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Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes
Release 2 (9.0.3) for Microsoft Windows
Part No. B10006-09
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1 Introduction

1.1 Latest Release Information
1.2 Purpose of this Document
1.3 Operating System Requirements
1.4 Certification Information
1.5 Licensing Information
1.6 Best Practices

2 What's New in the Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes Addendum?

2.1 Chapter 3, "Installation and Migration"
2.2 Chapter 7, "Oracle9iAS Container for J2EE"

Part I General Oracle9i Application Server Issues

3 Installation and Migration

3.1 Preinstallation Issues
3.2 Installation Issues
3.2.1 Installing Non-English Language Files
3.2.2 Installer Reports Insufficient Swap Space
3.3 Postinstallation Issues
3.3.1 Problem Controlling the Enterprise Manager Web Site After Upgrading to JDK 1.4
3.4 Deinstallation Issues
3.4.1 Switching the Active Oracle Enterprise Manager before Deinstallation
3.4.2 Deinstallation of 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 Instances from a Computer that Also Contains Release 2 (9.0.4) Instances Issue: Release 2 (9.0.4) Instance Must Not Contain the Active Oracle Enterprise Manager If a Release 2 (9.0.4) Instance Becomes the Active Oracle Enterprise Manager
3.5 Reinstalltion Issues
3.5.1 Reinstallation not Supported
3.6 Migration Issues
3.6.1 ossconvert Tool Might Fail During Certificate Migration
3.6.2 Symbolic Links not Migrated
3.7 Documentation Errata
3.7.1 Oracle9i Application Server Migrating to Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.3) Incorrect Chapter Headings Incorrect Listing in Table Delete Step Incorrect Step Information
3.7.2 Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE User's Guide

4 Configuration

4.1 Common Configurations
4.2 Configuration Limitations
4.3 Configuration Tasks and Issues
4.3.1 Attributes Containing Paths Break Cluster Model
4.4 Using Oracle9iAS with J2SE Version 1.4
4.4.1 Installing J2SE Version 1.4 for Oracle9iAS
4.4.2 Problem Controlling the Enterprise Manager Web Site After Upgrading to JDK 1.4

5 Management and Security

5.1 Deployment Issues
5.1.1 Deploying Applications to OC4J When Default User Manager is Principal
5.1.2 Using Port Option to Configure Loading Application
5.2 DCM Issues
5.2.1 Running dcmctl to Update Configuration for Manual Changes
5.2.2 Concurrent Administrative Operations on a Cluster Not Supported
5.2.3 Restarting OC4J Instance After Using the dcmctl updateConfig Command
5.2.4 Shutdown Enterprise Management Web Site Before Restoring Instances
5.3 OPMN Issues
5.3.1 OPMN Cannot Start OC4J Instance with Multibyte
5.3.2 opmnctl restart Command Displaying Unavailable Hostname Messages
5.3.3 opmnctl stopproc Command Not Responding
5.4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Issues
5.4.1 Log in Problems Associated with Secondary Instance
5.4.2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Site Log Files Too Large
5.4.3 Metrics and Rollup Data Invisible on Oracle9iAS Home Page
5.4.4 Using emctl to Change the ias_admin Password
5.4.5 OC4J Metrics Not Displayed in the Home Page
5.4.6 Changing the ias_admin Password in Translated Versions of the Web Site
5.4.7 Oracle Enterprise Manager Not Supporting Multiple Locales
5.4.8 Deploying BC4J JSP, UIX JSP and UIX XML Applications
5.4.9 Oracle9iAS 9.0.3 and Oracle9iAS 9.0.2x Instances Incompatible for Clustering
5.4.10 Oracle9iAS Enterprise Manager Web Site Not Started
5.4.11 Launching Enterprise Manager Web Site Avoid emctl start
5.4.12 Clickstream Collector Link Giving Page Not Found Error
5.4.13 Services Type Issue when 9.0.2 and 9.0.3 Web Sites Coexist
5.5 Globalization Issues
5.5.1 Microsoft Internet Explorer Failing in Chinese Environment on DAS
5.5.2 Japanese Help Modules Displaying Incorrectly
5.5.3 Japanese Language Version Missing Graphic Files
5.5.4 Several Language Help Files Missing
5.6 Other Management Issues
5.6.1 Clock Synchronization
5.6.2 Additional Information for Oracle9iAS Backup and Recovery
5.6.3 (Windows Only) Microsoft Terminal Service Not Supported
5.6.4 Use Domains to Access Files on a Mapped Drive
5.7 Security Issues
5.7.1 Disabling Demonstration Pages in Production Systems
5.7.2 IASOBF and Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On Wallet Support User-dependent
5.8 Directing Requests to OC4J Instances in Different Oracle Homes
5.8.1 Overview
5.8.2 Requirements
5.8.3 General Procedure
5.8.4 Non-Clustered Example
5.8.5 Clustered Example
5.8.6 Determining Oracle9iAS Instance Names
5.8.7 Determining OC4J Instance Names
5.8.8 Determining Cluster Names
5.8.9 Editing the mod_oc4j.conf File

