Calling Exported Application Module Methods

The client program must import the package containing the Java interfaces for the Application Module. It will also typically import the oracle.jbo.* package. For example:

import package4.common.*
// includes package4.common.HrAppmodule
import oracle.jbo.*
// includes generic Application Module oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule

To use the exported method:

  1. Get an instance of the Application Module and cast it to the exported Application Module.

  2. Work with the exported method.

For example:

// look up factory for the custom application module
ApplicationModuleHome home = (ApplicationModuleHome)
// Call create() to get the application module instance;
// cast it to the custom application module
HrAppmodule hrAm = (HrAppmodule) home.create();
// Create the transaction code here.
// Call the Application Module exported method