About Connection Pooling

In version 3.2 of Business Components for Java, connection pooling is the new default behavior. Instead of one JDBC connection being created for each application module instance, and being destroyed when the instance disconnects, application module instances can now reuse a pool of connections.

Faster client response times

Opening a connection to a database is a time-consuming process that can sometimes take longer than getting the data itself. The advantage of connection pooling is that clients can have faster response times, because they are saved the time of creating the database connection. Instead, they can reuse a connection in an application module instance that already exists.

One connection pool per connection URL

There is one connection pool for each JDBC connection URL, which includes the username and password. Here is a sample connection URL:


For example, if you have three separate databases (one each of Oracle 8i, Oracle Lite, and a foreign database), the following connection types would have separate connection pools:

As a result, connection pooling is most useful when many people log in to the same database using the same username and password.

How connections are created, assigned, and released

The framework provides a connection pool manager to manage the pool. When a database connection is needed by a top-level application module instance, the following sequence of events occurs:

  1. The application module instance asks the connection pool manager for a connection, as specified in the JDBC connection URL.

  2. The connection pool manager looks for an available connection in the pool. If there isn't one, it creates one, up to the maximum allowable connections. If it can't create a connection, it waits for one (up to the timeout value).

  3. When the application module instance disconnects, the connection goes back to the pool.

There is one connection pool manager for each business logic tier's Java VM. Connections remain in the pool until the Java VM stops running. The default maximum number of connections is a very large number, so it is essentially the number of connections supported by your database driver.

Other options

In addition to using the default behavior, you have these options:

Related topics
Pooling Connections

Enabling and Disabling Connection Pooling
Setting the Maximum Number of Pool Connections
Setting the Initial Number of Pool Connections
Setting the Connection Pool Wait Timeout
Using a Custom Connection Pool Manager