Part II J2EE and Web Cache Install Type Issues

6 Oracle HTTP Server

6.1 General Issues and Workarounds
6.1.1 Manual Configuration to Access mod_osso Protected Pages from Netscape 4.7
6.1.2 Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On Wallet Not Supported
6.1.3 Enabling mod_oprocmgr
6.2 Configuration Issues and Workarounds
6.2.1 Securing a Web Site Having OPMN/Oracle HTTP Server Infrastructure
6.2.2 iPlanet Filter Intercepts All URLs Containing a Tilda
6.2.3 Receiving Single Sign-On Errors When Accessing Protected Page
6.2.4 Configuring a Virtual Host Improperly Can Cause DADs to Break
6.2.5 Using a Full or Partial Host Name in Oc4jMount Syntax in mod_oc4j.conf File
6.2.6 Oracle HTTP Server ( Cannot Be Used with Oracle9iAS (9.0.2.x and 9.0.3.x)
6.3 Administration Issues and Workarounds
6.3.1 Microsoft Internet Explorer Reporting Incorrect Host Header
6.3.2 Microsoft Internet Explorer Reporting Errors
6.3.3 Stop and Start Oracle HTTP Server After Adding an SSL-Enabled Virtual Host
6.4 Documentation Errata
6.4.1 Correction for "Configuring the IIS Listener for Single Sign-On"
6.4.2 Login Server File Example Giving Incorrect Syntax
6.4.3 Missing Note Regarding non-https port

