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Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes Addendum,
Release 2 ( for Solaris Operating System (SPARC)
Part No. B10023-09
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7 Component Issues

This chapter summarizes issues associated with Oracle9i Application Server. Topics include:

7.1 Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Issues

The following are known issues associated with Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence:

7.1.1 File is Not Updated After the Dedicated Database is Configured Using Command Line

When you configure a dedicated database by command line, the file in ORACLE_HOME/click/conf directory is not updated after the installation is done. Thus, the Clickstream Runtime Admin still points to the seed database.

Complete the following steps for a workaround:

  1. After the installation is done, backup the original file.

  2. Modify the file and change the value of following variables to correspond the your dedicated database:

    db_hostname, db_port and db_sid 
  3. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server using the following commands:

    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall

7.2 Oracle9iAS Discoverer Issues

The following are known issues associated with Oracle9iAS Discoverer:

7.2.1 Discoverer Servlet Requires Access to an X Server to Support its Charting Functionality

The Discoverer servlet requires access to an X server to support its charting functionality. Note that the X server does not have to run on the same machine as the Discoverer servlet.

The following potential problems can occur if the X server is not running or is not configured correctly:

  • Discoverer Does Not Start

    If the X server is not running or is not configured correctly, you might be unable to run Discoverer at all. The first time you specify the URL for Discoverer Plus or Discoverer Viewer, the browser session will simply hang.

  • Discoverer Viewer Hangs When Attempting to Display Charts

    If the X server is not running or is not configured correctly, you might be unable to open workbooks in Discoverer Viewer that contain charts.

To confirm that the problem is related to accessing the X server:

  1. Set the default value of the CHARTING element in the configuration.xml file to FALSE.

  2. Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to stop and start the OC4J_BI_Forms component.

  3. Attempt to launch Discoverer Viewer by specifying the appropriate URL.

  4. If you successfully started Discoverer Viewer, attempt to open a workbook containing a chart.

If Discoverer Viewer starts successfully with the CHARTING element set to FALSE, the problem is probably related to accessing the X server software.

Remember to set the default value of the CHARTING element in the configuration.xml file back to TRUE.

To resolve problems related to accessing the X server, complete the following:

  1. Confirm that the X server software has been installed on a suitable machine. The X server software must be installed on a machine that meets certain hardware pre-requisites such as a keyboard and a hardware frame buffer (typically on a graphics card).

    Alternatively, you can run a pseudo-X server such as XVFB or VNC that uses an in-memory virtual frame buffer instead of a hardware frame buffer.

    See Also:

    "Setting Environment Variables" section in the Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide for information about virtual frame buffers.

  2. Confirm that the X server is running.

    To start the X server on most UNIX platforms, simply log in to the console from the UNIX machine.

    Note that if you are using the X server, you must remain logged in and have the X server running at all times. To avoid this requirement, use a pseudo-X server such as XVFB, VNC instead.

    See Also:

    "Setting Environment Variables" section in the Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide.

  3. Confirm that the machine running the X server is specified by the DISPLAY environment variable on the machine running the Discoverer servlet.

    See Also:

    "Setting Environment Variables" section in the Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide for information about setting the DISPLAY variable.

    You can change the DISPLAY environment variable after installation by editing the value of the DISPLAY property in the opmn.xml file. This file is located in the <ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/conf directory.

  4. Confirm that the machine running the Discoverer servlet has permission to access the X server.

    To give the Discoverer servlet machine access to the X server, type the following on the machine running the X server:

    xhost +<server_name> 

    where <server_name> is the name of the Discoverer servlet machine.

  5. Confirm that another X application will launch successfully from the machine running the Discoverer servlet.

    For example, you might run xterm or xclock from the machine running the Discoverer servlet. If the DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly and the machine can access the X server, the X application will run without error messages.

7.2.2 Problem With Oracle9iAS Discoverer Plus Demonstration Link

When you select the link to start Discoverer Plus, you may repeatedly be prompted for the password. Perform the following steps to fix the problem:

  1. This issue can be fixed by making a change to the HTML file which contains the link. Accordingly, locate the HTML file "disc_demo_plus.htm" in the following directory:

  2. Search and delete the file for the text "&release=true". For example, the part of the link which needs to be edited looks like:

    ../../plus?ac=SCOTT%7E40DISCODEMO&eul=SCOTT&nlsl=en-us&release=true&_plus WorkbookSource=Database... 

    After making the change, it will look like:


7.2.3 Error May Occur While Migrating Oracle9iAS Discoverer

When attempting to migrate the Discoverer preferences as per the method documented in the Oracle9i Application Server: Migrating from Oracle9i Application Server 1.x, you may get the error below: ./dis51pr: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory Killed 

If you get this error, then no migration actions are performed. To work around this issue, execute the following command before migrating preferences.

  1. Navigate to the following directory:

  2. Issue the following command:

  3. Then issue the following command:

    dis51pr -migrate 

7.2.4 Information About Discoverer Public Connections

Discoverer public connections can be created in the "General Discoverer" configuration page which is part of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site.

Please note that the EUL entered in this page is case sensitive. If the EUL name is all uppercase then it must be entered using uppercase characters.

7.2.5 Migration of Scheduled Workbooks from Discoverer 4.1.x to 9.0.2

Migration of scheduled workbooks from Discoverer 4.1.x to 9.0.2 happens automatically when you upgrade the End User Layer (EUL). There is no need to use the dis4sch.exe executable that was provided with Discoverer 4.1.x

Below is an overview of the migration process:

  • Using Discoverer Administrator, upgrade your EUL from 4.1.x to 9.0.2. The metadata for scheduled workbooks is automatically migrated.

    Note the following:

    • The scheduled workbook result sets will not be migrated. In other words, the details of the workbooks to be scheduled will be migrated, but the actual results will not be populated in the upgraded EUL. The results will only be available after the scheduled workbooks are next run.

    • Only scheduled workbooks that repeat will be migrated.

  • When the owner of a scheduled workbook next opens the Scheduled Workbook dialog in Discoverer Plus or Discoverer Desktop, a new scheduled job will be created.

  • After the previous step and after the next run of the scheduled workbook (depending on the time of execution specified in the Scheduled Workbook dialog), the scheduled workbook will be visible.

7.3 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Issues

The following are known issues associated with Oracle9iAS Forms Services:

7.3.1 Updated Information for Using Oracle JInitiator

For improved functionality, it is recommended that you use JInitiator, which is available for download on OTN, rather than the version of JInitiator that was included with your installation of Forms.

7.3.2 HTTP and HTTPS Cannot Be Used Simultaneously with Single Sign-On

When you use Single-Sign-On (SSO) with Forms, you must register the mod_osso partner on the middle-tier server. If you run a form in http mode, you must register it with the required http information. If you run a form in https mode, you must register it with the required https information. However, you can only register one or the other with mod_osso. Therefore, you cannot simultaneously run forms in http and https mode with SSO.

7.3.3 Creating Relation Causes Builder to Crash

In the Property Inspector, you must set the property "Query Data Source Name" for the control block otherwise Forms Developer will crash when creating a relation using the New Relation Wizard.

7.3.4 Steps Required to Set Up PJCs Generated by JDeveloper in Forms

When you create a Pluggable Java Component (PJC) using the JDeveloper PJC Wizard, you will need to make dependent Java classes available at runtime for the PJC to use. These dependent classes are:

  • oracle.jdeveloper.pjc.BeanWrapper

  • oracle.jdeveloper.pjc.TypeConverter.

The simplest way to make them available is to include the jdev-rt.jar file along with the Custom PJC Jar file in the archive tags for your application. However, to reduce the size of the download, you can explicitly include the two required classes into your custom PJC jar file by using the JDeveloper deployment profile settings.

To include the classes, complete the following

  1. Create or edit a deployment profile to create a simple Jar file.

  2. In the Dependency Analyzer settings, select the JDeveloper Runtime node, and select Add to add them to the dependency analyzer's classpath radio button. The generated jar file will then include the BeanWrapper and TypeConverter classes if they are required by the PJC.

