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Oracle Calendar Web Client Administrator's Guide
Release 3.1

Part Number B10095-01
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Appearance Configuration

Cascading style sheets are used to manage the appearance of the Oracle Calendar web client. Most appearance attributes can be modified from these style sheets. The attributes that cannot be modified from the style sheets are set in <fcgi-bin>/lexacal-private/ini/webcal.ini.

It is highly recommended that Administrators work with the style sheets as much as possible. If an attribute is configurable from both the style sheet and webcal.ini, the style sheet settings override any changes made to webcal.ini. Therefore, changes in webcal.ini should only be made to attributes that cannot be configured using the style sheets.


The default settings in webcal.ini and the style sheets are set to match the look and feel of Oracle Collaboration Suite. Therefore, caution should be used when making changes to the appearance of the Oracle Calendar web client. Keep in mind as well that any changes made to the webcal.ini or the style sheets only apply to the web client and not to other components in Oracle Collaboration Suite.


Parameter: s1

Description: The style sheet packaged with the Oracle Calendar web client for Standard mode.

Value: /owc/stylesheet/english/swcdefault.css


You can use different style sheets by adding more style sheet parameters (s2, s3...) and pointing to their locations. However, if you use a different style sheet, the appearance of the web client may not match other Oracle Collaboration Suite components.

Parameter: ada

Description: The style sheet packaged with the Oracle Calendar web client for Accessible mode. If Accessible mode is enabled, the Accessible style sheet must be uncommented out to get the correct Accessible mode appearance.

Value: /owc/stylesheet/english/swcada.css


The values accepted for the attribute parameters must be part of the hexadecimal codes used for color definition in HTML. The color code uses the following pattern: RRGGBB, where each character is hex (base 16, 0 through f). This gives 256 levels each for Red, Green, and Blue.


The following table describes attribute parameters that cannot be defined in the Oracle Calendar web client style sheets. These parameters are found in <fcgi-bin>/lexacal-private/ini/webcal.ini.

Table 1-1   Attribute Parameters Defined in webcal.ini
Parameter Description Accepted values Default


set a page header color for layer-based pages (Edit Entry, preferences)

Any hex code for color definition



set a color for the active layer in layer-based pages (Edit Entry, preferences)

Any hex code for color definition



sets a background color for the selected time row in the Group View

Any hex code for color definitions



sets a color for the Task View header

Any hex code for color definitions


The following attributes can be configured using the style sheet for the main Calendar and Task Views. However, to configure these attributes for secondary pages in the Oracle Calendar web client you must use webcal.ini.

Table 1-2   Attribute Parameters for Secondary Pages
Parameter Description Accepted values Default


controls the general background color of all views

Any hex code for color definition



controls the background color of the left banner container; takes effect if a left banner is provided and ban_left under the section [banners] is not commented out

Any hex code for color definition



controls the background color of the top banner container; applied only if a left banner is provided and ban_top under the section [banners] is not commented out

Any hex code for color definition



controls the background color of the bottom banner container; applied only if a bottom banner is provided and ban_bot under the section [banners] is not commented out

Any hex code for color definition



All display parameters are configured in webcal.ini. The style sheets do not affect any of these settings.

Table 1-3   Display Parameters
Section Parameter Description Accepted values Default



This parameter lets you choose whether to enable a fixed width for any view in Oracle Calendar web client.

TRUE (enables fixed width)

FALSE (disables fixed width)







These parameters let you set a list of preferences a user can select in the application for the fixed width in the Agenda View. The numeric value of each parameter corresponds to the value set in the text.nls.

For each parameter, any value between 680 and 1200 pixels.

app_width = 680

app_width1 = 800

app_width2 = 1000

app_width3 = 1200



Lets you specify a banner width in the Agenda Views and on the secondary pages of the Web Calendar. (parameter sec_left_banner in [banners])

Any positive integer.