7 Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE

7.1 Release Notes for CTS Compatibility Flag and Migration Issues
7.1.1 Master CTS Compatibility Flag
7.1.2 CTS Compatibility: Migration Considerations for OJMS
7.1.3 CTS Compatibility: Migration Considerations for JDBC
7.1.4 CTS Compatibility: Migration Considerations for JAXP/XDK XML Parser
7.2 Release Notes for JMS
7.2.1 Using Oracle JMS
7.2.2 OC4J/JMS Should Not Be Used in Oracle9iAS Releases, 9.0.2, and 9.0.3
7.2.3 Timeout Error with MDB
7.3 Release Notes for DataDirect Connect JDBC Driver
7.3.1 Use of the DataDirect Connect JDBC Driver
7.4 Release Notes for JDBC
7.4.1 Incorrect BatchUpdateException ORA-01013
7.5 Release Notes for JAXP/XDK XML Parser
7.5.1 Preservation of White Space
7.6 Release Notes for JSP, Tag Libraries, and Related Demos
7.6.1 JSP Application Security: Protection Against Cross-Site Script (XSS) Attacks
7.6.2 Miscellaneous JSP and ojspc Release Notes
7.6.3 Miscellaneous JSP Tag Library and Demo Release Notes
7.6.4 JSP Tag Library URIs
7.6.5 JSP Bug Fixes of Note
7.7 Release Notes for Data Sources
7.7.1 Connection Pooling
7.7.2 Client-Side Data Source Lookup Not Supported
7.8 Release Notes for EJB
7.8.1 General EJB Backward Compatibility Issues
7.8.2 Container-Managed Persistence Dependent Objects Self-Referencing Association Table for One-to-Many Unidirectional Relationships Association Table for One-to-One Unidirectional Relationships
7.8.3 Message-Driven Beans Backward Compatibility for MDBs Core Dump During Shutdown of OC4J Server Modification for MDB Demos
7.8.4 Interoperability CosNaming Potential IIOP Port Conflicts RMI/IIOP SDK Error
7.8.5 EJB Client Using an RMI Port
7.8.6 EJB QL Backward Compatibility for Finder Methods
7.8.7 OC4J Does Not Passivate Stateful EJBs when Server Runs out of Memory
7.8.8 EJB Security
7.8.9 EJB Clustering
7.8.10 OC4J May Not Release Zip or JAR Files Properly
7.8.11 Deployment Error with EJB Standalone Oracle9iAS-Managed Version
7.9 Release Notes for Clustering
7.10 Release Notes for RMI
7.10.1 RMI/IIOP Client Support
7.11 Release Notes for Servlets
7.11.1 NullPointerException when Invoking Remote EJB from Servlet or JSP
7.12 Release Notes for Browsing Multibyte Directories
7.13 Release Notes for JAZN
7.13.1 Clustering Support for JAZN admintool
7.13.2 Miscellaneous JAZN Issues
7.13.3 Changing User Manager from JAZN LDAP to XML Has No Dynamic Effect
7.14 Release Notes for J2EE Connector Architecture
7.14.1 JSP Page Compilation Problem
7.15 Release Notes for Oracle9iAS TopLink
7.16 OC4J User's Guide Security Update
7.16.1 Specifying Login Modules
7.16.2 Configuring Login Modules
7.16.3 Example LoginModule
7.17 Documentation Errata
7.17.1 OC4J Services Guide Errata Data Source Definition Syntax HTTPClient Support for Incorrect UserTransaction Specification
7.17.2 OC4J JavaServer Pages Developer's Guide Errata Location of Generated Files Default Well-Known Tag Library Location
7.17.3 EJB Services Guide Errata Configuring Two Thread Pools for Performance

8 Business Components for Java (BC4J)

8.1 General Issues and Workarounds
8.1.1 Deploying UIX Applications from Oracle9i JDeveloper Release 9.0.2
8.1.2 Error Instantiating Servlet 'XSQL'

9 Oracle9iAS Web Services

9.1 General Issues and Workaround
9.1.1 UDDI Patches
9.1.2 Adding JMS Doc Service Tags
9.1.3 Adding JMS Doc Service Tags for Durable Topic Destinations
9.1.4 OC4J Server not Accepting RPC Requests when Part Names are Untyped
9.1.5 Limitation in Using Multibyte Characters in Web Services config.xml File
9.1.6 Limitation in Method Names Containing Multibyte Characters

10 Oracle9iAS Web Cache

10.1 General Issues and Workarounds
10.1.1 Default Buffer Sizes
10.1.2 Insufficient Input Checking in Oracle9i Application Server Manager
10.1.3 Oracle Application Server Limitations Deployments Entries for Network Oracle9i Application Server Behavior What Restrictions Does This Imply?
10.1.4 TCP/IP Tuning
10.2 Configuration Issues and Workarounds
10.2.1 Oracle9i Application Server Configuration Basics
10.2.2 Configuration File Upgrades
10.2.3 Oracle9i Application Server Default Ports
10.2.4 Mismatched Oracle Home Definitions Causes Web Cache to Fail to Start
10.2.5 Peer-to-Peer-Logging
10.2.6 Using Session Binding within a Cache Cluster
10.2.7 DAVOraWebCacheReadOnly Parameter Does Not Work
10.3 Issues Specific to Windows
10.3.1 Concurrent Users on Windows NT Workstation
10.3.2 XML Parsing Errors of webcache.xml Appears in Event Viewer
10.4 Security Issues and Workarounds
10.4.1 Single Sign-On
10.4.2 User Certificates
10.4.3 HTTP Authentication