7.3.5 Complete Classpath Not Available for JDAPI

In order to run the JDAPI, you will need to have f90jdapi.jar in your CLASSPATH:

CLASSPATH =<oraclehome>\forms90\java\f90jdapi.jar

7.3.6 Graphics Integration Does Not Work

The graphics integration does not work in Solaris 2.6 for Oracle9iAS and Solaris 2.8 in Oracle9iAS Release

7.3.7 Java Plug-in Security Warning Message Pops Up When Web Form are Run in Native Netscape Browser

When using JInitiator, certificates are already loaded and applets are trusted with the signature. However, when using a native browser, certificates are not loaded automatically. Therefore, select Grant or Grant Always in your browser to avoid this warning.

7.3.8 JVM Dump on Creating Trigger or Program Unit When Classpath Exceeds 511 Characters

When the FORMS90_BUILDER_CLASSPATH exceeds 511 characters, Forms Developer has a JVM dump when trying to create a trigger or a Program Unit. The workaround is to set CLASSPATH=FORMS90_BUILDER_CLASSPATH, either in the script or at the command line.

7.3.9 fmhelp.jar File Location is Incorrect

The online help system may fail to start and may generate an error (FRM-18105) for Japanese installations of Forms Developer on all operating systems. The reason is that one online help file was installed to the wrong directory.

The workaround is to access the ORACLE_HOME/forms90/doc/JA directory and locate the fmhelp.jar file. Move this file to the ORACLE_HOME/forms90/doc/JA/fmdevhelp directory.

7.3.10 Considerations for Forms and Reports Integration

The default configuration for Oracle9iAS Forms Services does not run in SSO mode. The default configuration for Oracle9iAS Reports Services does run in SSO mode.

Forms applications calling integrated Oracle9iAS Reports Services using the Forms Run_Report_Object built-in will not experience any problems when Forms is running in non-SSO mode and Reports is running in SSO mode as long as Reports Services and the requested Reports module are not registered with Oracle9iAS Portal.

Other Requirements

  • The property, Report Server, must be set explicitly for all report objects in a Forms module.

  • If a Reports server other than the default is being used, that server must be started from the command line as follows:

    rwserver server=<Reports server name>
  • The system variable, REPORTS_PATH, must be modified in the file <ORACLE_HOME>/bin/ to reference the location of Reports.

  • The first time a Reports server is started, it creates a configuration file called <ORACLE_HOME>/server/conf/<server_name>.conf.

  • The default status of a Reports server is secure. To change the Reports server status to non-secure, modify <ORACLE_HOME>/server/conf/<reports_server_name>.conf by commenting out the <security> tag and removing securityId from the <job> tags.

  • After making these modifications, the Reports server must be restarted.

  • If Forms Services is configured to run in SSO mode, then Reports requests are sent with the authid provided, based on the SSO user login.

  • Protected Reports and Reports Servers can be registered in Oracle9iAS Portal.

The Table 7-1 lists the possible Forms/Reports combinations and expected results:

Table 7-1 Outcome of Forms/Reports Integration when Forms is Running in SSO Mode or Non-SSO Mode

Reports Type Registered, Secure Reports ServerRuns Only Registered Reports Registered, Secure Reports ServerRuns Any Reports Non-Secure Reports Server
Reports with public access report generated

report generated

report generated

Reports with specific user access report generated

report generated

report generated

Reports with no specific user access report not generated

report not generated

report generated

Non-registered reports report not generated

report not generated

report generated

7.3.11 Accessing a Sample Form Results in an Browser Error

You may encounter the following error when attempting to access a sample form using a browser:

URL Not Found;
The requested URL /forms90/f90servlet was not found on this server.

As a workaround, add the following entry to the oracle_apache.conf file:


where <ORACLE_HOME> is the value of Oracle home for the Oracle9iAS installation.

7.3.12 Deinstalling Oracle9iAS Infrastructure After Business Intelligence and Forms Installation

Business Intelligence and Forms installation requires an Oracle9iAS Infrastructure. However, you can choose to deinstall the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure after Business Intelligence and Forms is installed.

Consider the following before deinstalling Oracle9iAS Infrastructure:

  • After deinstallation, if you want to use Oracle9iAS Infrastructure and its benefits, you will have to reinstall Oracle9iAS Infrastructure and Business Intelligence and Forms.

  • Forms and Reports patches can still be installed on top of the Business Intelligence and Forms installation after you have deinstalled Oracle9iAS Infrastructure.

  • After Oracle9iAS Infrastructure is deinstalled, Oracle9iAS Forms Services, Oracle9iAS Reports Services (non-secure), Oracle HTTP Server, OC4J, and Oracle Enterprise Manager are functional.

    Oracle9iAS Reports Services must be used in non-secure mode after Oracle9iAS Infrastructure is deinstalled.

    To place Oracle9iAS Reports Services into non-secure mode:

    1. Locate your ORACLE_HOME/reports/conf/<servername>.conf file

    2. Locate the job element in the <servername>.conf file. For example:

      <job jobType="report" engineId="rwEng" securityId="rwSec"/>
      <job jobType="report" engineId="rwEngURL" securityId="rwSec"/>
    3. Remove the security id attributes from the job element specifications.

Perform the following steps to deinstall Oracle9iAS Infrastructure:

  1. Stop all Business Intelligence and Forms processes.

  2. As the root user, execute the following command on the machine hosting Business Intelligence and Forms to disassociate from the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure:

    <ORACLE_HOME>/dcm/bin/dcmctl leaveFarm
  3. Rename <ORACLE_HOME>/j2ee/home/config/jazn.xml to jazn.xml.orig to serve as a back up of your files.

  4. In the same directory, create jazn.xml and add the following line:

    <jazn provider="XML" location="<ORACLE_HOME>/j2ee/home/config/jazn-data.xml"/>

    to point jazn to your Oracle9iAS middle-tier installation instead of Oracle9iAS Infrastructure.

  5. Stop all processes running on Oracle9iAS Infrastructure, and deinstall Oracle9iAS Infrastructure using instructions provided in Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide.

7.4 Oracle HTTP Server Issues

The following are known issues with Oracle HTTP Server:

7.4.1 Microsoft Internet Explorer Might Report Incorrect Host Headed After a Redirect

If an infrastructure Single Sign-On Server install and a middle tier install are on the same machine (in different Oracle homes), Microsoft Internet Explorer reports an incorrect host header after a redirect. This incorrect host headed causes mod_osso to generate an error message when trying to access a protected resource after the user has been redirected from the Single Sign-On Server back to the original server. If you click on reload in Internet Explorer, the session continues successfully. This issue will not occur if any of the following conditions are true:

  • You do not use Microsoft Internet Explorer.

  • Protected resource and the Single Sign-On Server are running behind Oracle HTTP Server instances with different server names or on different hosts. This is the most likely deployment.

  • Single Sign-On Server and the protected resource are running behind a single Oracle HTTP Server port.

7.4.2 Microsoft Internet Explorer Might Report Errors When Two OSSO Protected Servers are on the Same Host

When you install an infrastructure instance of Oracle9iAS and a middle tier installation on the same machine, Microsoft Internet Explorer might report various errors where an incorrect host header is sometimes passed after redirection. Specifically, if you have already logged on via the Single Sign-On Server to the middle-tier instance and then click on a link that tries to redirect them to the infrastructure instance, you will receive an OSSO error page. Pressing the Back button allows you to continue to the page they originally wished to reach.

7.4.3 opmnctl stopproc Command Might Hang

If you issue the "opmnctl stopproc" command in a process seconds after the process was killed or abnormally terminated, the "opmnctl stopproc" command might hang. This might prevent you from issuing other process-related commands.

In this situation, issue the following commands:

opmnctl reload
opmnctl stopproc

If you are using dcmctl, then the "dcmctl stop" command not hang, but fail. Issue the following commands to resolve the situation:

dcmctl updateconfig opmn
dcmctl stop

7.4.4 Information About Protecting Metadata Directories Used by OJSP

Perform the following steps to protect metadata directories used by OJSP:

  1. Add the following lines to httpd.conf file:

    <DirectoryMatch /WEB-INF/> 
    Order deny,allow 
    Deny from all 
  2. Modify the following lines in the ojsp.conf file:

    <Location /_pages/> 
    Order deny,allow 
    Deny from all 

    to be:

    <DirectoryMatch /_pages/> 
    Order deny,allow 
    Deny from all 

7.4.5 Configuring a Virtual Host Improperly Can Cause DADs to Break

After installation, you can configure Virtual Hosts in the httpd.conf file, either by using the 'advanced' section of the EMD console or by using a text editor.