Lets you specify a fixed width for Global Agenda Viewing

Any integer from 680 to 1200 pixels




Lets you specify a height for the top banner in the Entry edit or Preferences pages

Any positive integer.




This parameter lets you replace the default HTML buttons in Oracle Calendar web client with GIFs. To enable this option, set the value to TRUE and uncomment the values for the GIFs that appear below the parameter (e.g. ok = /buttons/ok.gif).

TRUE (lets you replace HTML buttons with GIFs)

FALSE (disables this option)


Static banner templates

The banner template files contain partial HTML mark-up that includes the banner's contents. There are no <BODY> or <HTML> tags in the banner templates. HTML balance-checking is not performed by any of the FCGIs on the content of these banner files. The HTML mark-up in the banner templates must be balanced so that all tags are closed off properly. If not, the view can be lost.

The path where the banner template files are located is set to <fcgi-bin>/lexacal-private/banners.

If the banner template files cannot be accessed, the corresponding banner will not appear. No error will be reported on the user view.

Dynamic banner templates

If you have a script that dynamically generates your banner following the guidelines below, set the script's file extension to .scr. For example, if the file that produces the top banner templates is, rename the script to top.scr and make the appropriate mapping to top.scr in the webcal.ini file so that ban_top=top.scr.

The location of the banner producing scripts is set to <fcgi-bin>/lexacal-private/banners. Ensure that the permissions are set so that your script and the path leading to this directory are executable by others.

As with the static banner templates, if for some reason the banner script cannot be accessed or executed, the corresponding banner will not appear. No error will be reported on the user view.

Sample banner template

The banner template files as well the banner scripts should produce HTML mark-up that has no <BODY> or <HTML>. Here is an example of how the banner mark-up should look.

<TR>    <TD ALIGN=center>      <A HREF="" target="_top">      
<IMG src="/owc/images/english/banners/banner_top.gif" height=78          
width=548 border=1 alt="Oracle"></A>    </TD>  </TR></TABLE>
Table 1-4   Banner Template Parameters
Parameter Description Position in Agenda View Accepted values File


Enables the left-hand banner. The value of the parameter is the name of the file where the left banner is defined.

The left-hand banner appears only in the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Agendas and the Task View. The most dominant view in Oracle Calendar web client is the Agenda View.

The template file where the banner is defined (in this case left.temp), contains partial HTML code without <BODY> or <HTML> tags. To obtain a consistent view you should set the dimensions of all banners. The following are the guidelines for the dimensions of the left side banner:

Maximum Width: 125

Maximum Height: 400 or as desired



Enables the top banner. The value of this parameter maps to the name of the file where the top banner is defined.

The top banner appears in all the main views when enabled, as well as the Change Password page, E-mail Agenda page and Sign-in. The main views include the following: Daily, Weekly and Monthly Agendas; Create, edit and view Entry pages; View Agendas page; Preferences page; and Task View.

The template file where the top banner is defined (in this case top.temp), contains partial HTML mark-up. To obtain a consistent view you should set the dimensions of all banners. The following are the guidelines for the dimensions of the top side banner:

Maximum Width: 600

Maximum Height: 60



Enables the bottom-side banner. The value of this parameter maps to the name of the file where the bottom banner is defined.

The bottom side banner appears in all the main views when enabled, as well as the Change Password page, E-mail Agenda page and Sign-in.

The template file where the bottom banner is defined (in this case bottom.temp), contains partial HTML mark-up. To obtain a consistent view you should set the dimensions of all banners. The following are the guidelines for the dimensions of the bottom side banner:

Maximum Width: 600

Maximum Height: 60



Enables display of left-hand banners in the secondary pages of the Web Calendar

Left-hand column in all secondary pages (Entry edit, Preferences, etc.)

TRUE or FALSE. The default value is FALSE.

To disable any of these banners in the Agenda View, comment out the corresponding parameter in the webcal.ini file.