This is a text description of simpallc.gif. This figure illustrates the allocation of data values from a higher level in a dimension hierarchy to a lower level. In the figure are two sets of four boxes. In each set one box is centered above three other boxes. The single box above the three lower boxes represents the higher, aggregate, level. In that box is the number 18. The three boxes below each single box represent the lower, detail, level. From the bottom of each aggregate level box arrow point to its three detail level boxes. The set of boxes on the left represent an allocation that uses the EVEN operator. The value 18 from the aggregate level is divided evenly between the three detail level boxes. In each detail level box is the number 6. The set of boxes on the right represent an allocation that uses the PROPORTIONAL operator. The value 18 from the aggregate level is proportionately between the three detail level boxes. In the detail level box on the left is the number 2, in the middle box is the number 6, and in the box on the right is the number 8.