Ensure that the server definitions for VirtualHosts are provided after the Port, Listen and ServerName directives. A simple example of a correctly set Virtual Host section might be as follows:

# these are set at the end of the httpd.conf file after the IAS installation
Port 7778
Listen 7779
# these lines were added manually to create a virtualHost
    DocumentRoot /u01/app/oracle/product/iAS9020_portal/Vhost1.htdocs

7.4.6 Oracle HTTP Server ( Cannot Be Used with Oracle9iAS (9.0.2.x)

Oracle Corporation does not support using the Oracle HTTP Server component that is supplied with Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( as a front end to the Containers for J2EE (OC4J) component supplied with Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2.x), that is, you must not use the mod_Proxy module to route data between these two components.

Always use the mod_oc4j module to route data to and from the OC4J component supplied with Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2.x). Use the mod_proxy module to route data between the HTTP Server component supplied with Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( and the OC4J component supplied with Oracle9iAS Release 1 (

Ensure that if you use a regular text editor to make changes to the file, you use the following dcmctl utility to update your changes.

<ORACLE_HOME>/dcm/bin/dcmctl updateConfig

This is automatically done for you if you edit the file through the EMD console.

7.5 Oracle9iAS InterConnect Issues

The following are known issues associated with Oracle9iAS InterConnect:

7.5.1 Oracle9iAS InterConnect Adapter for HTTP Start Script

To use the HTTP adapter to send messages via SSL, you need to modify the -classpath in the start script to use the correct version of http_client.jar.

You need to replace the ORACLE_HOME/lib/http_client.jar with ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/lib/http_client.jar.

7.5.2 MQ Series Adapter Will Not Start

The MQ Series adapter is based on the IBM MA88 support pac. IBM has recently released a version 5.2.1 of it's MA88 support pac which contains the following:

  • MQSeries classes for Java version V5.2.1

  • MQSeries classes for Java Message Service (JMS) V5.2.1

The MQ Series adapter was developed based on version 5.2.0 of these classes.

The following instructions apply only if you have installed the 5.2.1 version of the MA88 support pack (or if it came on the installation CD from IBM). You can verify your version in the readme.txt file in the following directory:


If you have 5.2.0 or earlier version installed, ignore the section below.

Version 5.2.1 introduces a dependency on the J2EE Connector Architecture exception javax.resource.ResourceException, which is defined in the MQ Series JAR file connector.jar.

Consequently, the MQ Series adapter configuration must be modified to include this JAR file in the classpath, to avoid receiving the following error while starting the MQ Series adapter:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/resource/ResourceException at<clinit>(

The connector.jar file can normally be found in the following directory:


As a workaround, the last line of the start script must be changed to the following:

java -server ... -classpath /opt/mqm/java/lib/connector.jar:<previous>

Finally, the directory java/lib should be added to the OS dynamic link library path.

Modify the MQ Series adapter start script in the following way:

if [ -z "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ] 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mqm/java/lib:/u01/app/oracle/product/ias902/lib:{LD_ LIBRARY_PATH} 

7.5.3 Comma-Separated Values File Parsing with the Data Definition Description Language

A comma-separated values (CSV) file consists of multiple lines. Each line contains values separated by commas that end when a new line is required:


Two string types have been added that make it easier to parse CSV files.

  • termstring

    String type termstring is a variation of limstring, but requires only a terminating delimiter and, not a beginning delimiter. For example:

    <termstring endchar="," />

    This parses any string contents until a comma is encountered.

  • simplestring

    String type simplestring is a special data type only used when the nearest parent structure defines a valid set of delimiters, which for the current data definition description language (D3L) library is limited to limarray. For example:

    <limarray contchar="," endchar="\n"> 
<simplestring /> 

These new string types provide two ways for parsing CSV files. The examples provided in the following sections use imparray so that input can be any number of elements, lines, or both. CSVs are Assigned to Named Fields

With this method, all CSVs on each line are assigned to named fields (fixed number of fields per line). Example 7-1 provides an example.

Example 7-1 CSVs Assigned to Named Fields

<message name="createPhone" object="Phone" type="phoneRecord"> 
<imparray id="lines"> 
<field name="rectype"> <termstring endchar=","/ > </field> 
<field name="quantity"><termstring endchar=","/ > </field> 
<field name="endHour"> <termstring endchar=","/ > </field> 
<field name="endMin">  <termstring endchar=","/ > </field> 
<field name="cost">    <termstring endchar="\n"/> </field> 
<struct id="phoneRecord"> 
<field name="csv"> <typeref type="lines" /> </field> 

The native format message payload for Example 7-1 is as follows:

55,2342,11,46,728372339.57 All CSVs are Read into an Array

With this method, all CSVs on each line are read into an array (variable number of fields per line). Example 7-2 provides an example.

Example 7-2 All CSVs are Read into an Array

<message name="createPhone" object="Phone" type="phoneRecord"> 
<limarray id="linearr" contchar="#44" endchar="\n"> 
<simplestring /> 
<imparray id="myArray"> 
<field name="line"> <typeref type="linearr" /> </field> 
<struct id="phoneRecord"> 
<field name="csv"> <typeref type="myArray" /> </field> 

The native format message payload for Example 7-2 is as follows:

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 Delimiter Encoding Styles

The delimiters for limstring, termstring, and limarray have been enhanced to allow multiple characters, as well as three new encoding styles. The associated ASCII table codes are shown in parentheses:

  1. Escaping using "\"; this works for "\r" (13), "\n" (10), "\t" (9), and "\f" (12)


    • (13) is the ASCII code for a carriage return (CR)

    • (10) is the ASCII code for a line feed (LF)

    • (9) is the ASCII code for a horizontal tab (HT)

    • (12) is the ASCII code for a form feed (FF)

  2. Escaping ASCII code using "#"; for example, "#13"

  3. Escaping ASCII hexadecimal code using "#x"; for example, "#x0D"

Example 7-3 provides several examples.

Example 7-3 Delimiter Encoding Styles

<termstring endchar="#x2C" /> 
<termstring endchar="\n" /> 
<limarray id="linearr" contchar="," endchar="\r\n">
            <simplestring /> 

"\r\n" on line 3 of Example 7-3 represents a DOS style line break. Obtaining D3L Enhancements

You can download the patch file that includes D3L enhancements from OracleMetaLink.

To obtain the D3L enhancements patch:

  1. Log into OracleMetaLink at the following Web site:

    You must register online before using OracleMetaLink.

  2. Click Patches in the left-hand column.

  3. Enter the values defined in the following table and click Submit:

Table 7-2 Attribute?Value Pairs for Obtaining D3L Enhancements

Field Value
Product Family Oracle Application Server Products
Product 9iAS InterConnect/OAI
Release iAS 9.0.2
Platform Sun Solaris OS (SPARC)
Limit Search to All Product Patches

  1. Find the patch identified as "THIS IS THE BASE BUG FOR PATCH RELEASE - For UNIX Platforms Only."

  2. Review the readme file before proceeding with the download. The readme file describes how to apply the patch.

  3. Click Download to download the patch.

7.6 Oracle Internet Directory Issues

The following are known issues associated with Oracle Internet Directory:

7.6.1 Oracle Internet Directory Server May Log Extra Information When LDAP Main Page is Accessed

When you access the LDAP main page of EMD, the Oracle Internet Directory server may log extra information in a log file named oidldap00.log. This log file can be ignored.

7.6.2 Updated Information for Oracle Internet Directory Port Numbers

In order to bring up the Oracle Internet Directory server on the default non-SSL port 389 and SSL port 636 at the end of the installation, the following conditions must hold true:

  • The default ports 389, 636 should not be in use.

