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Table of Contents Image Oracle9i Application Server Migrating from Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( to Release 2 (9.0.2)
Release 2 (9.0.2) for AIX-Based Systems, hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit), hp Tru64 UNIX, and Linux x86

Part Number A97298-02
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1 Overview of Oracle9iAS Migration

Migration Scope and Methods
Identifying Source and Target Oracle9iAS Installations
Migration Paths
Components and Installation Types
Oracle9iAS Release 1 and Release 2 Installation Types
Components Requiring Database Migration
Component Interdependencies
Preparing to Migrate
How To Use This Guide

2 Using the Oracle9iAS Migration Assistant

Understanding the Migration Assistant
The Oracle HTTP Server Migration Process
Oracle HTTP Server Migration Candidates
Default modules
Default Directives in httpd.conf
HTTP Server Elements Not Migrated
The HTTP Server Directive Migration Process
Migration of SSL Settings
Backup and Auditing Measures for Oracle HTTP Server Migration
The Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J) Migration Process
OC4J Migration Candidates
Standalone OC4J Instances and Migration
The OC4J Configuration File Migration Process
J2EE Compliance Requirements for OC4J Migration
Validating EAR Files for J2EE Compliance
Backup and Auditing Measures for OC4J Migration
The Oracle9iAS Web Cache Migration Process
Web Cache Migration Candidates
Migration of Session Definitions
The Web Cache Migration Process
Backup and Auditing Measures for Web Cache Migration
Installing the Migration Assistant
Hardware Requirements
Software Requirements
Operating System Requirements
Starting Oracle Universal Installer
Migrating Applications
Preparing to Migrate
Information Requirements
SSL Configuration Requirements
Using the Oracle9iAS Migration Assistant (GUI Version)
Using the Oracle9iAS Migration Assistant (Command Line Version)
Completing the Web Cache Migration
Restarting the Oracle9iAS Migration Assistant

3 Migrating Internet Applications Components

Migrating Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE
Migrating JSP to OC4J
JSP Pages in Servlet 2.3 Environments Compared to Servlet 2.0 Environments
Migration Considerations for the JSP Container
taglib-location Setting
HTML Comments
Use of an Include Directive to Include a Page with an Unclosed Tag
Include Directive Syntax
Quotes in Tag Attribute Settings
Application Environment and Related Considerations
Migration from globals.jsa
Classpath Functionality
Migration of JspScopeListener Functionality
JSP Global Includes
The ojsp-global-include.xml File
<include ... >
<into ... >
Global Include Examples
Example: Header/Footer
Example: translate_params Equivalent Code
JSP Configuration
Support for Previous Oracle JSP Configuration Parameters
New Oracle JSP Configuration Parameters
Global Includes for translate_params Migration
Possible Issues with the ojspc Utility
Running ojspc for the OC4J Environment
Running ojspc_jserv for the JServ Environment
Packaging and Deployment
Other Considerations
Globalization Considerations for HTTP Parameters
The setCharacterEncoding() Method
Static Text as Characters
Proper Handling of jsp:param Settings
Tag Handler Reuse
Session Key Seed Generation
Migrating JServ to OC4J
Web Application Environment
Servlet Context and Servlet Path Mapping
Change in Root Context of Default Web Application
Servlet Zones Versus Web Applications
Basics of JServ Zone Specification
Basics of OC4J Application Specification
Application Structure, File Location, and Deployment
JServ File Repositories
OC4J Application Structure and File Locations
OC4J Deployment
Servlet and Environment Setup
JVM Parameters and Environment Variables
Setting Environment Variables in JServ
Setting Environment Variables in OC4J
Mount Settings
JServ Mount Settings
OC4J Mount Settings
Servlet Aliases and URL Mapping
Aliases and URL Mapping in JServ
Aliases and Extension Mapping in OC4J
Initialization Parameters
Setting Initialization Parameters in JServ
Setting Initialization Parameters in OC4J
Servlet Runtime Considerations
Pre-Started Servlets
Pre-Start and Timeout Settings in JServ
Pre-Start Settings in OC4J
Class Loaders and Automatic Class Reloading
Class Loading in JServ
Class Loading in OC4J
Session Tracking and Behavior
Session Tracking and Behavior in JServ
Session Tracking and Behavior in OC4J
Message and Error Logging
Message Logging for JServ
Message Logging for OC4J
Load Balancing and Fault Tolerance
Request Routing and Load Balancing in JServ
Load Balancing and Fault Tolerance in OC4J
Example: JServ to OC4J Migration
Setup in JServ
Migrating the principals.xml File to the Java Authentication and Authorization
Migrating Oracle9iAS SOAP
Migrating Oracle Business Components for Java
Migrating BC4J Applications

