Accessing Oracle9iAS Portal from WebDAV clients' describes WebDAV and how to set up a DAV client.

The DAV URL format specified in this topic is incorrect, i.e:


Please use the following format instead:


14.5 Customize Link Removed from Custom Search Portlet

Help for the Custom Search portlet states that you can customize this portlet via a Customize link. This link is no longer available and all references to the link are to be removed from the next Help release.

To change the properties of the Custom Search portlet, switch to Edit mode and click Edit Defaults in the portlet.

14.6 Default Privileges for the AUTHENTICATED_USER Group

By default, Authenticated User Groups have the following privileges, relating to Portal pages:

These privileges allow users to create a navigation page or a style in any page group.

Note: All users are added to the Authenticated Users group by default.

This information is missing from the Help.

14.7 Searching Multiple Page Groups

When you perform a search in All Page Groups the Bulk Action link is not displayed, even if the portlet is customized to display this link. Bulk Action links are only displayed when searching a single page group.

This information is missing from the Help.

14.8 Understanding the Import/Export Log

During both the import and export process a log file is generated that contains details of any errors that may have occurred.

It is important to note that the lowest level at which errors are reported, is the Page level. This means that in Check mode, the log details issues relating to pages but it does not include issues relating to items or portlets on the pages.

This information is missing from the Help.

14.9 Disabling Web Cache

If you do not want any Portal pages and portlets to be cached, you can disable the use of Web Cache by clearing the checkbox Administer->Global Settings->Web Cache Settings->Enable Web Cache for Caching Portal Content.

It is important to note that whenever the Web Cache is disabled, the Portal File Cache must also be cleared. To do this, remove directories "session" and "plsql" under the directory "$IAS_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cache".

This ensures that existing items in the cache (with the Web Cache specific cache header) are not sent to the Web Cache if there is a cache HIT in the File Cache.

Note: If the File Cache is not cleared, items may still get cached in Web Cache even though it is disabled in Portal.

This information is missing from the Help.

14.10 Hosting Developer's Guide

A hosting developer's guide is available on OTN, see

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