  • The /etc/services file should not have any line containing these port numbers.

If either of these conditions is not met, the Oracle Internet Directory server will be brought up on a different port which is logged in the file ORACLE_HOME/ldap/install/oidca.out.

7.6.3 Instructions for Manually Deploying DAS

Delegated Administration Service (DAS) is deployed automatically in the infrastructure installation. In some situations, there may be a requirement to deploy DAS on a different host other than infrastructure. To deploy DAS on a different machine where the middle tier is installed, perform the following steps:

  1. Verify that the machine has at least the core installation installed and the installation is pointing to an existing Oracle Internet Directory/SSO.

  2. Navigate to the ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin directory.

  3. Create a new component using the following command:

    dcmctl createcomponent -verbose -debug -ct oc4j -co OC4J_DAS 
  4. Start the component using the following command:

    dcmctl start -verbose -debug -co OC4J_DAS 
  5. Deploy the DAS ear file using the following command:

    dcmctl deployApplication -debug -verbose -a oiddas -f 
    ORACLE_HOME/ldap/das/oiddas.ear -co OC4J_DAS 
  6. Perform the following steps to add the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and DISPLAY environment variables to the opmn.xml file:

    1. Navigate to the ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf directory and open opmn.xml in a text editor.

    2. Add the following lines in the OC4J_DAS section of opmn.xml:

      <prop name="DISPLAY" value="%hostname%:0.0"/> 
      <prop name="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="%ORACLE_HOME%/lib"/> 

      Replace hostname and ORACLE_HOME with the appropriate values. Hostname should point to a machine where X server is running.

      Note the placement of the section <environment> in the sample below:

      <oc4j maxRetry="3" instanceName="OC4J_DAS" gid="OC4J_DAS" numProcs="1"> 
              <config-file path="/home/ias902/j2ee/OC4J_DAS/config/server.xml"/> 
            <oc4j-option value="-properties"/> 
                <port ajp="3001-3100" jms="3201-3300" rmi="3101-3200"/> 
            <prop name="DISPLAY" value="sandal:0.0"/> 
              <prop name="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="/home/ias902/lib"/> 
  7. Navigate to the ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin directory.

  8. Save the changes to the repository using the following command:

    dcmctl updateconfig -verbose -debug -ct opmn 
  9. Restart OPMN using the following command:

    dcmctl restart -verbose -ct opmn 
  10. Stop and start OC4J_DAS instance using the following commands:

    dcmctl stop -verbose -debug -ct oc4j -co OC4J_DAS 
    dcmctl start -verbose -debug -ct oc4j -co OC4J_DAS

7.6.4 Insufficient Privileges For Portal Installation When Not Installed as Oracle Internet Directory User

In Oracle9iAS you can install multiple Oracle9iAS components against a shared Oracle Internet Directory. In such a case, Oracle Internet Directory administrators might prefer to install Oracle9iAS Portal as an Oracle9iAS administrator so that they do not require Oracle Internet Directory super user privileges for such an installation. Currently, you can install most components and Oracle9iAS middle tiers if you have Oracle9iAS administrators privileges in Oracle Internet Directory. However, to perform an Oracle9iAS Portal installation, you will require Oracle Internet Directory super user privileges because an incorrect Access Control Policy in Oracle Internet Directory prevents you from installing as an Oracle9iAS administrator.

As a workaround, change the Access Control Policy on one of the nodes in Oracle Internet Directory. This should be done once Oracle Internet Directory has been installed and before you attempt to install Oracle9iAS Portal as an Oracle9iAS administrator. Also, the Oracle Internet Directory identity used to perform the Oracle9iAS Portal installation should be a member of the following group:

cn=OracleDASAdminGroup,cn=Groups,<DN of Default Subscriber Oracle Context> 
# Ldif script to change the ACL policy on Groups container. 
dn: cn=Groups, <Default Subscriber DN> 
changetype: modify 
replace: orclEntryLevelACI 
orclEntryLevelACI: access to entry by group="cn=oracledascreategroup, 
cn=groups,%s_OracleContextDN%" added_object_constraint=(objectclass=orclgroup) 
(browse, add) by group="cn=iASAdmins, cn=Groups,<DN of subscriber Oracle 
Context>" (browse, add) by * (none) 

Perform the following to change the Access Control Policy:

  1. Substitute the <default Subscriber DN> in the ldif script above with the real DN of the default subscriber.

  2. Substitute the <DN of subscriber Oracle Context> to the DN of the subscriber Oracle Context. It is usually cn=OracleContext, <default Subscriber DN>.

  3. Save the script as temp.ldif.

  4. Use the ldapmodify command line tool to make the change in Oracle Internet Directory. For example:

    ldapmodify -p <OID port> -h <OID host> -D <DN of OID Super User> -w <password
    of OID Super user> -v -f temp.ldif 

7.7 Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE Issues

The following are known issues associated with Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE:

7.7.1 MERANT DataDirect Connect JDBC Driver

A customized version of the DataDirect Connect JDBC driver is shipped with Oracle9iAS to provide connectivity to non-Oracle databases. Do not use the DataDirect Connect JDBC driver outside of Oracle9iAS. You should refer to standard DataDirect documentation and release notes for technical information on the DataDirect JDBC driver. However, it is important to note the differences between the standard DataDirect JDBC driver and this customized version:

  1. The customized DataDirect driver jar files use the YM prefix. The following DataDirect jar files are distributed with Oracle9iAS:

    YMbase.jar  YMinformix.jar  YMsqlserver.jar  YMutil.jar YMdb2.jar  YMsybase.jar
  2. The URL sub-protocol prefix is oracle. When you connect, use the correct sub-protocol. For example:

  3. The package names are

  4. The vendor message prefix is [oias].

  5. The customized DataDirect driver is configured to run within the Oracle9iAS product. Attempting to use the customized DataDirect JDBC driver outside Oracle9iAS, will yield the following exception:

    java.sql.SQLException: [oias][... JDBC Driver]

This driver is locked for use with embedded applications.

7.7.2 XML-Based JAAS Demo README.TXT Refers to a Non-Existent README

The README.txt in the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/jazn/demo/callerInfo directory has a reference to ORACLE_HOME/dcm/README, which does not exist. JAAS Readme is referenced to you from a core install at:


7.7.3 Information About Updating OC4J Admin Password Using JAZN Administration Tool

Perform the following steps to update the OC4J admin password using the JAZN administration tool:

  1. Make sure that your ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set and you are using the correct java from the ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin directory.

  2. In the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home directory, use the following command to change the admin password to the ias_admin password: (Here, the ias_admin password is "welcome1".)

    -jar jazn.jar -setpasswd admin welcome welcome1 
  3. Verify the change by completing the following:

    -jar jazn.jar -checkpasswd admin -pw welcome1 

    You should see "Successful verification of user/password pair".

    The affected jazn-data.xml is located in the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config directory.

7.7.4 Updated Information About Sharing Cached Objects in an OC4J Servlet

In order to take advantage of the java cache's distributed functionality or to share a cached object between servlet, some minor modification to an applications deployment may be necessary. Any user defined objects that will be shared between servlets or distributed between JVM's must be loaded by the system class loader. By default objects loaded by a servlet are loaded by the context class loader. These objects are only visible to the servlets within the context that loaded them. The object definition is not available to other servlets or to the cache in another JVM. If the object is loaded by the system class loader, the object definition will be available to other servlets and to the cache on other JVM's.

With Jserv, this was accomplished by including the cached object in the classpath definition available when Jserv process was started.

With OC4J, the system classpath is derived from the manifest of the oc4j.jar file and any associated .jars, including cache.jar. The classpath in the environment is ignored. To include a cached object in the classpath for OC4J, the .class file should be copied to ORACLE_HOME/javacache/sharedobjects/classes or added to the jar file ORACLE_HOME/javacache/cachedobjects/share.jar. Both the classes directory and the share.jar file have been included in the manifest for cache.jar.