4 Migrating Portals Components

Migrating Oracle9iAS Portal
Migrating the Mid-Tier
Architectural Changes in Portal Release 9.0.2
Migrating from JServ Zones to OC4J Applications
Migrating the Parallel Page Engine
mod_plsql Parameter Changes in Release 2
DAD Parameter Usage Notes
Migrated DAD Example
Migrating Database Access Descriptors
Migrating the Mid-Tier Cache Configuration
Migrating Portal Development Kit (PDK) Java Web Providers
Installing the PDK-Java Framework and Samples
Configuration Requirements for the PDK-Java Framework
Deploying The Sample Providers
Registering the Sample Providers
Adding Sample Portlets to a Page
Securing Your Provider
Overview of PDK-Java 9.0.2
Summary of Changes Between PDK-Java Versions
Abstract Classes Replace Interfaces
Package Reorganization
Object-Oriented Framework
Migration Options
Migrating from PDK-Java 3.0.9.x to PDK-Java 9.0.x (v1)
Migrating from PDK-Java 3.0.9.x to PDK-Java 9.0.x (v2)
Packaging and Deploying Your Provider
Service Names or Identifiers
WAR and EAR Files
Deploying the Provider on OC4J
Registering Your Provider
Web Cache Cacheability Rules after Mid-Tier Upgrade
Understanding Web Cache Caching Behavior
Understanding Portal 3.0.9 Caching Behavior
Setting the Cacheabillty Rules
Migrating the SSL Configuration
Browser to Web Cache SSL Connection
Web Cache to Oracle9iAS Middle Tier Connection
Parallel Page Engine (PPE) to Web Cache Connection
Securing Ports to Use Certificates and HTTPS
Troubleshooting Tips for Portal Migration
Configuring Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2) to Serve Release 1 Image Files
Ensuring the Portal EAR File is Present
Ensuring JNI Cache Library is Accessibility
Migrating Oracle Ultra Search
Migration Approaches for UltraSearch
In-Place Migration
Extract-Transform-Load Migration
Migration Logs

5 Migrating Oracle9iAS Wireless from Release 1 to Release 2

The Oracle9iAS Wireless Upgrade Process
Performing the Out-of-Place Data Upgrade
Performing the In-Place Data Upgrade
Upgrade Scope
Upgrade the Database Schema
Upgrade the Model Objects
Move User Agent Property Files to Database
Upgrade Transformers Due to Table Schema Changes
Upload Site and Node Configuration Property to Database
Move Panama User Table to OID
Upgrade Path
Before You Begin
Task 1: Installing the Oracle9iAS Release 2 ( Infrastructure
Task 2: Installing the Oracle9iAS Release 2 ( Middle Tier
Task 3: Installing on a Different Computer
Task 4: Performing an Out-of-Place Data Upgrade
Task 5: Performing an In-Place Data Upgrade
Task 6: Configuring Oracle9iAS Wireless To Use the Correct Database and Schema
Task 7: Upgrading the Site
Task 8: Upgrading the Middle Tier
Task 9: Decommissioning the Old Installation
Upgrading Multiple Middle Tiers
Adding Additional Middle Tiers

6 Migrating Business Intelligence Components

Migrating Oracle9iAS Forms Services
Migrating from Oracle9iAS Forms Services Release 6i Common Gateway Interface (CGI) to Forms 9i Servlet
Migrating Forms 6i Static HTML Start Files to Forms 9i Generic Application HTML Start Files
Using Static HTML Files with FormsOracle9iAS Forms Services Release 9i
Migrating from Forms 6i Listener to the Forms Listener Servlet
Migrating the Forms 6i Listener Servlet Architecture to Oracle9iAS Forms Services Release 9i
Migrating Load Balancing
Usage Notes
Deploying Icon Images with the Forms Servlet
Migrating Integrated Calls to Oracle9i Reports to use Reports Services
Creating Forms Listener Servlet Alias Names in OC4J
Accessing the Listener Servlet Administration Page
Best Practices For Migrating to Oracle9iAS Forms Services Release 9i
Migrating Oracle9iAS Reports Services
Migrating Reports Configuration Files
Using Oracle9iAS Portal with Oracle9iAS Reports Services
Oracle Graphics Migration
Deprecated Features in Oracle9iAS Reports Services
Migrating Oracle9iAS Discoverer
Migrating Preferences
Migrating Default User Preferences
Migrating User Level Preferences From Discoverer 4.1 to Discoverer 9.0.2
Updating the End User Layer
Updating URL References
Configuring Session Timeout
Migrating Viewer Customizations
Upgrading JInitiator
Migrating Oracle9iAS Personalization
Migration Overview
Location of Migration Scripts
Migrating With Extract, Load, and Transform
Install OP 9.0.2
Migrate the OP 9.0.1 MTR Using ELT
Start OP 9.01 and OP 9.0.2
Migrating In Place
Install OP 9.0.2
Migrate the OP 9.0.1 MTR in Place
Start OP 9.0.2
Downgrading a Migrated MTR
Deinstall OP 9.0.1

7 Migrating Management Components

Migrating Oracle Enterprise Manager
Preparing for Migration
Stop Management Servers and Enterprise Manager Applications
Back Up the Repository
Upgrading the Repository
Dropping an Existing Repository
Controlling the Management Server After Configuration
Migrating Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On
Migrating Oracle Internet Directory
Upgrade Considerations
Pre-Upgrade Tasks
Upgrading in a Single Node Environment
Migrating the Database from 8.1.7.* to
Applying the database patch
Oracle Internet Directory Configuration Assistant
Upgrading from 3.0.1.* to
Upgrading in a Multi-Node Environment
Upgrading One Node at a Time
Backward Compatibility in a Replicated Environment
Upgrading All Nodes at the Same Time
Post-Upgrade Tasks
User Data Upgrade
Password Conversion
Oracle Context Configuration
Root Oracle Context Configuration
Default Subscriber Oracle Context Configuration
Password Policy Configuration
Post-Upgrade Manual Tasks and Database Migration Alternatives
Server Manageability
Directory Integration Server
Database Import/Export Style Upgrade

8 Migrating e-Business Integration Components

Migrating Oracle9iAS InterConnect
Migrating Hub Components
Migrating Metadata
Migrating Adapters
Migrating iStudio and SDKs
Migrating Management
Migrating Oracle Workflow


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