Oracle 9i Application Server PL/SQL Web Toolkit Reference

Part Number A90101-01
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1 The htp and htf Packages

1.1 Summary
1.2 htp.address
1.3 htp.anchor, htp.anchor2
1.4 htp.appletopen, htp.appletclose
1.5 htp.area
1.6 htp.base
1.7 htp.basefont
1.8 htp.bgsound
1.9 htp.big
1.10 htp.blockquoteOpen, htp.blockquoteClose
1.11 htp.bodyOpen, htp.bodyClose
1.12 htp.bold
1.14 htp.centerOpen, htp.centerClose
1.15 htp.cite
1.16 htp.code
1.17 htp.comment
1.18 htp.dfn
1.19 htp.dirlistOpen, htp.dirlistClose
1.20 htp.div
1.21 htp.dlistOpen, htp.dlistClose
1.22 htp.dlistDef
1.23 htp.dlistTerm
1.24 htp.download_file
1.25 htp.get_download_files_list
1.26 htp.emphasis, htp.em
1.27 htf.escape_sc
1.28 htf.escape_url
1.29 htp.fontOpen, htp.fontClose
1.30 htf.format_cell
1.31 htp.formCheckbox
1.32 htp.formOpen, htp.formClose
1.33 htp.formFile
1.34 htp.formHidden
1.35 htp.formImage
1.36 htp.formPassword
1.37 htp.formRadio
1.38 htp.formReset
1.39 htp.formSelectOpen, htp.formSelectClose
1.40 htp.formSelectOption
1.41 htp.formSubmit
1.42 htp.formText
1.43 htp.formTextarea, htp.formTextarea2
1.44 htp.formTextareaOpen, htp.formTextareaOpen2, htp.formTextareaClose
1.45 htp.frame
1.46 htp.framesetOpen, htp.framesetClose
1.47 htp.headOpen, htp.headClose
1.48 htp.header
1.49 htp.htmlOpen, htp.htmlClose
1.50 htp.img, htp.img2
1.51 htp.isindex
1.52 htp.italic
1.53 htp.keyboard, htp.kbd
1.54 htp.line,
1.55 htp.linkRel
1.56 htp.linkRev
1.57 htp.listHeader
1.58 htp.listingOpen, htp.listingClose
1.59 htp.listItem
1.60 htp.mailto
1.61 htp.mapOpen, htp.mapClose
1.62 htp.menulistOpen, htp.menulistClose
1.63 htp.meta
1.65 htp.nobr
1.66 htp.noframesOpen, htp.noframesClose
1.67 htp.olistOpen, htp.olistClose
1.68 htp.para, htp.paragraph
1.69 htp.param
1.70 htp.plaintext
1.71 htp.preOpen, htp.preClose
1.72 htp.print, htp.prn
1.73 htp.prints,
1.74 htp.s
1.75 htp.sample
1.76 htp.script
1.77 htp.small
1.78 htp.strike
1.79 htp.strong
1.81 htp.sub
1.82 htp.sup
1.83 htp.tableCaption
1.84 htp.tableData
1.85 htp.tableHeader
1.86 htp.tableOpen, htp.tableClose
1.87 htp.tableRowOpen, htp.tableRowClose
1.88 htp.teletype
1.89 htp.title
1.90 htp.ulistOpen, htp.ulistClose
1.91 htp.underline
1.92 htp.variable
1.93 htp.wbr

2 The owa_cache Package

2.1 Summary
2.2 owa_cache.disable
2.3 owa_cache.set_expires
2.4 owa_cache.set_cache
2.5 owa_cache.set_not_modified
2.6 owa_cache.get_level
2.7 owa_cache.get_etag

3 The owa_cookie Package

3.1 Summary
3.2 owa_cookie.cookie data type
3.3 owa_cookie.get function
3.4 owa_cookie.get_all procedure
3.5 owa_cookie.remove procedure
3.6 owa_cookie.send procedure

4 The owa_image Package

4.1 Summary
4.2 owa_image.NULL_POINT package variable
4.3 owa_image.point data type
4.4 owa_image.get_x function
4.5 owa_image.get_y function

5 The owa_opt_lock Package

5.1 Summary
5.2 owa_opt_lock.vcArray data type
5.3 owa_opt_lock.checksum function
5.4 owa_opt_lock.get_rowid function
5.5 owa_opt_lock.store_values procedure
5.6 owa_opt_lock.verify_values function

6 The owa_pattern Package

6.1 Subprograms
6.2 Regular Expressions
6.2.1 Wildcard Tokens
6.2.2 Quantifiers
6.2.3 Flags
6.3 owa_pattern.amatch function
6.4 owa_pattern.change function and procedure
6.5 owa_pattern.getpat procedure
6.6 owa_pattern.match function
6.7 owa_pattern.pattern data type

7 The owa_sec Package

7.1 Summary
7.2 owa_sec.get_client_hostname function
7.3 owa_sec.get_client_ip function
7.4 owa_sec.get_password function
7.5 owa_sec.get_user_id function
7.6 owa_sec.set_authorization procedure
7.7 owa_sec.set_protection_realm procedure

8 The owa_text Package

8.1 Summary
8.2 owa_text.add2multi procedure
8.3 owa_text.multi_line data type
8.4 owa_text.new_row_list
8.5 owa_text.print_multi procedure
8.6 owa_text.print_row_list procedure
8.7 owa_text.row_list data type
8.8 owa_text.stream2multi procedure
8.9 owa_text.vc_arr data type

9 The owa_util Package

9.1 Summary
9.2 owa_util.bind_variables function
9.3 owa_util.calendarprint procedure
9.4 owa_util.cellsprint procedure
9.5 owa_util.choose_date procedure
9.6 owa_util.dateType data type
9.7 owa_util.get_cgi_env function
9.8 owa_util.get_owa_service_path function
9.9 owa_util.get_procedure function
9.10 owa_util.http_header_close procedure
9.11 owa_util.ident_arr data type
9.12 owa_util.ip_address data type
9.13 owa_util.listprint procedure
9.14 owa_util.mime_header procedure
9.15 owa_util.print_cgi_env procedure
9.16 owa_util.redirect_url procedure
9.17 owa_util.showpage procedure
9.18 owa_util.showsource procedure
9.19 owa_util.signature procedure
9.20 owa_util.status_line procedure
9.21 owa_util.tablePrint function
9.22 owa_util.todate function
9.23 owa_util.who_called_me procedure


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