7.7.5 OC4J/JMS Should Not Be Used

OC4J contains a default Java Message Service (JMS) provider called OC4J/JMS (sometimes referred to as OrionJMS). Because OC4J/JMS is not fully JMS 1.02-compliant and was not used to achieve J2EE 1.3 compatibility, we recommend using the Oracle JMS (OJMS) implementation, which is provided. This JMS provider leverages Advanced Queueing (AQ) from the Oracle9i Database and is integrated into Oracle9iAS by means of a resource provider interface.

7.7.6 Failover Requires Load-on-Startup

For failover to work properly in Oracle9iAS release 2 (9.0.3), you must specify the attribute setting load-on-startup="true" in the <web-app> subelement of the <web-site> element of the Web site XML file (such as default-web-site.xml or http-web-site.xml). For general information about load-on-startup, refer to the Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE Servlet Developer’s Guide.

7.8 Oracle9iAS Personalization Issues

The following are known issues associated with Oracle9iAS Personalization:

7.8.1 Use HTTPS to Invoke Oracle9iAS Personalization Administrative Utility

Use "https" in the URL to start the Oracle9iAS Personalization Administrative Utility. The correct URL is:


where <mysystem> is the URL of the system where Oracle9iAS Personalization is installed and <port> is the port number that was configured for Oracle9iAS Personalization.

The setupinfo.txt file located in the ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache directory contains a list of the configured ports.

7.8.2 Oracle9iAS Personalization Configuration Requires Oracle Shared Library Location

Before configuring Oracle9iAS Personalization, add "ORACLE_HOME/lib" to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

See Also:

Oracle9i Administrator's Reference Release 1 for UNIX Systems for information about setting these variables.

7.8.3 Port Numbers for Oracle9iAS Personalization Must Be Four Digits or Fewer

If you specify a port number for Oracle9iAS Personalization with 5 or more digits, you will not be able create an MTR connection; the Administrative Utility does not allow you to enter 5 or more digits for the port number.

7.8.4 Restart OC4J_BI_FORMS After Running Oracle9iAS Personalization Configuration Wizard

You must restart OC4J_BI_FORMS after you run the Oracle9iAS Personalization Configuration Wizard. If you do not restart, the changes specified with the Wizard are not implemented.

Follow these steps to restart OC4J_BI_FORMS:

  1. Start Oracle Enterprise Manger by opening http://<host>:1810.

  2. In the Application Server list, click on the server where Oracle9iAS Personalization is installed.

  3. Select OC4J_BI_FORMS by clicking the appropriate radio button.

  4. Click the restart button.

7.8.5 Oracle9iAS Personalization REAPI Demo User ID and Applications Session ID Must Not Be the Same

For Oracle9iAS Personalization REAPI demo, the user ID and the application session ID must not be the same. If the values are equal, Oracle9iAS Personalization REAPI demo may fail.

7.8.6 Default Mail Server For Oracle9iAS Personalization Cannot Be Changed

You cannot change the default mail sever location for email notifications in Oracle9iAS Personalization.

7.8.7 Flat Taxonomies are Not Supported by Oracle9iAS Personalization

Oracle9iAS Personalization does not support flat taxonomy, that is, a taxonomy where all categories derive directly from the root and none of the categories have child categories.

For a workaround, change the flat taxonomy by creating a parent category for all existing categories. Some restrictions may apply.

7.8.8 OPCONFIG Should Check If LD_LIBRARY_PATH is Set

If LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set when configuring Oracle9iAS Personalization, import fails to load the data to the MTR schema.

7.9 Oracle9iAS Portal Issues

The following are known issues with Oracle9iAS Portal:

7.9.1 Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Fails Through Oracle Enterprise Manager

If you does not configure Oracle9iAS Portal during install time and want to configure at a later time through Oracle Enterprise Manager, the portal configuration might fail with the following error:

"The component failed during the configuration operation. Correct any errors
reported on this page and in the error logs and retry the operation."

The workaround is to manually configure Oracle9iAS Portal during postinstallation by performing the following steps:

  1. Run the script from ORACLE_HOME/assistants/opca directory.

  2. Run the OC4J deployment tool to deploy Portal. Please refer to the Administrator's guide for details on running the OC4J deployment tool manually.

7.9.2 Registering Oracle Portal Provider for Wireless Web Tool and Wireless Customization Fails

If both the infrastructure and middle-tier are installed in the same machine and the EMD running in the machine refers to the infrastructure Oracle home, the "Register Oracle Portal Provider for Wireless Web tool" and "Register Oracle Portal Provider for Wireless Customization" from the Wireless site displays "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" errors.

As a workaround, be sure that the Oracle9iAS Portal jars, pdk java.jar and ptlshare.jar, in the orion-web.xml of the infrastructure install point to the middle tier installation.

For example, if the infrastructure is installed in location /private/ias20_infra/ and the middle tier is installed in location /private/ias20_midtier/ then the following entries in the EMD's orion-web.xml:

<classpath path="/private/ias20_infra/portal/jlib/pdkjava.jar"/> 
<classpath path="/private/ias20_infra/portal/jlib/ptlshare.jar"/> 

should be replaced with

<classpath path="/private/ias20_midtier/portal/jlib/pdkjava.jar"/> 
<classpath path="/private/ias20_midtier/portal/jlib/ptlshare.jar"/>

Please restart the opmn process for the changes to take effect.

7.9.3 Oracle9iAS Web Cache Errors Occur If Templates Used by More Than 25 Pages

If a template is used by more than 25 pages, one of the following two errors can occur:

  • Could not open web cache connection. The portal use-web-cache setting is set to ON while Web cache may be down. (WWC-40019)

  • General invalidation message processing exception: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error (WWC-40018)

This is caused by a known exception in the invalidation message processing. The workaround is to turn "OFF" Web Cache in Oracle9iAS Portal.

For more information about troubleshooting Oracle9iAS Web Cache related issues in Oracle9iAS Portal, refer to chapter eight of the Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Guide. This guide is available on OTN, see

7.9.4 Disabling the IP Check of Cookie Validation

Depending on the network configuration into which Oracle9iAS is installed, it may be necessary to disable IP checking in cookie validation.

This action is necessary if HTTP access to the Portal server is through a set of proxies that do not each assert the same IP address when calling Portal. In such cases the login request that invokes the creation of the session cookie may be routed via one proxy, but subsequent requests are routed through different proxies. This raises a security violation during the IP checking step and access to the page denied.

To change the state of IP checking in cookie validation, update data in both the Portal schema and the SSO schema as detailed in Table 7-3.

Table 7-3 Enabling and Disabling IP Checking

Action Portal Schema SSO Schema
Enable IP checking update wwsec_enabler_config_info

set url_cookie_ip_check = 'Y';


update wwsec_enabler_config_info

set url_cookie_ip_check = 'Y';

update wwsso_ls_configuration_info

set cookie_ip_check = 'Y';


Disable IP checking update wwsec_enabler_config_info

set url_cookie_ip_check = 'N';


update wwsec_enabler_config_info

set url_cookie_ip_check = 'N';

update wwsso_ls_configuration_info

set cookie_ip_check = 'N';


This information supersedes all other instructions in Oracle9iAS Portal documentation that describes how to disable IP checking during cookie validation, For example, Oracle9iAS Portal Release Notes, and Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Guide Appendix B. These sections should now read as follows:

Oracle9iAS Portal Release Notes Section 5.5 - IP Cookie Validation Failure

Some proxy server configurations may cause cookie validation to fail. This problem, probably only observed when Portal is being accessed from outside an intranet, such as from a mobile device, causes "Invalid Session" errors to appear in the client.

The workaround is to disable the IP checking stage of cookie validation by entering the SQL detailed earlier in the section "Disabling the IP Check of Cookie Validation".

Oracle9iAS Portal Release Notes Section 7.7 - Need to Disable IP Checking if Accessing Mobile Pages

An error occurs when logging into Oracle9iAS Portal to access mobile-enabled pages on a wireless device, turn off IP-checking during the authentication sequence.

To do this, enter the SQL detailed earlier in the section "Disabling the IP Check of Cookie Validation".

Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Guide - Appendix B

To disable the IP check of cookie validation, enter the SQL detailed in the Portal Release Note section "Disabling the IP Check of Cookie Validation".

7.9.5 Problems Displaying Table/View LOVs When Creating Forms

When creating a form based on a table or view (for a Portal DB provider), specify the table/view on which to base the form. Sometimes, if you click the LOV icon to display a list of available tables/views, the following message is displayed instead:

No Response from Application Web Server 
There was no response from the application web server for the page you requested.
Please notify the site's webmaster and try your request again later. 

The workaround is to enter the name (schema.objectname) directly into the "Table or View" field, for example, SCOTT.EMP.

7.9.6 Items or Pages Cannot Be Created Using WebDAV Clients

It is not possible to create or copy items or pages using WebDAV clients. This issue causes a duplicate item to be created with the same name with nothing in it (0 bytes). It is possible to browse all the standard pages and "file" type items created through the Oracle Portal UI. To fix this, apply a patch which will be available on OracleMetalink at:

7.9.7 Oracle9iAS Portal Coexistence

Included in 90200 Solaris addendum as per bug 2707550.Oracle9iAS Portal is certified to work with the following:

  • Oracle9iAS Infrastructure

  • Oracle9i 9.0.1 Real Application Cluster (RAC) database after you stop and restart all of the nodes in the RAC instance after Oracle9iAS Portal installation.

  • Oracle9i 9.2 RAC customer database after applying the 1904947 patch and resolving the following:

    1. Resolve errors for loading the soap.jar file during Oracle9iAS Portal installation.

      Run the following commands, in the sequence listed, in your Oracle9iAS 9.0.2 mid-tier Oracle home:

      • dropjava -user sys/change_on_install@ mail.jar

      • dropjava -user sys/change_on_install@ activation.jar

      • loadjava -resolve -verbose -synonym -grant PUBLIC user sys/change_on_install@ /j2ee/home/ejb.jar

      • loadjava -resolve -verbose -synonym -grant PUBLIC -user sys/change_on_install@ /lib/activation.jar

      • loadjava -resolve -verbose -synonym -grant PUBLIC -user sys/change_on_install@ /lib/mail.jar

    2. Resolve end-of-file on communication channel errors.

      Apply patch 1904947 to the 9.2 Solaris database.

7.10 Oracle9iAS Reports Services Issues

The following are known issues associated with Oracle9iAS Reports Services:

7.10.1 Servlet and CGI Syntax for GETJOBID

Oracle9iAS Reports Services only supports the following documented syntax for the GETJOBID:


No other syntax for GETJOBbID will work in this release.

7.10.2 Import Oracle9iAS Portal Component

In order import a report component into Oracle9iAS Portal, you must update the import_portal_config.xml file to point to the correct Oracle home. import_portal_config.xml is located in


In the file, you need to find the following line and replace orawin90 with your Oracle home.


7.10.3 No Shell Entry in Oracle Internet Directory for Users

Any user that is created through DAS will have the shell entry created as part of the DAS create user process. If the user is not created through DAS, this shell entry will be missing in OID and the user cannot grant this privilege to themselves.

The workaround is to add the user to the access control list so they may grant access to themselves using the following command:

ldapmodify -h <host> -p <port> -D cn=orcladmin -w <adminpwd> -v -f acimod.ldif

The following are contents of acimod.ldif:

#file acimod.ldif
dn: cn=Extended Properties,cn=OracleContext,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: orclentrylevelaci
orclentrylevelaci: access to entry by *

7.10.4 URL Encoding

To ensure that spaces and control characters are passed correctly, you may need to turn URL encoding on or off for the fields in your report. You can turn URL encoding on or off with the RW:FIELD tag in a report:


The default value for urlEncode is no.

7.10.5 Bold Korean Font Not Appearing Correctly

In JDK 1.3.1, a bug causes the bold Korean font to appear incorrectly. Oracle9iAS Reports Services uses JRE 1.3.1 and therefore all bold Korean strings in graphs within reports are incorrectly.

7.10.6 Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration

After installation, the Reports Server instance is not accessible from Oracle Enterprise Manager. The password set for the reports target is not the Oracle9i Application Server admin password.

Complete the following for a workaround:

  1. Open the file ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml.

  2. Search for the reports target. The target type for reports is oracle_repserv. The target definition contains a property for Password, for example:

    <Property NAME="Password" VALUE="3f769c1e7cfd7411"  ENCRYPTED="TRUE"/>
  3. Change the VALUE to be the Oracle9i Application Server admin password and set ENCRYPTED = "FALSE" for example:

    <Property NAME="Password" VALUE="adminpasswd"  ENCRYPTED="FALSE"/>
  4. Search for the server name property of the Reports Server. For example, if the Reports Server is installed on the machine prod1-sun in domain, it would have the following server property:

    <Property NAME="Server" VALUE=""/>
  5. Delete the domain portion of the server name. For example, in the case above, you would remove

    <Property NAME="Server" VALUE="rep_prod1-sun"/>
  6. Restart Oracle Enterprise Manager:

    #   $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop
    #   $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start

Oracle Enterprise Manager automatically encrypts the password and set the ENCRYPTED flag to TRUE.

7.10.7 Incorrect Link in Oracle9iAS Reports Services Getting Started

The link to the Oracle Express example in the Oracle9iAS Reports Services Getting Started is incorrect. The version of the Getting Started available on the Oracle Technology Network ( has the correct link.

7.10.8 Considerations for Forms and Reports Integration

The default configuration for Oracle9iAS Forms Services does not run in SSO mode. The default configuration for Oracle9iAS Reports Services does run in SSO mode.

Forms applications calling integrated Oracle9iAS Reports Services using the Forms Run_Report_Object built-in will not experience any problems when Forms is running in non-SSO mode and Reports is running in SSO mode as long as Reports Services and the requested Reports module are not registered with Oracle9iAS Portal.

Other Requirements

  • The property, Report Server, must be set explicitly for all report objects in a Forms module.

  • If a Reports server other than the default is being used, that server must be started from the command line as follows:

    rwserver server=<Reports server name>
  • The system variable, REPORTS_PATH, must be modified in the file <ORACLE_HOME>/bin/ to reference the location of Reports.

  • The first time a Reports server is started, it creates a configuration file called <ORACLE_HOME>/server/conf/<server_name>.conf.

  • The default status of a Reports server is secure. To change the Reports server status to non-secure, modify <ORACLE_HOME>/server/conf/<reports_server_name>.conf by commenting out the <security> tag and removing securityId from the <job> tags.

  • After making these modifications, the Reports server must be restarted.

  • If Forms Services is configured to run in SSO mode, then Reports requests are sent with the authid provided, based on the SSO user login.

  • Protected Reports and Reports Servers can be registered in Oracle9iAS Portal.

The Table 7-4 lists the possible Forms/Reports combinations and expected results:

Table 7-4 Outcome of Forms/Reports Integration when Forms is Running in SSO Mode or Non-SSO Mode

Reports Type Registered, Secure Reports ServerRuns Only Registered Reports Registered, Secure Reports ServerRuns Any Reports Non-Secure Reports Server
Reports with public access report generated

report generated

report generated

Reports with specific user access report generated

report generated

report generated

Reports with no specific user access report not generated

report not generated

report generated

Non-registered reports report not generated

report not generated

report generated

7.10.9 Oracle9iAS Reports Services Crashes When Running Reports with Graphs

On Solaris 2.8, Oracle9iAS Reports Services fails to run reports that contain graphs built with the Business Intelligence Graph Bean. The problem is caused by a conflict in X libraries linked against the Business Intelligence Graph Bean and those linked against the Oracle9iAS Reports Services shared library.

The workaround is to re-link the shared library against the latest version of libXm:

  1. Edit the following file:

  2. Change the following line:


    to look like this line:

  3. Re-link the Reports shared library:

    make -f sharedlibs

7.10.10 Reports Configuration Assistant Fails during Installation

During installation, if the Reports Configuration Assistant fails and gives the following message:

Process destroyed exception (in the installer configuration palette)

then perform the following procedures:

Remove Security Page:

  1. Log on to Oracle9iAS Portal.

  2. Click Builder.

  3. Click Navigator.

  4. Click Contents for the Portal Design-Time Pages page group.

  5. Click Pages.

  6. Click Delete for the Oracle Reports Security page.

Remove Security Provider:

  1. Log on to Oracle9iAS Portal.

  2. Click Builder.

  3. Go to the Build tab by clicking Build.

  4. In the Providers portlet, type ORACLE REPORTS SECURITY in the name field.

  5. Click Delete.

Run rwaddpag.sql:

  1. Log on to the Oracle Internet Directory and obtain the Oracle9iAS Portal user database password.

  2. Log on to the metadata repository as the Oracle9iAS Portal user and run the following script:


    This creates the Reports portlet in Oracle9iAS Portal.

Alternatively, you can create a tnsnames entry and execute the script as the Oracle9iAS Portal user with the user password obtained from the Oracle Internet Directory in Step 1.

7.10.11 Running JSP Reports from Oracle9iAS Portal

When you run JSP reports from Oracle9iAS Portal, you need to have a complete path for the CSS file because Oracle9iAS Reports Services and Oracle9iAS Portal have different virtual directories. For example, if you use css/my.css for a JSP report in Oracle9iAS Portal, the browser will construct the URL as follows:


This URL will not work. The URL needs to be as follows, which requires you to enter a fully qualified path in the JSP report:


7.11 Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On Issues

The following are known issues associated with Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On:

7.11.1 Updated Information for Script

The script is used to change the host, port, or protocol of the single sign-on server, as explained in Chapter 2 of the Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide.Script can be executed only if the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes the value ORACLE_HOME/lib.

7.11.2 Non GET Requests for Single Sign-On Server

In Oracle9iAS requests that are forwarded to the Single Sign-On Server for authentication can only use the HTTP method GET. If an application that is using OSSO utilizes methods other than GET, then the first page that is authenticated should be a GET. Also, the idle timeout feature should be disabled to insure that future requests that may potentially not be GET are not forwarded to the Single Sign-On Server.

7.12 Oracle9iAS Web Cache Issues

The following are known issues associated with Oracle9iAS Web Cache:

7.12.1 Oracle9iAS Web Cache May Fail if it is Started Using EMD

If you do not configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache during installation and want to configure it at a later time using EMD, then Oracle9iAS Web Cache may fail to start. This might happen due to port conflicts with another Oracle9iAS Web Cache running on the same machine.

As a workaround, modify the Oracle9iAS Web Cache listen port number for SSL and non-SSL by logging into the Oracle9iAS Web Cache administration GUI and starting Oracle9iAS Web Cache. Since Oracle9iAS Web Cache was not configured during installation, some additional configuration steps are required to change the PORT directive in httpd.conf to the Oracle9iAS Web Cache port number.

See Also:

"Directives to Oracle HTTP Server" section in the Oracle9iAS Web Cache Release Notes.

Also, depending on the site configuration, change the Oracle9iAS Web Cache listen port value in ORACLE_HOME/webcache/webcache.xml and ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml.

7.13 Oracle9iAS Web Services Issues

The following are known issues associated with Oracle9iAS Web Services:

7.13.1 UDDI v1.0 Compliance Patch

A patch kit for UDDI v1.0 compliance of the Oracle9iAS UDDI registry can be downloaded from OracleMetalink at:

Follow the README.TXT in the top-level directory of the patch kit for installation and verification instructions.

When installed, this patch provides full UDDI v1.0 publishing support for the Oracle9iAS UDDI registry. Client applications can publish UDDI data, such as business information and WSDL for a Web service, to the Oracle9iAS UDDI registry programmatically via SOAP. For the convenience of client-side Java development environments, the Java APIs for UDDI, supplied with Oracle9iAS

Oracle9iAS includes the full set of UDDI v1.0 publishing capabilities.

7.13.2 Readme for SOAP Stock Quote Sample is Outdated

The README for Oracle9iAS SOAP stock quote sample is outdated. Keep in mind of the following information when working with this sample.

  • You can also start OC4J using dcmctl.

  • Replace orion.jar with oc4j.jar.

To run stock quote sample behind the firewall:

  • If starting OC4J with dcmctl, define proxyHost and proxyPort in j2ee/home/config/ by adding the following lines:

proxyHost=<proxy host>
proxyPort=<proxy port>
  • If starting OC4J on command line, define the proxy properties with the following information:

java -DproxyHost=<proxy host> -DproxyPort=<proxy port> -jar oc4j.jar

7.13.3 Client Programs for Oracle Soap's Stored Proc Demo Need to be Modified

The following client programs for the Oracle SOAP Stored Procedure sample demo need to modified before compilation in order to run:


All these programs use java.math.BigDecimal as one of the input parameters of the SOAP call. Any reference to java.math.BigDecimal.class should be changed to int.class.

7.14 Oracle9iAS Wireless Issues

The following are known issues with Oracle9iAS Wireless:

7.14.1 Registering Oracle Portal Provider for Wireless Web Tool and Wireless Customization Fails

If both the infrastructure and middle tiers are installed on the same machine, and the Enterprise Manager daemon running on that computer is referring to the infrastructure home, then the "Register Oracle Portal Provider for Wireless Webtool" and "Register Oracle Portal Provider for Wireless Customization" from the Wireless site will throw "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" errors.

In the orion-web.xml file of the infrastructure install, pdkjava.jar and ptlshare.jar should refer the middle tier installation location.

For example, if the infrastructure is installed in: /private/ias20_infra/

and the middle tier is installed in: /private/ias20_midtier/

then the following entries in the Enterprise Manager daemon orion-web.xml:

<classpath path="/private/ias20_infra/portal/jlib/pdkjava.jar"/>
<classpath path="/private/ias20_infra/portal/jlib/ptlshare.jar"/>

should be replaced with:

<classpath path="/private/ias20_midtier/portal/jlib/pdkjava.jar"/>
<classpath path="/private/ias20_midtier/portal/jlib/ptlshare.jar"/>

Restart the opmn process for the changes to take effect.

7.14.2 Generic Single Sign-On Errors Encountered When Using Microsoft Internet Explorer

There is a generic error that affects some Oracle9iAS components, including Oracle9iAS Wireless. This errors occur when you use Microsoft Internet Explorer to access the Web tool on a machine that has both infrastructure and a middle tier installed on it. You may encounter the following errors:

  1. When you log onto the webtool (entering username and password, and clicking the Login button), an SSO warning (error) appears. Click the Refresh button on your browser to continue.

  2. From the Oracle9iAS Wireless User Manager, clicking the Create button causes an SSO warning (error) to appear. You must click the Back button in Microsoft Internet Explorer to proceed (clicking the Refresh button WILL NOT enable you to continue as it does in the previous situation above).

7.14.3 SimpleImage and Alternate Text Display

SimpleImage supports an alt attribute which provides alternate text for display devices, and an alternate .wav file for the voice deviceclass devices. For example:

<SimpleTextItem deviceclass="voice"> 
<SimpleAudio src="http://somehost/audio.wav"/> 
<SimpleTextItem deviceclass="pda, microbrowser"> 
Hello welcome 

7.14.4 Oracle9iAS Wireless Modules: Important Information About an Upcoming Patch

The Modules included in this production release are complete and functional. There are, however, important updates to the modules that will soon be released as a patch.

You can use the Modules as they are, but be advised that the patch will make significant database and other changes, requiring you to discard previous end-user personalization information. You will not be able to migrate your previous information when you install the patch.

7.14.5 Web Component Developer Breaks for Composite Web Component

The Web Component Developer is a java-based GUI tool that allows you to create Web Components that can be delivered by the Web Component Provider, as Wireless Services. There is a known issue of the Web Component Developer in the generation of Web Component Definition files. This renders the developing of composite Web Components not possible. This known bug is scheduled to be fixed and delivered to customers via the Automated Release Updates.

7.14.6 High Availability for Oracle9iAS Wireless

In Oracle9iAS wireless applications cannot be clustered using the Oracle9iAS clustering mechanism. However, it is still possible to configure Oracle9iAS such that a high availability deployment can be achieved. Complete the following steps for high availability deployment.


Remember to back up all files before you modify them.

  1. Install the Oracle9iAS infrastructure on a machine and install multiple middle tiers on separate machines. Ensure that each of these middle tier installations point to the infrastructure.

  2. Shut down DCM and all process by running the following command:

    ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl stop
  3. Shut down Oracle Enterprise Manager by running following the command:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop 
  4. Verify that the file ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/ons.conf on each of the middle tiers and on the infrastructure contains IP address entries for all the other tiers. If not, file and add missing IP-address entries.

  5. On each middle tier, increase the number of processes that need to participate in the default island for the OC4J_Wireless OC4J instance to the desired number. This can be done from the EM console or by modifying the file ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml.

    See Also:

    Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE documentation for details and concepts of OC4J instance and islands.


    For instance, if you modify opmn.xml, a typical entry to start four OC4J processes in the default island would be of the form:

    <oc4j maxRetry="3" instanceName="OC4J_Wireless" gid="OC4J_Wireless" numProcs="4"> 
  6. In the mod_oc4j configuration file for each middle tier (that is: ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/mod_oc4j.conf), modify the mount point entries for the Wireless runtime. If two middle tiers (M1 and M2) are used, the entries should be of the form:

    Oc4jMount /ptg instance://,


    Oc4jMount /ptg/* instance://, 4J_Wireless 

    where c1 and c2 are the respective Oracle9iAS instance names and can be determined by running the command:

    ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl whichInstance 

    These entries should be exactly the same for all middle tier machines.

  7. Run ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl updateConfig to update the DCM repository with the configuration file changes.

    On slow machines, it is likely that a DCM error (timeout) of the form ADMN-906005 is displayed. If this occurs, run the command ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl getReturnStatus and wait until the command exits. This confirms that the changes have been propagated to the DCM repository.

  8. Add the tag <cluster-config/> under the <orion-web-app> tag in the following file:

  9. Start DCM and all processes by running the following command:

    ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl start
  10. Start EM by running the following command:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start 
  11. Configure a hardware load-balancer to point to the middle tiers.

Currently, high availability support is only available for the core server runtime (by default mapped to the URI /ptg/rm).

See Also:

Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE documentation for more information.

7.14.7 Oracle9iAS Wireless Process Status Unavailable for Multiple ORACLE_HOMEs with External Repository

When installing both middle and infrastructure tiers on the same machine and changing the Wireless schema from the Enterprise Manager console to point to a schema other than the one available as part of the infrastructure install, the Wireless process status changes are not displayed on the Enterprise Manager console. This problem occurs on all platforms.

Here is the workaround for this problem:

From the ORACLE_HOME of the middle-tier for which the schema has been changed, copy the following fragment from the file

<middle-tier ORACLE_HOME>/config/iasschema.xml

and paste it over (overwrite) the corresponding entry in the infrastructure ORACLE_HOME file

<infrastructure ORACLE_HOME>/config/iasschema.xml 
 <SchemaName>the new schema name</SchemaName> 
 <DBConnect>the new DB connect string</DBConnect> 
  <Password>the new DB password (encrypted)</Password> 

Restart Enterprise Manager after this is done.

7.15 Oracle Ultra Search Issues

The following are known issues associated with Oracle Ultra Search:

7.15.1 Schedule Fails in Ultra Search Instances

Oracle Ultra Search schedule might fail in an Ultra Search instance created as a SSO user.

To workaround this issue, grant the database user the Ultra Search super user privilege ('wkproxy'). To do this, complete one of the following:

  • Log on to SQLPLUS as "wksys" or "sys", and type the following:

    exec wk_adm.grant_sysadmin('WKPROXY')


  • Log on to Ultra Search admin as a Ultra Search super user, for example, "orcladmin", "Portal", or "wksys".Then go to the "Users" tab and "Super-Users" subtab. Select user type as "Database User", and the user name as "wkproxy", and click Add.

Perform the above mentioned workaround before a SSO user creates Ultra Search instances. Otherwise, the schedule will failed for the Ultra Search instance created by a SSO user.

Note that Ultra Search instances created by a database user will not experience the schedule failure problem. A database user can go to


where hostname:port should point to your Oracle9iAS instance to create a Ultra Search instance.

7.15.2 Oracle Ultra Search Migration Produces Errors

Ultra Search provides the SQL script wk0upgrade.sql for migrating the user data and database objects from an existing Ultra Search 9.0.1 database to a migrated Ultra Search 9iR2 database. However, users will generate errors when running into the stage "stop all of the crawler schedules and database jobs". Also, the script may fail and stop during the stage "re-creating all of the user instances". You can request for a patch to fix this problem.

7.16 Oracle9iAS Unified Messaging Issues

The following are known issues associated with Oracle9iAS Unified Messaging:

7.16.1 Configuring Oracle9iAS Unified Messaging with Multiple E-mail Domains

Oracle9iAS Unified Messaging supports multiple e-mail domains on a single instance of the message store.

To add a new e-mail domain, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new subscriber entry and associated directory information tree elements in Oracle Internet Directory.

    The new subscriber objectclass and naming attribute can be configured per the customer's requirements. For example, customers can use domain objectclass with dc as the naming attribute for the subscriber, or it can be organization objectclass with o as the naming attribute for the subscriber, or it can be something else depending on the requirements.


    Each Oracle Internet Directory subscriber required for an Oracle9iAS Unified Messaging namespace is equivalent to an e-mail domain. To avoid confusion between e-mail subscribers and Oracle Internet Directory subscribers, the Oracle Internet Directory subscribers of the Object class domain are referred to as domains in this section.

  2. Create a new e-mail domain in Oracle9iAS Unified Messaging and provision the users to have e-mail access.

Creating a new Domain in Oracle Internet Directory

The directory administrator should use the following steps to create a new domain in Oracle Internet Directory:

  1. Determine the deployment-specific domain defaults:

    1. The naming attribute of the domain. (orclSubscriberNicknameAttribute)

    2. The deployment specific objectclass associated with the naming attribute.

    3. The common parent entry of all domains in the DIT. (orclSubscriberSearchBase)

    This information can be determined by querying the following entry in the root OracleContext: cn=common,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext, using the following command:

    ldapsearch -h <host> -p <port> -s base \
    -b "cn=common,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext" \
    "objectclass=*" orclSubscriberSearchBase orclSubscriberNicknameAttribute 

    For example, the out-of-box defaults for a directory deployment on a host with a DNS name of are:

    orclSubscriberSearchBase: dc=com 
    orclSubscriberNicknameAttribute: dc 

Based on the nickname attribute of dc, the deployment specific objectclass chosen here is domain.

  1. Invoke the script to create the domain:

    1. Login to the infrastructure ORACLE_HOME in which Oracle Internet Directory is running

    2. Change directory to ORACLE_HOME/ldap/schema/oid

    3. Run script

    For example, to create a domain called NewCompany using the out-of-the-box defaults for a directory server running on a host with a DNS hostname of, invoke the script as follows:

    ./ -host -port 389  
    -SubscriberName NewCompany \
    -SubscriberNamingAttribute dc \
    -SubscriberObjectclass domain \
    -SubscriberParentDN dc=com \
    -CurrentUserDN cn=orcladmin \
    -CurrentUserPassword <SuperUserPassword> 

    This creates a new domain in Oracle Internet Directory with the DN of dc=NewCompany,dc=com. Oracle software expects to find users for this domain under the DN cn=users,dc=NewCompany,dc=com.

Provisioning Users in the New Domain with E-mail Access

Once the new domain has been created in Oracle Internet Directory, create the associated e-mail domain and users through the Oracle9iAS Unified Messaging administration tool.

See Also:

Chapter 3, of the Oracle9iAS Unified Messaging Administrator's Guide

7.16.2 Information About Shutting Down Sendmail

On most UNIX systems, sendmail is configured by default and is started when the system comes up. To enable the SMTP server to listen to the default SMTP protocol port (port 25), sendmail must to be shutdown. Execute the following command as root to shutdown sendmail:

/etc/init.d/sendmail stop 

To prevent sendmail from restarting if the system is rebooted, remove the sendmail startup from the OS init files. If no other application running on that server uses it, rename the sendmail executable under /usr/lib.